
主题:【万众期待】Apple 27号发布全新产品 -- AllenKid

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    • 家园 这些8卦都不招调。


      划时代革命产品iLiver,STEVE JOBS亲自试用N月,2010年炸药奖有力竞争者。


      • 家园 如果 Apple 跟 Genetech 联合宣布


        Arthur Levinson 在 GOOG 和 AAPL 之间可是义无反顾的选择了 AAPL

    • 家园 怎么很少看到媒体提及
      • 家园 It's all over the place

        搜搜 Google Trends, 用关键词“Apple Tablet” 就知道了。

        关于这个东东的 Hype 已经到了疯魔的程度,外观规格参数和主要卖点全不知道的情况下,科技网媒已经炮制出了 《iTablet 成功的十大要素》《iTablet 遭遇滑铁卢的五项根源》《为什么 iTablet 杀死了 Kindle》等一系列穿越文...

        WSJ NYT FT Fortune LATimes Times Wired 你能想到的主流报章,谣言都当作新闻报了不知多少遍了。

    • 家园 iTablet,iPhone 4G, SDK 4.0

      谣言一堆一堆,我前两天去infinite loop边上的酒馆喝酒,看到他们都在加班,然后酒馆里面不是周末都挤满人呢,不知道是不是他们在庆祝。。。

      • 家园 嗯,Apple 的保密工作做得楞是好啊

        在 Apple 干过安保和公关的人可以直接进 NSA

        • 家园 八卦一下


          • 家园 偶听说过因为泄密,某 Team 从上到下近十口人


            关于 Apple 的各种传奇故事好多啊~~~

          • 家园 ^_^,花宝
        • 家园 Tablet, iPhone OS 4.0, iLife

          Tablet, iPhone OS 4.0, iLife 2010 'confirmed' for Apple event - report

          By Sam Oliver

          Published: 03:50 PM EST

          A new report Monday from FoxNews.com cites an anonymous source to claim Apple will introduce its tablet, "iPhone 4" and iLife 2010 at next week's event.

          Clayton Morris said the event will focus on the three products, but new iPhone hardware will not be introduced. However, he said, iPhone OS 4.0 (which he referred to as "iPhone 4") will be a part of the proceedings.

          "I spoke to a source at Apple this morning, before the invite hit my inbox, who said the event would likely focus on three projects: The tablet device, iPhone 4, and a new round of iLife 2010 software," Morris wrote. "While we won't see new iPhone hardware just yet, we will see the next-generation software."

          Morris went on to offer a caveat that Apple sometimes changes its mind about what products to introduce at the last minute. He noted last September's iPod unveiling, when a new iPod touch was introduced without a camera due to rumored technical issues. Sources have told AppleInsider that the company still intends to add a camera to a future iPod touch.

          The report also follows a rumor from earlier this month that Apple could ship a multi-touch version of iWork when the tablet debuts. It was not said whether iLife 2010 would be available for the tablet.

          Earlier Monday, Apple sent out invitations to the event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. The company used the tagline "Come see our latest creation" to invite select members of the press. The included graphic has the Apple logo surrounded by colorful paint splatters. The event is scheduled for 10 a.m. Pacific time.

          Last month, select developers were allegedly asked to prepare full-screen demos of their iPhone applications for a public unveiling. Reports have said that some have been working with a new software development kit, iPhone OS 4.0, that includes a "simulator" that aims to make it easy for developers to adapt their software to different screen resolutions.

          Late last month, Morris also corroborated early rumors that Apple would hold an event in late January. That report and the initial news from the Financial Times were off by one day in their claims, stating the event would be held Jan. 26.

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