
主题:【原创】美国海军军官的升迁 -- 晨枫

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    • 家园 晨枫还可以写一下美军军官的轮训和调动制度

      美军军官培训频繁, 调动也很频繁,并且这种调动有几个特点:

      1 调动是培养有潜力军官的一种手段,用来扩展军官的视野和经验。

      2 调动基本不在师(division)或联队(wing)内。

      3 新的工作岗位一般会跨越作战,训练,人事,后勤,政治等领域。

      4 调动和培训交替进行。

      这里以美军82师师长Curtis Scaparrotti为例:

      1978年毕业于西点军校 second lieutenant,少尉.

      His initial duty assignments were as a rifle and anti-tank platoon leader, operations officer and company commander in 3rd Battalion, 325th Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

      In 1984, Scaparrotti completed the infantry officer advanced course at Fort Benning, Georgia, followed by studies in Administrative Education at the University of South Carolina, where he earned his Master of Education degree.

      He returned to West Point in 1985 where he was assigned as a tactical officer and the superintendent’s aide-de-camp until 1988.

      After his assignment here, he continued his military studies at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

      By July 1989, Scaparrotti went on to serve with the 10th Mountain Division in Fort Drum, New York, where he was the operations officer for 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment and then moved to division headquarters as the chief of the operations branch.

      From 1992 to 1994, he worked in Washington, D.C., at the Army Total Personnel Command and the Army Chief of Staff's office.

      In May 1994, Scaparrotti took command of 3rd Battalion, 325th Airborne Combat Team, Southern European Task Force in Vicenza, Italy, and in that time he commanded the battalion during Operations Support Hope in Zaire/Rwanda, Joint Endeavor in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Assured Response in Liberia.

      Scaparrotti returned to Fort Drum in 1996 as the 10th Mountain Division’s operations officer and from there he continued his studies at the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.

      He served as the chief of Army Initiatives Group in the Deputy Chief of Staff’s Office for Plans and Operations in Washington, D. C. in 1998.

      By 1999, Scaparrotti returned to Fort Bragg to command the 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division before he moved on to serve as the assistant deputy director for Joint Operations on the Joint Staff, Washington, D. C., from 2001 to 2003.

      From 2003 to June 2006, Scaparrotti was the 69th Commandant of the United States Military Academy.

      From June 2006 until his current command at the 82nd Airborne, he served as the Director of Operations of the United States Central Command, overseeing United States Armed Forces operations in a 25-country region, including the Middle East.

      • 家园 他的经历很典型


        • 家园 没想明白TG为什么不学


          • 家园 这是革命战争期间的传统


    • 家园 虫?




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