
主题:【原创】经济学的客观预测与社会的主观预期 -- MRandson

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                  • 家园 but he is right

                    Any person who understand global finance should be pessimistic, because the current system is Windows XP1--with too many fatal bugs. Those bugs make the system internally vulnerable and unstable. What we saw between 1971-2008 are all temporary fixes and the total system collapse will come at a future date.

                    Any nation whose currency is used as global reserve currency will suffer from disguised curse--industry hollow out, conflict between financial and industry policies and final collapse.

                    Britain collapsed fast due to two world wars, the American empire is slowly eaten away by this dilemma. Several Fed Reserve board members complain about the constraint on domestic policy due to the USD reserve currency status. All top smart people know it is a time bomb.

                    As Alan Greenspan said: enjoy it as long as it lasts.

                    In the movie Matrix, one guy asked Oracle: how long will peace last. Oracle said: as long as it can last (=as long as the current Windows XP can last...)

                    • 家园 本来也没有完美的制度。


              • 家园 报告分两种,内部与外部



            • 家园 你是聪明 ren

              The list of professors who warned against the real estate bubble is quite long. People who did not stay in States or did not read the English professional media of course are totally clueless. EIU first warned about the GLOBAL (American bubble is smaller than those in UK and Eastern Europe and China) housing bubble in March 2006.

              Treasury Secretary Paulson warned Bush Jr. about the risk of credit derivatives when they first met in 2006 (exposed in media in 2008); Tim Geithner, the then-Fed-NY president and current treasury secretary, wanted to control the explosive growth of over the counter derivative market in 2004 and was pushed aside by more powerful tycoons.

              Wall Street knew the risk, but they were blinded by their greed. Regulators knew the problems, but there were no enough political will/consensus to change it. Only crisis can move America.

              Chinese elites way underestimated the strength/info advantage/smartness of their American counterparties.

              While, Europeans are the same-- I remember in August 2008, German/French finance ministers still celebrated the forthcoming collapse of the American dollar empire and strong growth in Euroland, the collapse of Lehman ended that party abruptly and almost crushed the whole Euro-dollar market (NOT exchange market, it is the overseas dollar market in Europe) and then the European financial system.

              The pretty and smart French finance minister, Christine Lagarde, is right: Lehman collapse is totally unnecessary or possibly a conspiracy. While, it is necessary because it is the best way to bring Europe and Asia together into recession and expose the sovereign fiscal problems of Euroland.

              Now let's wait and see who has the last breath, Dollarland or Euroland. Asians should step aside and wait to prey on the weaker loser. Actually, by holding majority of reserves in dollar, Asians do pick side alread in this life-and-death fight.

              China and Japan have stronger financial system now to withstand financial hit, because the former does not allow free capital flow and the latter learned a hard lesson in the last 20 years.

      • 家园 美元的地位绝不是靠主观情绪支撑的



        • 家园 但美元地位主要的支撑也不再是客观的物质基础


        • 家园 恭喜:你意外获得【通宝】一枚




        • 家园 当然了,美元主要是靠强权政治来维持的




    • 家园 del


    • 家园 dang在地产这事处理的太失败了,造就了一大堆的房奴和剩





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