
主题:[转载]内贾德舌战拉里金,美国右派频频进广告做挡箭牌-1 -- 迪塘钱

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    • 家园 感觉这个拉里金的招数很陈旧



    • 家园 花一个,内贾德威武



    • 家园 [转载]内贾德舌战拉里金,美国右派频频进广告做挡箭牌-3


        KING: Talks are about to take place again in the Mideast, about the Mideast. Do you have any optimism that we will see peace in that region ever?


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Yes. I am very optimistic. Without hope, we cannot try harder to build a better life. I think if people's rights are given to them, peace will come. If the right to national sovereignty of the people of Palestine is recognized, the problems there will be resolved。


        KING: How about the guarantee of the safety of Israel and the

      recognition that Israel is a country? Does that have to be solved? I mean, is -- this is both sides, isn't it? It's not just one side has to give in to create peace. It's a two-sided issue。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Do you mean that here instead we should sit and decide for the Palestinian people what they should want? I think the Palestinian people should decide about that --


        KING: -- recognize another state? All right. We only have a little time left. We'll be right back with our remaining moments。



        (NEWS BREAK) KING: We have only a few moments left. Fidel Castro, who is not a capitalist -- yesterday you said capitalism is the major problem in the world. Fidel Castro was critical of you for denying the Holocaust. He said that Iran should try to understand the unique history of anti-Semitism. How do you' respond to Castro? Certainly not a friend of Israel。



        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Aside related to the Zionist regime issue this news -- Mr. Castro sent a message to me yesterday and said it was untrue, this statement, that his statements were interpreted differently, that he had said something different. So I have no opinion here on this statement。

        But I'd like to ask why is there so much insistence in the United States to absolutely defend the Zionist regime? What is the relationship between the U.S. government, 10,000 kilometer across the ocean from the Zionist regime, and the need to support it?



        KING: Because a massive group of people were annihilated just for being what they were. Seven Million were killed, eight million. So as a humanitarian country, we care about this. And many Jews came here to live. And many Jews created a country in Israel and wanted to live in peace。

        Don't you -- now, Castro did say you should recognize anti- Semitism exists in the world, and we all should be concerned about it。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Is that the real issue, that the U.S. government wants to defend human rights?


        KING: Of course。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Where were these people killed? Were they killed in Palestine? By the hands of Palestinians?


        KING: It doesn't matter where they were killed, it's the fact that they were killed。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Oh. Then it's all right for a million Iraqi people to be killed and then, would it be OK if they decided to come and occupy the United States? They were killed in Iraq. Would you allow them to come occupy the United States?


        KING: You're not saying the United States committed genocide? You're saying the United States committed genocide?



        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): That's a separate discussion. And, yes, it did happen in both Iraq and Afghanistan. But that's a separate issue. I like to ask you, if in a country someone's rights are violated, they're oppressed, assuming that your assumption, your statement is correct, does that imply that they can go and occupy another land? Is there any logic in that? If we were to follow that logic, will there be any security left in the world?

        In World War II, 100 million -- or 80 million people were killed. If

      they were to go occupy 20 countries around the world, that would have been terrible。


        KING: Israel is a legal state。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): The question is -- come on. The question -- you just said yourself it's over the Holocaust. Why are you changing your statement?


        KING: You were saying --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): My question is what are the interests of the United States to -- in absolutely defending them. There are many parts of the world where human rights are violated. Do you know how many American Indians were killed? Do you know or not?


        KING: I know. We're out of time。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): You're a reporter. You should have the answers to these。


        KING: We're out of time. We'll pick this up next year with the president of Iran. I'm Larry King. Don't go away。

    • 家园 [转载]内贾德舌战拉里金,美国右派频频进广告做挡箭牌-2


        KING: Do you not understand the fears about nuclear -- nuclear weaponry in your country? With all the hostility in the region, don't you understand the fears over your having nuclear weapons? That could trigger something that you might not even start。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Who is concerned?


        KING: The world is concerned。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Who is the world? Who represents the world? The United States? Its friends? No, the world is a very big place. And what U.S. officials are wrong about is that they see themselves as the world but they are not。



        KING: All right. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was a guest recently on our program and he said, quote, "The greatest threat facing humanity." Humanity. That's the world. "Is that Iran would acquire nuclear weapons."

        If Israel feels that strongly and you don't directly assure them, don't you fear that they might do a first strike?


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): So you think that we are concerned -- we should be concerned about allaying Mr. Netanyahu's fears and concerns?


        KING: Yes。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Why should we be doing that for him? Who is he?


        KING: He's the head of a country --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Who is he in the first place, to begin with? He is a skilled killer. All dictators in the world have

      condemned others, and he's one of many of them。


        KING: Maybe --



        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): He should be put on trial for killing Palestinians, for placing Gaza under siege, which is against the law and against the spirit of the charter of the United Nations。

        He should be put on trial for killing women and children, and you want to allay his fears and concerns here?


        KING: I want to allay yours。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Allow me to ask a question from you. Why does U.S. media feel so responsible for allaying Mr. Netanyahu's concerns and fears?


        KING: Because --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Why?


        KING: What if he took his concerns to the next step and threatened you? So shouldn't you be concerned about him? You, Iran?






        KING: All of these problems, Mr. President, seem to center around -- we quibble, he's a dictator, you're a dictator who started -- if you have a nuclear weapon and they fear a nuclear weapon, you could have a problem that creates a problem for the world。

        Would you say here now you do not and will not have nuclear weapons? Be simple。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Our first question is who is the world again that you speak of? You mean Mr. Netanyahu?


        KING: No. If anybody --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Who's the world?


        KING: If anybody drops a nuclear bomb on anybody, the whole world is involved. You know that。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Allow me, allow me here. You are aware that in polls, 88 percent of the people in the region support Iran's nuclear activities. So who's concerned?


        KING: What activities?







        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): This is the first question. It's Iran's nuclear activities. No one expresses fear about Iran's nuclear activities in the region except the Zionist regime and the fear of some American authorities。

        We are not seeking the bomb. We have no interest in it. And we do not think that it is useful. We are standing firm over the issue that both the Zionist regime and the United States government should be disarmed。

        The threat to the world are the bombs that the U.S. government and the Zionist regime have. If they think that by propagating against Iran that they can basically change their public opinion, they are wrong。

        We will stand firm on this issue. We will pursue it in all international organizations. We will discuss in the NPT review process. The Zionist regime was required. And the document ratified by the NPT review conference to address its nuclear arsenal。

        And so the U.S. government, too, must pursue this idea to ensure that the Zionist regime's nuclear arsenal is eliminated because this regime is an illegitimate war-waging country. It has also proved that it does not have sufficient control over its nerves. And not only that nor does its backer, the United States that gets into wars in Iraq and Afghanistan just over nothing。

        And this government and the United States still does not have the

      ability to hold nuclear arsenals. And the same argument holds true for all who possess nuclear bombs. They must all disarm. Because the nuclear bomb is the worst and ugliest form of weapon that there is. And those who have it must disarm. And nobody has the right from now on to build nuclear bombs。


        KING: Including --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): So our position's very clear on this. You must understand that this propaganda is useless. We don't have the nuclear bomb. Those who have it have to be disarmed, rather than accuse others of having it or wanting it。


        KING: We are in -- we are --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): All the U.S. government knows very well as does the Security Council that --


        KING: You're being redundant。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Iran does not have a nuclear bomb and that it is not seeking one. But we will stand firm, stand firm, to make sure they will disarm. They must all disarm。


        KING: We're in a world of fear apparently. Conscience -- you talked about human rights and Mr. Netanyahu. How about conscience in your country? Students, human rights defenders? Don't you have to improve in the area? Aren't there -- are there full human rights in Iran? Does everyone in Iran have the right to speak out, to protest?


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Everywhere in the world, you see challenges of that nature. In the United States, too, there is need for more on this front. Isn't there? So we have to have a comparative skill in our hands. I don't think, for example, in Iran, an employee would be fired after 50 years of serving in an office for expressing his opinion or her opinion. But this happened in your country. A reporter with a rich background was forced out of her work simply because she expressed an opinion. This never happened -- would never happen in Iran。


        KING: Never happen?



        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Now, everywhere in the world, we have problems. But this would never have happened in Iran. Having said that, I understand all over the world there are problem, including in the United States. And we are prepared to sit in a forum at a table, place all our troubles on the table and discuss it and resolve it together。

        I asked you, you have over 2.5 million prisoners here. Not all of them are killers, murderers or thieves. Who are the rest?


        KING: Are you saying we have political prisoners?


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): No, that's not what I'm suggesting. You can tell me that. Why are they in prison? Why?


        KING: I haven't investigated every -- drugs --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Are they all thieves? Are they all thieves and robbers?


        KING: Big drug problem。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): You have so many drug-related problem, 2.5 million people, one percent -- out of 100 people in the United States,one person is in prison. Why?


        KING: Let me get a break and we'll come right back。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Have they all killed? Have they all robbed? Have they all trafficked drugs?


        KING: I don't know what that has to do with it. All right, we'll be

      right back。



        KING: All right. On the human rights issue, though, you must admit that you have students, defenders of free speech that you have taken strong actions against, people in jail for just speaking their minds, protesting in the streets and arrested. You can't say that Iran has opened -- open conscience to human right -- is open for human rights to all. You can't say that。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): You can say these things even if I'm not here, right? So why would you need to mention it while I am here?


        KING: Because you're the head of the country and --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It seems you are judging. You are judging. I asked the question. There are 2.5 million prisoners here and why --


        KING: They're not in prison for speaking out on the streets --

        KING: -- comparative study of this issue. KING: They're not in prison for holding up a sign。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Allow me -- in Iran, nobody is in prison because of participating in protests. Nobody went to prison because of participating in protests. Protests are free. But say if you had protests here and somebody attacked the police and killed the police, would you reward them?


        KING: Of course not。



        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Would you reward them? Why would you expect Iran to reward them? If anyone violates the law, the case has to go before a judge and it has to be examined and taken care of? Why is it only in the United States that prisoners are in prison for legal issues, legally; whereas in Iran, they're in prison illegally? In Iran, too, there's a legal process. There's been incidents where there have been protests and people attack the police. The police file complaints and the judge takes care of the issue。

        Now, in the United States, you're telling me those in the prison are criminals, but in Iran those who are in prison are freedom seekers? That's awful. Why is it that U.S. authorities are always trying to support and back people who violate the law in Iran? This doesn't help the image of the United States. It just worsens it。


        KING: We're not going to resolve that. One other thing on that area; do you still permit stoning in Iran? We've had a lot of attention paid to that lady -- about that lady. Do you permit stoning lawful in Iran?


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I think that I have explained this in the past couple of days to a number of reporters. This lady's case has not been completely examined yet. No verdict has been issued yet. She is accused of being -- of murdering her husband. And I don't think in the world if someone is accused of murdering their husband, people would pour on the streets and rally in support of her。


        KING: If they were going to stone her, they would。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): She has been accused of the murder of her husband. There is no verdict issued. No verdict, no sentence has been passed。


        KING: All I asked was --


        但我想向你提一个问题,拉里-金先生,如果可以的话,我们过去这个时候曾在一起。在匹兹堡举行过20国集会,10万人举行了示威活动以抗议20 国集团的经济政策。警方对他们发动了猛烈的攻击,许多人遭到痛殴,警方向他们泼热水,许多人遭到逮捕。你在告诉我,抗议示威活动在美国是自由的吗?


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): And it is not about a stoning case at all. There's no stoning sentence here at all. A person in Germany made this claim, which was untrue. Our judiciary also said it was a false statement。

        But I would like to ask a question to you, Mr. Larry King, if I may.

      Last year, we were here the same time. In Pittsburgh, there was a session. The Group 20; over 100,000 people protested against the economic policies of the G-20. The police attacked them violently. Many were beaten up with -- or hot water was thrown on their bodies and many were arrested. And you're telling me that protests are free in the United States?

        So here in the United States, do you think people can pour on the streets and protest against the Zionist regime, 100,000 people?

        KING: I've got a time -- I've got to take a break. We'll be right back。


        KING: We're back with the president of Iran. Do you have an opinion about the controversy in the United States over the building of that Islamic Mosque near where the events of 9/11 took place?


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I have no opinion on it. If a

      building is to be built, the municipal authorities or the authorities for

      the city have to examine it and then tell people what they think and what the decision is. So the decision is for the people of this city and its authorities to make。


        KING: Do you --


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): What decision can I make over it?


        KING: You might have an opinion。


        AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I don't have any opinion on it. I think that everybody should respect, as a general rule, places of worship, the sanctities that human beings have, and to respect divine books. That I understand。

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