
主题:【原创】连续4天每天4、5%的涨跌后,是不是有了苗头 -- 铁手

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          • 家园 受教了,花。可是T-NOTE对我不现实。

            你说的有道理。可是我的401K里,non-equity fund只有stable value 和 TIPS index两种,没有中长期T-Note,但好像5年的TIPS yield已经是负数,所以我最近也将TIPS比例调低。



            宏观上,我觉得市场里的钱最终无处可去,大部分还是只能回到股市。个人中长期比较看好emerging market和REITS,看来我还是慢慢小口吃进,只是要更加放慢脚步。

      • 家园 who will benefit from it?

        If EUR collapses, it will benefit USD and GOLD, my guess.

        • 家园 I suppose you are much riche

          richer in the last one month since you have bought up gold.

          As to who benefits, I guess you are already one of them ^v^.

          Relax and do not rush to be a "Da Qi Pi" or conspiracy-speculator. The most important thing in the world is to protect YOURSELF AND YOUR family in times of crisis.

          As to the big framework, there are highly-paid politicians and big bank CEOs who are paid to take care of the system. Do not listen to their bullshit, because they are already in a big mess and they will lie to the general public at any moment.

          • 家园 yeah, I had learned

            how to tell the real intention of these propaganda. It is a turbulent river right now, without protections and cautions, I saw many being drown in a second. As you mentioned, "protection ourselves" is the most important thing,

            另外, 因为最近一段时间自己的结论很多是against大多数人的思路的,所以是有压力的,怀疑自己研究有没有思考周全啦。现在我是希望能够谨慎再谨慎的,而河里能够进行这方面有益探讨的,算上老兄,不超过3个人而已。

            and I will take your advice to relax,when the gold market proves that I am right for the rest of the year :)

            还有"Da Qi Pi"什么意思,汉语拼音拼了半天, = 大棋皮?

            • 家园 大棋派

              they are very active on this forum. You should know that. You will be amazed how much time they have spent by putting various long and long speculative pieces about "China's final victory" on this forum.

              • 家园 以前还是半信半疑

                最近终于对你说的那些大旗派,阴谋派有了感性的认识。 这几天在911这一轮对话才发现,敢情这些人YY也会像吸大麻一样,真上瘾呀。

                像过去二十年里很多人穷其一生的要不断证明美国人没有登上月球一样, 最后证明是what a way to waste their life and their time。


      • 家园 现在看来,不确定大概会持续一段时间


      • 家园 地球村之中,没谁能独善其身



        • 家园 you are asking an

          empirical question and nobody has crystal ball to answer it.


          --hahaha. Thumbs up. I know you might have no access to some news about local social unrest back in China since news is well-controlled.

          I am 100% sure Europe is the first domino to fall. No matter what happens, the most important thing in investment world: hedge your portfolio. DO NOT BE OVERCONFIDENT.

          • 家园 在经济上100%sure的事情你觉得靠谱吗?


            欧盟和美元是相互揭短的,我承认现在欧盟看起来差的多,但美国也没好到哪里去,相互揭重量级的短,就看哪方各方面准备充分了之后先出手了。欧盟先被爆料先烂掉是大比例事件,但你不能说100% sure 美元就不能倒在欧元前面。




            • 家园 这可说不好




            • 家园 you are too emotional

              I am talking about technical issues facing the banking system in Europe. If you read my posts carefully on "wrong focus". I have pointed out all the key issues in today's Europe.

              America has recapitalized its key banks, therefore, it will only suffer some collateral damage from this forthcoming hit in Europe.

              Let's avoid each other.

            • 家园 欧洲的问题是被釜底抽薪了



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