
主题:想买tablet的,可以考虑TouchPad了 -- OldBadBug

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    • 家园 ZT: 必须下载的TouchPad应用推荐

      这是惠普电脑 8.16日发布的一个介绍.当时他们都还不知道2天后会发生什么样的杯具...

      HP TouchPad是惠普最新推出的平板电脑,它可以为各种用户带来不同的用途。你想用它来做业务用途?它可以。想要不打开你的笔记本电脑就能休闲娱乐?也没问题。

      The HP TouchPad is a tablet, sure. It can also be a lot of things to a lot of different people. You wanna get down to business? No problem. Want to kick back and relax without having to bust out your laptop? We gotcha.

      如果你已经尝试了TouchPad真正的多任务系统,你可以开着你Box.net的账号,同时玩上一局愤怒的小鸟高清版,或者看一本Kindle的电子书,同时还能开着一个完全使用Adobe Flash的网站。那么这里我提供一个特别推荐的“应用的清单”,没有哪个TouchPad用户会不下载它们。

      If you’re already rolling with a TouchPad’s true app multitasking, you can have your Box.net account open, play a round of Angry Birds HD, a Kindle eBook and….heck, a Web site running Adobe Flash all open at the same time. Well, I pulled together a key list of go-to apps that no TouchPad owner should be without.


      FYE (For Your Entertainment)

      VideoFlood HD: 一个非常棒的应用,利用TouchPad对Flash的支持,可以观看流媒体视频。另外,它简洁的界面可以帮助你在网上快速找到可观看的视频。

      VideoFlood HD: One of the great things about having Flash capabilities on the TouchPad is being able to watch streaming video. But this app’s simple interface allows you to quickly find all the shows that are currently available online.


      Kindle: The popular eBook app is here. Using whispersync technology, wherever you read your books (whether a tablet, phone or PC) Kindle keeps track of your bookmarks and where you last were in your story. Fair warning, though, Kindle apps don't currently support magazine subscriptions.


      Last.fm: The music service that analyzes your listening patterns (they call it, “scrobbing”) put together a pretty clean interface into this app.


      7digital: A wide selection of DRM-free music is now available for you to download or stream from this store.

      Mood Agent:和Pandora很像,这个应用分析你存储的曲目并且给予一些建议。不同的地方在于,尽管它同样通过分析你存储在TouchPad上的曲目然后给予推荐,但是它不仅推荐你已经拥有的曲目,还推荐网上可以找到的新曲目。

      Mood Agent: Akin to a Pandora, this app reads into your music and makes some suggestions. Here’ the difference, though: It starts by analyzing the songs you already have on your TouchPad and it makes recommendations from what you have – and what’s available online.

      AudioPhile HD:如果你想为你的音乐做些效果,比如改变节拍、加上渐弱效果或者其它等等,这个应用非常值得下载。

      AudioPhile HD: If you want to really mix up your music (change up the speed, fade the music out or quickly) this app is worth a quick download.


      Lyrix: Get ready for that next Karaoke night – or just settle a bet.

      Comics HD:我非常喜欢看幽默漫画,不管是我们谈论的是网上的还是报纸周日版的漫画,这个应用都能给你想要的。

      Comics HD: I love reading comics. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking Web comics or the classics in the Sunday strip. With this app you can grab your daily dose.




      Facebook: Probably the best-looking and most comprehensive Facebook app around on any device.

      Spaz HD:提供非常完善的界面以连接你的Twitter feeds。

      Spaz HD: This is a highly effective interface for accessing your Twitter feeds."


      Localscope: This app pulls information from places like Twitter, Foursquare and Google to help you find everything from the best local bars or nearest places to go into a shopping frenzy.




      Epicurious: Discover tons of new recipes – or share some over a social network. Then create your shopping list to take with you. Epicurious also includes a search-by-main-ingredient feature

      USA Today:优美简洁的界面,毫不拖沓地带给你每天最重要的信息。

      USA Today: This nice-and-tidy interface gives you a quick, no-nonsense look at all the day’s important stories.

      TED for TouchPad:可以在TouchPad上观看最新的TED节目,这些节目非常具有教育意义,在许多不同的领域都能给你带来启发。

      TED for TouchPad: Get a chance to see all the latest TED talks directly from your TouchPad. These are usually amazingly educational, featuring luminaries from a wide variety of fields

      Khan Academy:这可能是一款终极学习应用,它提供了非常广泛的学习视频,从代数到风险投资基础。

      Khan Academy: This is probably the ultimate “learn something” app – it’s a video school that’ll teach you everything from Algebra to the basics of Venture Capitalism.




      Box.net: 50GB of free storage? Sounds crazy, but true. All you gotta do is download the app and set up a free account.

      WordPress for TouchPad:如果你写博客,或许会基于WordPress的界面写作。如果是这样的话,这款应用可以让你直接在TouchPad上写博客,然后发布到WordPress上。

      WordPress for TouchPad: If you write a blog, odds are that it could be based off of WordPress. If that’s the case, this app makes it simple to create stories straight from your TouchPad1


      Glimpse: You get a multiple card view within webOS, but this app gives you quick access to a series of widgets on-screen at once in a very logical interface. If you’re an info-junkie, consider this one.

      愤怒的小鸟 HD:你把愤怒的小鸟掷向猪们,谁不爱?

      Angry Birds HD: You fling furious fowl at pigs. What’s not to love?

      Robotek HD:很棒且很容易上手的战略游戏,非常有意思,而且免费。

      Robotek HD: A funky strategy game that simple to learn. And kind of fun. And free.

      Need for Speed Hot Pursuit:在你的TouchPad上玩这个,听听轮胎摩地的声音吧!

      Need for Speed Hot Pursuit: Feel the squeal of tires as you’re racing around on your TouchPad.


      GameFly: Technically, this isn’t a game, but it’s an app all about games. If you’re a gamer (like me), download the GameFly app for all the latest news and game reviews. And if you subscribe to its service, you can go through your queue from the app.

      不要忘记TouchPad可以运行Adobe Flash,这意味着你可以直接在大量提供Flash游戏的网站上直接进行游戏。你可以时不时地来查看这个清单,我正不断把在TouchPad上运行良好的Flash游戏加进来。

      Don’t forget that the TouchPad can run Adobe Flash. That means there are a whole slew of Web sites hosting thousands of Flash games that you can play right now. For the time being, you can check this list that I’ve been putting together of Flash games that work great on the TouchPad.



      既然TouchPad可以运行Adobe Flash,把下面这些网站加入收藏吧!

      Since the TouchPad runs Adobe Flash, go bookmark some of your favorite



      Stitcher.com 流媒体点播

      Amazon Prime 视频点播





      A couple examples…from my bookmarks:

      Stitcher.com for streaming podcasts

      Amazon Prime Video-on-Demand




      What are some of your favorite apps so far?

      • 家园 出宝了:)



    • 家园 【HOT】 HP Touchpad @ ebay


      注意里面这句:“I want a Touchpad, but I'm not spending over $150 on one”. 这就是HP这次折腾的效果。果子的ipad不好说,但对其它的tablet,很多人的心理价位基本上就这个数了。HP这把坑惨不少tablet厂家了。


      Drawing of HP Touchpad 16GB, WI-FI, 9.7 - WHITE -READ

      Current bid: US $61,100.00


      You are bidding on an awful drawing of an HP Touchpad. I'm posting this because I see idiots bidding $300 on $99 tablets, and $850 on a $99 tablet running Android--so I figured maybe someone would be dumb enough to bid on my drawing. Hell, if this sells for over $800, I'll draw you another one with Android on it AT NO EXTRA COST!

      Sure, I'll admit it: I want a Touchpad, but I'm not spending over $150 on one. Yeah, I hang out on Slick Deal's 1500+ page forum AS A GUEST looking to snag a deal--go ahead, hate me. But only AFTER bidding on this.

      This was drawn on a regular sized sheet of white paper. The drawing is in BLUE pen!--my (and likely your) favorite color. This weighs less than an actual touchpad, is flexible, and is 1/1--you can sleep well at night knowing that you're different than the thousands of others who got a "real" touchpad. It can also be viewed as a drawing of a 16 or 32 gb one.

      And finally, this touchpad drawing is of the rare WHITE one.

      Shipping on this is free. It'll be shipped in a padded envelope.

      RETURNS NOT ACCEPTED. Feel free to contact me with questions.

      (I'm a broke college student. You aren't spending this money in vein. :D)

      Posted with eBay for iPad

      On Aug-25-11 at 20:12:10 PDT, seller added the following information:

      Over 5,000 views, 100 messages, and $10,000. Not bad. FYI: I won't be deleting this listing, so if it disappears, eBay probably found some reason to take it down. And, yes, I am keeping up with Slick Deals' comments.

      On Aug-25-11 at 20:16:41 PDT, seller added the following information:

      Yes, I know. "Vain", not "Vein". Thanks for spotting that, folks.


    • 家园 猜不透HP这么做的目的


      • 家园 给人感觉是很冲动的决定


    • 家园 有打算周六提前感恩节吗?

      按mitbbs上的说法,Best Buy还有货。详见


      所以那边不少人热烈讨论是否带板凳帐篷提前进驻Best Buy,提前演习一次感恩节血拼。 不过这消息就是一传说。如有误导,害得白跑一趟,可别怨我。

      本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 这两天你如果想让谁的网站down机,最容易了



      • 家园 抢到手了?
        • 家园 HP说周末送货,不知道真的假的



          • 家园 俺已经给链接了



            不过这消息的真假很难说。没准一个假消息或啥的,就能引爆在Worst Buy“闪聚”的暴民们,

            另外,touchpad跑android已经不是问题了。 看下面engadget的报道,有出厂原装就是android。估计是开发样品机也混出来卖了。


            这儿可以下载 Android 2.2.1 Dump from HP TouchPad。 不是 ROM 文件,没法刷机。估计很快就能看到touchpad跑双系统了。


            本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 根本就抢不到啊



    • 家园 真的想求人代购啊


    • 家园 联想ideapad K1上市了,国内首次比国外便宜

      ideapad K1关注很久了。首先在美国,香港发布。淘宝的代购价从4200到3650不等。一直在猜国内发布会多少钱。今天谜底揭晓。



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