
主题:美国求学执教的见闻和感受(0) -- changshou

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      • 家园 差别在于社生存环境,一个能容纳和尊重天才的社会环境很重要






        本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
        • 家园 深有同感,社会大环境起了很大作用


        • 家园 说得非常好。但是应该更进一步


          • 家园 agree, &USA is a 寬譜 society

            1. usa as a 寬譜 society sitting on top of the world

            1)寬譜 to the extreme sometimes, in almost all areas,

            to the point where "国内大概超弦方面也是几乎空白", 那真是好事,说明这种高级学术腐败还没有传到国内去", but it still exists & get developed in usa;

            2)寬譜 to the point where usa can attract global intellectual talent/capital, TSLA's founder Elon Musk, google's founders, etc;







            3. 层次超越=non linear, or it is not 层次超越

            we can't always blame china political top 常委、秘书长 folks for blocking Chinese people from exchanging information with the rest of world, and many unbelievable or whatever with 中國特色;

            as the 为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言 author "冷酷的哲学"

            said, the Chinese pride(culture etc) is in our blood ...and....and...argue/discuss 4 ever

            by the way, I think most of "left wing" folks here in this forum are not 5 cents folks, they are all have some 世界上最先进的语言 or whatever in their mind, writing whatever out of their minds, honestly in a way, though a few are 5 cents for sure;

            still, social science=basically whatever you can say, therefore full of noise, in a way.

            4.so, I want to talk about us as an individual

            I have posted quite bit under "为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言", and your series about brain/AI

            for any individual, how to grow? it is almost like 层次超越, non-linear, you have to jump out of the box/思想的牢笼 first, but how? it is almost impossible for most of us after passing certain age, and we all have about 30k days to try, then, over.


            somehow, I feel the next generation AI equipped with modern math/physics may be able to help those on the margin of 思想的牢笼 (not those still deeply trapped inside his/her 思想的牢笼), hand them a hand, and they will jump out of 思想的牢笼, and fly, be an outstanding/innovative/层次超越 leader in whatever he/she does, benefiting him/her and society

            goog/tsla, combined with all other us resources may be moving in that direction, creating a new business model, leading the economy breaking out of its current overcapacity/low growth mode

            5. Chinese mainland modern math/physics education

            if nothing else, very few professors really know 流形, 相对论 (sr, gr), in 周光召's words, then how to teach students?

            by the way, I do think that is to some extent related to "translation"/language issues, if you read classical English textbooks on 流形, 相对论 etc, it is not that hard as perceived/"marketed";

            again, without mastering of the key concepts of 流形, 相对论 etc by a large population of a nations intellectual elite, how to do non-linear 层次超越?

            and we have not talked about china political top recently made 宇宙真理 yet...

            6. US side

            import model? from Europe, china, india

            somehow, us education evolves into a 精英 model by family/environment/chance, so if you are really talented or just motivated/hardworking, you are likely able to access that 精英 resource network, and like succeed as well;

            otherwise, enjoy dating, sex, sports or whatever when in school, including many colleges; after that, be a good worker working in walmart/sax avenue fifth, and most importantly whether you have a paycheck or not, be a good consumer, go and get the most popular iphone, google class.

            it may make sense: if you can't make it to steve jobs, then just enjoy his invention/iphone, why not? be a part of great American consumer economy, help testing innovations as a good consumer, and you are still happy

            the Chinese culture/model, we all know already.

            unless, china can replace USA as 吸引中心 of global intellectual talent/capital, there is no way china can lead the world in any cutting edge areas, whatever it may be, and for china to lead world it has to contribute something to the humanity civilization, what china has contributed so far?

            still, with amazing rise of Chinese economic/political/military power of the most recent 20 years, US has started feeling pressure, and it would be interesting to see how US system of its pride can adapt in pre-college education area, educate and develop its own young population, as opposed to an complete import model, very challenging, if not impossible, 家家都有本難念的經, still, I would think that is not much worse than china political top's 宇宙真理 brain storming of young generations by folks like 南京市委常委、秘书长 folks.

            7. "风游精"


            超越层次=不是一个简单的线性外延, I like this part, thanks a lot.

            this is basically a brain 譜分佈 issue;

            三角形/勾股定理/毕达哥拉斯定理=空间中两点间的距离平方等于空间中所有完备正交分量平方和, conventional gauge theory;

            gr: there is no a single/unified gauge model/三角形 applicable for a gr/广义相对论 world, 1 of reasons= 三角形 in a gr manifold is twisted, not conventional anymore;

            however, locally in our brain we all have a conventional 三角形 based gauge model, but as we know once we move out of "local" and move into a gr world, we run into problems, our 三角形 is missing some dimensions/自由度, our brain 譜分佈 does not recognize the signals based on those dimensions/自由度 which is not in our original 三角形 gauge model;

            and because of whatever reasons, we can not update (or fast enough) our brain 譜分佈 as we move into a new "local" (new job/relationship, challenge, etc), we are basically 睁眼瞎, tumble, and we don't know how to interact with surrounding people who have a different 脑譜分佈/三角形 gauge model,and we run into conflicts with them,etc, and consequently we have 脑内热力学上火 problems, making things even worse, we are basically burning energy for nothing except for the increased entropy in our brain, further downgrading its modeling ability, etc.

            this is a very interesting topic.

          • 家园 我学得,用机械来管理人,或许是一个好的方法
      • 家园 同意你对B和C的总结,是不是在波士顿?




      • 家园 我从事的领域国内的研究在国际上几乎可以忽略不计


      • 家园 你说的研究生比国内985老师强是某些专业吗

        你说的是不是和代数几何相关的可能性大些呢? 国内似乎很少地方开代数几何(代数数论似乎还好点),但是美国估计差不多的地方都能开。从这个角度讲,国内的基础会差不少。但我还是有疑问,原则上想成为一个专家,必须在某些领域花够足够时间。你说的教师无法参与讨论是指跨专业以后的讨论吗?


        • 家园 超弦这种玩意儿还是算了吧

          超弦这东西呢, 说是数学不是数学,因为不够严密;说是物理也不是物理, 因为完全无法实验证实或者证伪; 说是现代神学大概差不了太多。 就是一帮聪明人拿着纳税人的钱玩游戏。 有个哈佛和普林斯顿出身的理论物理学家 PETER WOIT实在受不了这帮人自欺欺人, 写了本书“not even wrong" 说了点真话, 一不小心成了畅销书。

          "国内大概超弦方面也是几乎空白", 那真是好事,说明这种高级学术腐败还没有传到国内去。

        • 家园 包括但不限于你说的两个方向

          我指的不是访问教师跨专业讨论时跟不上这里的一些学生。 情况比这还严重:这里的一些学生跨专业去和他/她讨论他/她的本专业时 他/她都跟不上。主要原因有

          1 确有一些国内985教师自己的本专业背景有硬伤

          2 理论科学跨方向的思想渗透很厉害,要对一个方向有全局把握 需要了解很多方向的知识,这往往不是从论文中能直接反映出来的, 但一旦开口交流就看得出来 (这也是为什么找工作时不仅要看科研成果 学界大人物的推荐信里怎么评判你也极其重要 而这些评判可能有不少是他通过交谈形成的)。国内学科体系不完整的毛病 不仅意味着某些专业有短板 而且这些短板严重拖累其他方向的发展(如同木桶上最短的一块板)。

          3 新知识涌现得很快, 国内教师学习新知识的速度 比不上BC的研究生干将。

          4 国内教师如果年龄稍大往往英语阅读能力不能算极好。而对于这里的好的中国学生而言 阅读专业英语甚至比读汉语还快。

      • 家园 确实,美国好大学的研究水平远比国内高






      • 家园 不知道LZ学校的中国学生比例如何?相对水平如何



        • 家园 提一下道听途说的-2007级Harvard某理科系

          共有30余名PhD研究生,十五名来自中国大陆,提供人为其中的一员,还有7到8名Asian-face (ABC,ABK,华侨etc.)。





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