
主题:家里出事情,老爸有外遇 -- 台州刺史

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                • 家园 茶党新情况,布拉特击败坎托,何解?
                • 家园 媚如春翻拍版的即视


                • 家园 Some of us here support you

                  To the point, and exactly showing the current moral standard of genaral public -- Petite bourgeoisie, what you could expect from them? No more, no less.

                  For Ms E, I have been reading you as a Trotskist(well, a respectable faction of revolutionaries, IMHO). Not totally convinced of your strategic allegiance would make sense, but repectable never the less.

                • 家园 除了您,这个楼里的每个俗人都很真诚





                  • 家园 说的比我有水平,所以,有宝~~~

                    送花成功。恭喜:你意外获得 4 铢钱。1通宝=16铢


                  • 家园 是啊,没有任何解决问题的实际方案,骂一圈显示自己道德高尚

                    政治家啊政治家, 可惜皇帝没有穿新衣

                    • 家园 没有任何解决问题的实际方案

                      Exactly, 没有任何解决问题的实际方案, this is the problem.

                      First let me reiterate that I do endose some of Emyn's criticism of almost everyone here (probably including myself) for our Petite bourgeoisie sentiments (and by the way, E herself is also Petite bourgeoisie by social standing).

                      It is admirable to hold the dream of communism moral standard of equal rights between genders, of equal economic rights among the people -- in this case among the little 3 and her baby and the man's wife and her adult son, and the little 3's assult on the institution of marriage.

                      This action itself is almost as applaudable as one brave assult toward drity old capitalism (the old man here just happen to be a fat cat who might have feasted on labor's sweat and blood).

                      This is the reason I do endorse E to a certain degree, as there just might be a little Trotyskyism in myself too.

                      However, the truth of the matter is that we are living in a world that marriage and family are still to be defended, and basic functioning social norms are still to be respected. The Trotyskyistic passion of burning down everything will still be checked every single time, unfortunately.

                    • 家园 Shortcoming of Trotyskyist

                      However more admiration I have for the Trotskyists, this is one thing that we need to be aware of -- this faction has not been doing too well in real world.

                      It's getting things very complicated -- while they suffered horrible suppression at the hands of Stalinists, they contributed not that much to the cause of progressive movements after all.

                      I have been reading George Owell's 1984 with great interest and should say I do like his insights. But this book has been used by CIA to smear the socialist movements to this day.

                      And BTW, George himself is a confirmed rat who personally turned in fellow commnuists to British authorities.

                      • 家园 不知道老兄见识过美国的托派没有

                        夸夸其谈就不说了, 更多的所作所为, 让人不得不怀疑他们是拿了右派的钱,故意来卧底让左翼无所做为的。

                        • 家园 have a personal friend

                          Once took my daughter to a math tutoring class, and met a friend who were wearing a T shirt of Che's picture. Quite pleasently surprised and we had a very good chat, later become good friends.

                          He's quite knowledgeable and a second generation of Soviet Union immigrant, obviously of liberal/leftest idealology. And surprisingly interest in contemporary Chinese style socialism. Very well educated and intellgent.

                          Later on I realized that he's a Trotyskyist for certain, as he recommended me to read a book or two from Trotysky himself.

                          From my first hand experience, I do not believe this faction is a faction of traitors by nature. And I can say for the friend I know he is sincere.

                          However, their style of revolution never worked out well, and very frenquently played into the hands of the most reactionary right wing authorities.

                • 家园 老E越来来老辣了。
                • 家园 就是欣赏Emyn的一针见血!
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