
主题:【原创】俗人爱看的电影片子 -- landlord

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  • 【原创】俗人爱看的电影片子



    Last not the least,人是俗人,片可不全是俗片









    《The Lord of the Rings》三部曲--俺这两年就看了五部英文小说,四部是它(包括《The Hobbit》)。

    《Star Wars》正传三部曲--俺也算是Star Wars的Fan了,不过不是铁杆的。

    《The Shawshank Redemption》--大伙说得够多了。"It's no fair tale world"

    《Pulp Fiction》--最酷的洋片了。俺以为就是美国的《大话西游》(再次声明,板砖不接啊)。"You either gone or BE GONE"

    《The Usual Suspects》--悬疑!悬疑!!悬疑!!!

    《The Godfather》三部曲--黑社会就是酷啊。

    《The Matrix》第一部--大伙都看了吧。



    关键词(Tags): #地主影视评

    本帖一共被 4 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 送花一朵~
    • 嗯,我最喜欢加菲猫了...
    • 偶喜欢的一些片子。。。










      • 我喜欢的国产片比较另类




    • 帮大话西游送花
    • 国产片就两部啊?俺代表全体俗人向您抗议!




    • 送花!

      老兄的单子里除了The Usual Suspects,其他都看过了,赶快握个手。

      • 快借了看看,一定要从头看到尾。
      • 《The Usual Suspects》Top250里排19名啊!!!

        Kevin Spacey(演《Se7en》《American Beauty》)演绝了!


        Not seen 'The Usual Suspects' yet? Then don't waste any time reading this! Rent it, buy it, borrow it, I don't mind, but watch it before you bother reading any further.

        One of the main reasons that 'The Usual Suspects' leaves such a long-lasting impression on the viewer is that it takes advantage of the gullibility of the audience. For the first 100 minutes we are delivered an intriguing and complex story to which there seems no easy answer. When the final piece of the puzzle seems to be in place the entire film is turned on its head. This final revelation initially leaves you speechless and then shortly after the audience realises that they have fallen for a brilliantly inspired trick. The second great trick that this film plays on its audience is making us think that by watching it again we'll be able to understand slightly better what was really going on. The truth is that the more you try to make sense of it, the more confusing it becomes. It's probably best not to try to look for any concrete answers and just accept that we fell for the filmmaker's tricks. The success of the film is mainly thanks to the sense of satisfaction the audience is left with at the end of the film. I think that people love the idea of a story when you're not sure who you can really trust, along with the realisation that the film's most shady characters are the filmmakers themselves.

        Aside from the twist the film is also unique in the way the narrative is presented. The majority of the story is told as a series of flashbacks by crippled con artist Verbal Kint (a performance which deservedly won Kevin Spacey his first Oscar). The film's other Oscar went to screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie (who also directed 'The Way of the Gun' (2000)) for his brilliantly constructed screenplay. It's a testament to the director, Bryan Singer that he was able to combine all these elements and turn them into something which is nothing short of a modern masterpiece. His moody and stylish direction help to bring the film together and perfectly complement the film's dark tone. A mention should also go to John Ottman for his skilful editing and amazing score.

        The Usual Suspects is more than just a film with a clever ending. It revealed an awful lot about film audiences and showed us that their expectations can be used against them. It is also a film about story telling and the importance of myth. I think that one of the most valuable lessons that filmmakers can learn from ‘The Usual Suspects' is that the more interesting and intriguing your story is the more your audience will believe.

        The Usual Suspects was certainly not the first film to contain twist ending (the twist ending became one of Alfred Hitchcock's trademarks) and was certainly not the last ('The Sixth Sense' (1999) also used this technique effectively but left more subtle clues for the audience to pick up on their repeated viewings). Despite this 'The Usual Suspects' remains one of the most innovative and memorable crime thrillers of the nineties.

    • 喜欢pulp fiction的不太俗,Brazil,1941喜欢吗?
    • 东方不败哪有笑傲江湖好


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