
主题:【原创】老子英雄儿好汉 -- 爱莲

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    • 家园 我们实验室的一个博士后又回头去念医科了


      • 家园 其实最合算的还是国内的MD,



        • 家园 USMLE???


          quoted from NBME.org:

          Students and graduates of medical schools in the United States, and Canada accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education or the American Osteopathic Association

          in order to participate the board I and II in American Board, your school needs accredation from the association. FYI, a degree of MD from China doesn't equal to the MD in USA. (i am pretty sure you know that, right? )

          • 家园 再看看我的帖子是咋说的:



            • 家园 【原创】medical schools maniac

              爱莲san,我可再次见识河里的牛人的"牛". 要不是你这么认真,我也不会回你帖。也解决了为什么美国的医疗机构里有不同国家学历的医生了。

              你没错,但也不全对。不是所有国内的“MD“ 都可以直接考usmle。(打字太慢,下以英文说)

              i understood you correctly. you said if the "so-called" MD people from china were able to TAKE and PASS the american medical boards, they would be better off than a person who gets PHD here b/c they saved time and "uncle sam".

              in general, there are conceptual misunderstandings in exams, NBME, and ECFMG between you and me. USMLE is just an exam service which is owned by nbme and ecfmg. NBME (national board of medical education)is for graduates from american and canadian medical schools, and ECFMG is for all graduates from medical schools outside of US. therefore, chinese MDs take the same exams, but not thru the same board which med students here always talk about.

              true, some MD at certain chinese schools in china are able to take exams directly without going to american medical schools again. however, not all chinese medical schools are on the credential list of ECFMG, so not everybody who got their "MD" degree from china is able to come and take the exams. only "牛人" do.

              just in case somebody out there are interested in how to get hands on this, here is some basic info.

              for foreign medical graduates, they HAVE TO go around the same exams, Which are usmle step 1 and step2, by a program, and the program is called ECFMG. their website: http://www.ecfmg.org/2007ib/ibexam.html#mse

              foreign medical personals should not go for NBDE, which is for american and canadian accredicted schools graduates.

              in order to apply for ECFMG, applicants' schools have to be on their credetial list from ECFMG. then, the program will admit you as their certificate candidates.

              after taking and passing usmle step 1 and step2, you then can procede to step 3 which lead you to a unrestricted medical practise liscense within united states, but liscesure precedures depends on different states.

              关键词(Tags): #美国#医疗机构
              • 家园 说的对,花之


                • 家园 【原创】我要在美国行医




                  另外,to 中国的MD:

                  所有中国的MD都要用ecfmg作为报名和将来获得American medical certification的机构,这一步不存在任何差别。

                  相关报名资料可以到 http://www.ecfmg.org, 不要到NBME.org.

                  符不符合报名的资格,主要看你所毕业的中国医校是否在ecfmg.org的credential list上。要想知道自己的学校是不是符合资格, 可以去http://imed.ecfmg.org/search.asp


                  关键词(Tags): #美国#医疗机构
                  • 家园 【原创】人和猩猩

                    曾几何时,SF Zoo里头住了一只来自非洲的大黑猩猩,因为感染了美国的特有病毒--“饮食太好导致疑似肥猪综合症”诱发心脏病,需要搭桥。这可惊动了动物园里的有着同样饮食习惯的领导层,领导们一想,我们SF不是有一家世界有名的医院--UCSF吗,快把最、最、最好的心脏医生找来,我们一定要打救小朋友的猩爷。嗯??这,谁,你怎么把周星驰的海报贴zoo这儿啦!

                    心脏医生也惊动了,这可不得了啊,人类的亲戚跟俺们有一点点基因的差异,可心脏的位置、深浅、周边的组织分布差别可多啦。医学院不是常教我们,"standard of care" 就是如有不会医治的病,就把病人转界到别的专家吗。俺们还是不接为上。SF的棕色市长说,救救他吧,他是市里的好同志!

                    咳,领导的话就是命令。搞不好,mission 分校区的成立和建设都有问题。医院的董事会立刻成立了统战部,号召全学校有关部门统一思想,无论如何也要从死神手里把猩猩同志抢回来。说干就干,明天 make an appointment,把该照的x-ray、 cat scan、 MRI都拍一遍。然后,这个找资料,那个弄血浆,最忙的就是心脏医生因为要把所有的已经记住了的人类心脏位置参数忘掉,从新的把猩猩的数据塞进脑袋,还要反复练习测验。

                    最后,信心满满的。department head一声令下,“开膛、取心!” “哦,不!我是说手术开始。”经过奋战,汗流浃背,血流满地,UCSF的心脏医生再一次向医学界证明,他们抢救猩猩是有一手的,技术是一流的、过硬的。猩猩同志躲过了一劫!


                    关键词(Tags): #汉堡包#薯条
                  • 家园 这个也花


                    • 家园 nope


                      • nope
                        家园 原来是只猫头鹰!


    • 家园 好看好看,花花花,就爱看学界牛人的故事
    • 家园 花。


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