
主题:【原创】斗地主 – 从地主谈编程说起 -- Highway

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家园 预订了,呵呵。。。。。。
家园 花一朵,补充一句



家园 这也是 rc 呀

这也是 rc 呀,再说了,你把home下的配置全删除,程序照跑,windows你这么删一下试试.

家园 当年好多对pc“有追求”的人


家园 老轧就是牛啊。
家园 基本上吧




家园 但如果不是用微软的 .net 开发工具开发的软件还是会造成

DLL Hell 吧?

家园 好好,有兴趣,鲜花预定!
家园 How does *nix address this?

${HOME}/.profile is another example, though it only sets more general enviroment variables, like $CVSROOT for cvs. If each software needs multiple settings, this file will become lenthy.

I am curious on how most Unix/Linux softwares address this need. I think maybe each software can have one entry in .profile which stores the path of its own setting file for each user. And the path is in a user's home directory, which can be specified at the first time the user uses this program. If this user chooses not to specify it, a generic one is used in stead.

The entry in .profile may not be needed, but I can't think a better way to let the program know that there is a user specific setting file for it to start with. I feel *nix systems are more passive in managing processes, an entry in .profile seems more consistent to me. But there will be a confliction if different softwares use a same entry name.

This reminds me something else. If two different *nix softwares have same excutable name, how is the confliction solved?

家园 那应该就取决于path


家园 GNOME(和很多GTK+程序)用GCONF。这个是基于XML

的配置系统,复杂程度不亚于Windows的registry和Mac OS X的plist。



还有大量的UNIX或者Linux下的所谓daemon程序,典型如Apache HTTP服务器,离了配置数据文件也是不行的。

家园 如果还用com组件的话仍然是这样



家园 我看过某大牛的讨论,他说注册文件的设计

是整个现代OS历史上最灾难的设计,他甚至不理解这样的设计如何会在MS被提出来讨论实施而不遭到大家的笑话. 我看了他列的那些理由,深有同感.


家园 嘿嘿


家园 every application has it own

on most unix like system, almost every application has it own profile at several

default path for such /etc and /home directory, and also accept environment

variables for customized requirements.

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