
主题:Huseyin Celil 案件:哈帕有兴趣搞清楚他是恐怖嫌犯吗 -- 倥偬飞人

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家园 Huseyin Celil 案件:哈帕有兴趣搞清楚他是恐怖嫌犯吗

首先,Huseyin Celil 是一个无辜的被中国政府无理逮捕的加拿大公民吗?




中国政府显然知道Huseyin Celil是恐怖嫌犯,他不仅涉嫌参与中国境内的恐怖活动,也涉嫌参加境外针对中国外交官的恐怖活动,所以他才遭到中国和吉尔吉斯坦两个国家的国际刑警组织的通缉。他涉嫌犯下的罪行早在他成为加拿大公民之前就已经发生了,难道加拿大就要为这样的人提供庇护吗?难道中国仅仅因为加拿大对恐怖主义嫌犯的包庇就放弃对其罪嫌的追究吗?





家园 所以我总感觉,民主制度和共产制度



家园 双方应该有外交默契








家园 2002年东突就已经被联合国认定为恐怖组织了



家园 光看上层建筑师不对地,应该看到经济基础


家园 保守党政府在信托基金问题上的粗糙决策,真是当不起


这几个字。事后连怎么计算出来的tax leakage都不敢披露,号称国家机密,真逗,不比独裁国家好到哪儿去。

家园 乌兹别克斯坦驻伦敦大使馆的公开信



家园 这个链接无法显示


家园 全文在此。奇怪,昨天那个网址还可以访问,难道有人把它黑了?


Open letter to Amnesty International UK

Amnesty International UK

The Human Rights Action Centre

17-25 New Inn Yard

London EC2A 3EA

9th May 2004

The Embassy of Uzbekistan in London has been receiving appeals of the Amnesty International members on Huseyincan Celil.

According to the statement of the Interpol National Central Bureau in Uzbekistan, Huseyincan Celil was identified as Guler Dilaver of Turkish subject and native of Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. He had been on wanted list by the Interpol on terrorism charges.

Mr Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil) was born in 1955 in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China and citizen of Turkey. He was wanted by Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies for membership in terrorism groups, kidnapping, taking hostages and illegal weapon possession.

The relevant authorities of Kyrgyzstan have also identified that the arrested was Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil). According to information of Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies, Mr Dilaver (Celil) uses undercover names of Hussein Calil, born in 1968, or Calil Husan Siddikovich, born in 1970, or Huseyincan Celil, born in 1969.

He had been on the Interpol wanted list since 13 August 2002. The warrant for his arrest was signed by the Prosecutor-General of Kyrgyz Republic in January 2001.

Fingerprint tests of Huseyincan Celil proved that he had been arrested on 10 May 1998 and his name was registered by the National Security Service of Kyrgyz Republic as Guler Dilaver. This fact was confirmed in the protocol of identification presented by the Information and Analytical Department of Kyrgyz Interior Ministry on 29 March 2006.

According to the Kyrgyz authorities Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil) was involved in assassination of the head of Uygur society in Kyrgyz Republic on 28 March 2000 and terrorist act against the state delegation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China on 25 May 2000.

Uzbekistan continues to fulfil its international obligations and adhere to international norms of human rights. Uzbekistan's further steps will be taken within the framework of its international obligations.

Amnesty International is a respected organization and has contributed significantly to upholding the justice in human rights. However, recent appeals by the AI members in respect of Huseyincan Celil testify that the members are misleading by personality of Mr Celil, who was fugitive on terrorism charges.

The Embassy expresses its hope that the Amnesty International UK will spread the Embassy's concern amongst its members by calling upon them to be accurate and vigilant before sending appeals on release of persons who are lawbreakers in reality.

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in London

家园 我已经去信乌兹别克外交部请他们了解这个问题
家园 我能看到
家园 请问老兄是在什么地方?也许只是加拿大的出口被黑?


家园 【文摘】Open letter to Amnesty Inter


Open letter to Amnesty International UK

Amnesty International UK

The Human Rights Action Centre

17-25 New Inn Yard

London EC2A 3EA

9th May 2004

The Embassy of Uzbekistan in London has been receiving appeals of the Amnesty International members on Huseyincan Celil.

According to the statement of the Interpol National Central Bureau in Uzbekistan, Huseyincan Celil was identified as Guler Dilaver of Turkish subject and native of Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. He had been on wanted list by the Interpol on terrorism charges.

Mr Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil) was born in 1955 in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China and citizen of Turkey. He was wanted by Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies for membership in terrorism groups, kidnapping, taking hostages and illegal weapon possession.

The relevant authorities of Kyrgyzstan have also identified that the arrested was Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil). According to information of Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies, Mr Dilaver (Celil) uses undercover names of Hussein Calil, born in 1968, or Calil Husan Siddikovich, born in 1970, or Huseyincan Celil, born in 1969.

He had been on the Interpol wanted list since 13 August 2002. The warrant for his arrest was signed by the Prosecutor-General of Kyrgyz Republic in January 2001.

Fingerprint tests of Huseyincan Celil proved that he had been arrested on 10 May 1998 and his name was registered by the National Security Service of Kyrgyz Republic as Guler Dilaver. This fact was confirmed in the protocol of identification presented by the Information and Analytical Department of Kyrgyz Interior Ministry on 29 March 2006.

According to the Kyrgyz authorities Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil) was involved in assassination of the head of Uygur society in Kyrgyz Republic on 28 March 2000 and terrorist act against the state delegation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China on 25 May 2000.

Uzbekistan continues to fulfil its international obligations and adhere to international norms of human rights. Uzbekistan's further steps will be taken within the framework of its international obligations.

Amnesty International is a respected organization and has contributed significantly to upholding the justice in human rights. However, recent appeals by the AI members in respect of Huseyincan Celil testify that the members are misleading by personality of Mr Celil, who was fugitive on terrorism charges.

The Embassy expresses its hope that the Amnesty International UK will spread the Embassy's concern amongst its members by calling upon them to be accurate and vigilant before sending appeals on release of persons who are lawbreakers in reality.

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in London

Date: May 09, 2006

家园 【文摘】I can read it online too

The whole letter is posted.

家园 阁下是在什么地方上网?我这儿还是看不到
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