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主题:【原创】书生说披头 -- 屠狗书生
据我所知整个这次GET BACK RECORDING SESSION是保罗一手策划组织的,保罗希望在披头士经济人死后领导披头们,重新集合士气,再现从前的辉煌。他设计了一系列的活动,包括出版唱片(GET BACK/LET IT BE),拍摄电影(披头士这次RECORDING SESSION的所有活动都被拍摄了下来),还包括披头士将重新举办公开演唱会。不过披头士此时已经人心涣散,保罗的一番努力也没有多大成果,结果以儿戏般的苹果公司屋顶演唱会结束。
在下前文对这段事情略有涉及:屠狗书生:【披头第五人】来自大洋彼岸的披头 Billy Preston
至于警方抓披头士吸毒藏毒,好象是警方抄了乔治哈里森的家,发现了毒品。倒是不清楚此次屋顶演唱会与之有关系。Beatles Anthology我也是很久前看的了,记不清了。
主要是录LET IT BE的时候大家都狂无聊,哈里森说他宁愿在屋顶演唱,林哥同意,可能也激发了其他两人的另类欲特别是列侬的叛逆裕,所以就搞了这么一场。
警察上到屋顶以后,出现了短暂的停顿,大家都不知道警察会做些什么。不过很快就找到了解决的办法,再次唱起GET BACK,我觉得这是他们在故意激怒警察,不过警察没上当,扭头走了。演唱会也随之结束,大家都很失望。
书生平常上下班开车的时候,喜欢听KRTH FM101音乐台,觉得这个频率播出的60-70年代的Classical Rock比较符合胃口。可是到了每年感恩节后至新年期间的所谓“Holiday Season”,书生则喜欢把频率锁定在KOST FM103.5。每年的这段时间,KOST都会24小时不间断地集中播出各式各样的圣诞歌曲。从古老的Ave Maria到西语英语混合的Feliz Navidad,几乎囊括了所有书生知道的不知道的圣诞歌曲。最让我喜欢的是,我可以听到同一首歌的不同版本,例如,书生最喜欢的圣诞歌曲是Nat King Cole的《Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire》,在这段期间,我至少听到十个以上不同版本,不同艺术家的表演,真是享受。
昨天还听到了几乎被书生忘掉的列侬和洋子的圣诞歌曲《Happy Xmas (War is Over)》,觉得很精彩,贴上来与大家共享。
这首歌是列侬和洋子合作1971年完成,列侬和洋子共同演唱的。音乐制作人是Phil Spector。说到这个Spector,他有个外号叫作“音乐之墙”,喜欢在歌曲里面加入效果宏大的管弦乐,合唱等作为背景来衬托主旋。Phil Spector是列侬最信任的音乐制作人,披头士后期的《Let it Be》专辑和披头士分裂后列侬,乔治哈里森的很多专辑都是请Spector制作,包括列侬的《Imagine》等名曲。在这首列侬和洋子的《Happy Xmas (War is Over)》歌曲中,Spector加入了童声合唱作为衬托。和列侬的歌声相比,洋子声音出现的时候节奏有一点点减慢。
So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so happy Christmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over
If you want it
War is over
保罗麦卡特尼和他的Wings乐队也作了一首不错的圣诞歌曲《Simply having a wonderful christmastime》。其实乔治哈里森和Ringo Starr也都有自己的圣诞歌曲出版,只不过不如约翰和保罗的那样出名。
Paul McCartney 《Simply having a wonderful christmastime》
The moon is right
The spirits up
We’re here tonight
And that’s enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The party’s on
The feelin’s here
That only comes
This time of year
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The choir of children sing their song
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding ohhhh
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The word is out
About the town
To lift a glass
Ahhh don’t look down
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The choir of children sing their song
They practiced all year long
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
The party’s on
The spirits up
We’re here tonight
And that’s enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The moon is right
The spirits up
We’re here tonight
And that’s enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
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其实这首歌应该是配合“War is over ,If you want it ”大型户外广告活动推出的。旋律优美,内涵丰富,比起其他的广告歌曲好上N倍。
乔治、哈里森的声音也不错,曾经买过他的dark horse那一张专辑的打口带,有那么一两首歌感觉还不坏。但总的说来更喜欢列侬一些。
列侬imagin那张专辑也曾买过,记得还有另外几首也经常听到,特别是在反战的时候。如《power to the people》、《give peace a chance》。里面还有几首算情歌吧?如《dear yoko》、《love》,比较酸。但即便如此,列侬的音乐才华还是表现得淋漓尽致,想想谁能把这样肉麻的话语搞得这么深刻而又动听呢?
我个人喜欢他的比较慢和柔和的那些歌,有些不太知名的也是我最爱听的,像Michael Jackson & Seidah Garre - I Just Can't Stop Loving You这首二重唱。
《I Just Can't Stop Loving You》十分不错。还喜欢那首《Man In The Mirror》。