
主题:【原创】Weakness of Chinese Culture in the past -- john0823

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家园 【原创】Weakness of Chinese Culture in the past

The Weakness Of Chinese Culture Before The Opium War


There are much strength in the Chinese culture, which keeps us surviving till this day, surviving from inside and outside destruction, from the social and mental enslaving control by our own emperors, and from brutal massacres by the outside invaders.

The greatest strength of the Chinese Culture is the capability to grow. As we all see it after the opium war. The Chinese culture has grown so much, which one can almost visualize it by the growth of the physical structure in the city Zhenchen in the last 25 years. Yet we shall keep growing because we know that we can do more than what we had done, and we know that something more still needs to be done. Thus the weakness of our culture in the past will be listed in the following.


The logic here refers to the knowledge, which founds the foundation for the emerging of Mathematics, such as the law of induction, and reduction, the necessary and sufficient conditions, and etc…

Science emerged through mathematics, such as chemistry, physics and biology. Applied science again emerged through science, such as all disciplines of engineering. Through engineering, here comes the Industrial revolution. Through industrial revolution, it builds the wealth of the nation, and a better life for the people.


The money here means how to make money, and how to redistribute the profit.

The western people made their money through industrial revolution as it is mentioned above. Of course they also sold opium and robbed gold by force. Yet we have to realize that Bill Gate gets his tens of billion of US dollars right in front of our eyes in the last 20 years. There are numerous volumes of books in C language, Java, semiconductors, computer architecture, material science, thermodynamics, signal processing, and others. The knowledge in these fields is the real thing behind the wealth of the western countries.

There are also numerous volumes of books on the topic of profit redistribution. The tax code is one of the ways to do the job. There are so many scholars in economics spending their lives to think, and to device a fair way of profit redistribution, but still a motivating way to encourage the further growth of wealth for both the working talents, as well as the whole nation.

3) GOD

The God here means the purpose and meaning of our lives with respect to the suffering and harshness in reality.

Many people need help so badly, but no one will help them. Millions and millions of them died helplessly, in despair. What is all these for? Where am I coming from? Where am I going? Is my life equivalent to a pig’s life? If my life is no difference from a pig’s life, what matters? If nothing matters, what a world this is. If nothing matters, nothing will work.

What is God? If there is a God, what God can help us? A god of the primitive needs sacrifice of human life. Does the God of USA helps greatly to the people in USA? Does the God in USA help them to obtain their good life and wealth? How does God deal with the issue of greediness in the money matter in an industrial developed society?


The power here means how a government should be formed, if there is no more king or emperor, because by now, most of us do not want a king or emperor anymore. The malice of power is well understood now. Everyone is scared of power, if he or she has no power at all. How do we form a government, which will be good to us, the honest, law-abiding common folk?

How law should deal with the conflicts in money matters in an emerging industrial society. Needless to say that there is a lot to do.

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