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主题:【原创】说说俺的一个反藏毒行动及加拿大情报安全系统对俺的监视 -- 97年的鱼
有类似案例让您这样联想么?it is almost impossible to find a case to show you, but it does not mean it does not exist. You do not try too hard to find a proof which not favorite to the government. You can use your head to analysis. For me, the most possible reason is 加拿大情报安全系统. I have no problem to go to other websites but only in SINA when I try to post something.I still have some other clues which I do not want to say now.
You tell me a method which is not feasible to get the machine investigated. I want to tell you that I would be caught if I bring this machine back China since I have to sign not export swear when I bought this machine. No matter how long this machine has been used, if they want trouble you they will do it. From the legal prospective, I would never win.
I am, right now, using cable service with 7Mbps rate. I have a modem connected to the TV cable. I guess I do not have 路由器.So what you can conclude from this info?