
主题:还是王同学厉害啊 -- BBDD

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家园 What is her career path? NGO?
家园 要说是小号柴小姐呢。
家园 国家就是糟蹋在这些人手上

伊战爆发的最重要原因, 可能只是为了一纸签证而编造的谎言

家园 看看这句,深得运运真传阿

"I think this is not time to die for my country" the student said. "I love my life"


家园 她是不是有个姨妈叫柴玲阿...
家园 哈哈...

我让我岳父跟我去中国,结果他说他不去,因为他说中国政府知道他不喜欢现政府,我心里嘀咕,你以为你是谁阿? 中国政府还怕你不成?

家园 对于中国来说,这么做毁掉的不单有中国,还有美国


家园 赶紧让她入了美国籍


家园 老兄来看这个


家园 political tourist


家园 迄今为止,1000冥币对咱们没什么实质性的祸害




家园 对,这句我还以为是柴某说的,被她引用了
家园 记者问她:“会不会留在天安门广场,柴玲:"我上了政府的黑名单了




家园 Not Tibet, it is all about ME!

Listened to NPR today during lunch break, $1000's words, "It is not about Tibet, it is about China, it is about China's human right"

I did not listen the whole program, just an introduction before the program, I imagine this is what she will say, or really wants to say:

"It is about China, but more importantly, it is about ME, ME, ME, ME ....

Look at ME, have you ever seen a more courageous person? Have you ever met a real-life hero? look at ME, ME, ME... I am impressed by myself, so smart, so brave, just one person, single-handly challenging the big ugly China, look at ME ... ME, ME... I wish I can have an extra hand so that I can pat myself on the back, I think I will write a fan letter to myself today, yes, today! just after the show.

China does not deserve me, China is not good enough for me, for that matter, I sometimes think this world, this universe is not good enough for ME, ME, ME, ME"

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