
主题:过五逢十,从纪念到怀念 -- 潘涌

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家园 厕所收费完全是刺探人的心理
家园 我完全是开玩笑。不过法律规定酒荘的厕所不外用


家园 In my opinion, he looked

for the whole sale price.

家园 Now everyone uses computer.
家园 I still remember that place.
家园 怎么大家对“美国酒鬼多,大陆混混儿多”没有评论
家园 he looked for whole sale

That guy's purpose of purchasing Wadka is weird: The way of his purchasing is like he is an ackohol beverage lover while he had kept those spirits for two weeks there; There are always some price difference here and there in the same town. Certainly we prefer spending less to buy some product. However probabily gas fee can be more than gain from the price difference, plus energy one spent. He is a residency doctor and his time should be more expensive. It could be true he was preparing a party...

家园 贩毒

Is that possible that sb would take drug at bathroom? I remembered in movie Walk on line, John Cash took drugs at bathroom quite a couple of times.

家园 送花谢宝
家园 I think so.
家园 反了
家园 美国酒鬼多,大陆混混儿多

This comes from the difference between two cultures. The first factor makes the difference is the expense for somebody hanging around in a bar. In States, the cost in bar is affordable to normal poor people. One night in a bar might take a guy 30-50 bucks. However, in China, the expense in bar might not be acceptable to most of the normal people, which might cost them a month salary or more. Another factor is tradition. Chinese people don't like drinking very much, which used to be considered as top five worst hobbies. Many oversea Chinese students would consider holding a bottle of beer and talking to other people is so weird, while in States a party without wine could be a weird party. For those who love drinking, in most of the cases, the very popular entertainment during drinking is to do a competition who is the best drinker accompanying shouting and big laughing, which, in my view, totally ruins the best part of drinking-chatting, and enjoying music. On the other hand, mainland Chinese don't like party drinking communication very much. Having a cup of wine, or a couple of bottle of beer without any food might be unconfortable to them. As a result, it is hardly to see any family party in which wine is specifically served in China.

家园 地址


家园 这个网起步很好:


家园 老潘哥,你看“吴法宪回忆录”的真实性几何?


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