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主题:【原创】相亲奇遇记(16)我们都不是普通人(上) -- 忘情
Niu Bei is what?
She took what? If it was towel, maybe she wanted play with her husband
If it was a knife, it was ,
haha towel? That funny word.
She didn't take towel, but remember waving towel abruptly with force and hitting sb could knock one out. Neither she used knife, which gave her husband sufficient reason to call police. She took high heel shoe and attacked with that heel - ... impressive? Did you ever watch the old movie Wild Fire and Spring Breeze fighting Old City? Did you remember how the lady Golden Rring attacked the Japanese officer with her pin like jewel? The weapon was different and the way was exactly the same.
Your objective was going to become boss...
你这是想说“俺们家领导 肚子里 有了小朋友之后”吧?
Why use was going to ...? It should be is, and that is why I am hanging around here and writing silly paper and preparing writing grants.
Towel could be the weapon if she is Huang Fei Hong, haha... (Towel Club)
野火春风斗古城? I do not remember how attack enemy with high heel shoe in this movie...
But I know, the Queen does like to use high heel shoe, haha
sorry, I'm kidding...
Man Towel club is easy to be passed for rubber club.
野火春风斗古城, the lady used golden pin, and poked at the Japanese officier's breast.
The Boss Day for you
Then it would be a black day for young guys, those fresh onions that are ready to be cut...
算half. It is like green card holder.
我的意思是,他那“LD有了小朋友之后”的说法by default是说“孩子出世后”;我不过是指出来需要加上“肚子里”仨字才不至误会。