
主题:【原创】法国莫非是那只最肥的羊? -- 加东

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家园 整个欧洲?不行,太肥了


家园 欧洲是有联合可能的




家园 现在的欧洲应该不希望看到法国的没落


家园 这个有道理,但操作起来比较难


家园 【NEWS】 法国核电巨头Areva和印度签署协议


PARIS — French nuclear giant Areva signed a preliminary deal Wednesday to provide India with up to six new-generation reactors — a move hailed in India as ending its nuclear isolation and transforming the country into "a responsible nuclear state."

The Paris-based company says the deal signed with Indian electric utility Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. paves the way for technical cooperation on at least two and as many as six of Areva's so-called EPRs, or Evolutionary Power Reactors, at the Jaitapur site in the western state of Maharashtra.

Areva's statement didn't estimate the value of the deal, which expands the list of countries adopting the technology in response to skyrocketing energy demand. Last year, an executive at Areva rival General Electric Co. estimated the size of India's nuclear market at more than $30 billion.

Indian officials at Wednesday's signing said the deal marked the start of a wide-ranging future collaboration on nuclear issues between the two countries.

"This is just the beginning," said Anil Kakodkar, Chairman of India's Atomic Energy Commission.

Prithviraj Chavan, minister in the prime minister's office responsible for nuclear issues, said the deal marked the end of India's "nuclear isolation" and signaled its emergence as "a responsible nuclear state."

The deal follows the conclusion of a landmark nuclear deal between the United States and India earlier this year, which opened the way for nuclear trade between India and other nations. Previously, India had faced a nuclear trade ban since its first atomic test in 1974 amid its refusal to sign international treaties designed to limit the illicit spread of such materials.

India has already inked deals with Russia to build new nuclear plants, but the deal with Areva is the first commercial agreement since India received the go-ahead from the International Atomic Energy Agency last year.

Chavan said India needs to quadruple power generation by 2032, so the country can keep its economy growing and pull millions out of poverty. Current shortfalls, particularly at peak periods, mean that India's cities suffer frequent power outages — sometimes lasting an entire day.

The utility company NPCIL already has five reactors under construction, which will increase its electricity generating capacity by 2,660 megawatts, from 4,120 megawatts currently. It operates all of India's 17 existing nuclear reactors.

Today, India gets just 3 percent of its energy — about 4,100 megawatts — from nuclear power. By 2032, the government plans to generate 700 gigawatts overall, with nuclear accounting for 63,000 megawatts.

That adds up to about 40 new nuclear reactors worth some $80 billion, according to NPCIL chairman Shreyans Kumar Jain.

Besides GE, Areva competes with Westinghouse Electric Co. and Russia's Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corp. to build new reactors in India. Rosatom is already helping India build two nuclear reactors.

The Areva-designed pressurized water reactors, which are meant to replace aging reactors around the world whose designs date from decades ago, are already under construction in Finland, France and China. Areva also has plans to build the new reactors in Britain and the United States, company spokeswoman Patricia Marie said.

However, the Finnish project has been plagued by repeated delays due to faulty materials and planning problems since construction began in 2005. The 1,600-megawatt plant was to be online in 2009, but the latest estimated startup date is 2012.


家园 开始过招...
家园 欧洲是几千年的“战国”,互相的积怨大了去了


家园 联合?今后两年时间里能保住欧元就不错了


家园 some said less than 2 years.
家园 i see no way they can do it

U.S. and Russia have taken action. Now China just jumped in. It is show time.

家园 U.S. aims at EURO

Russia eyes on geopolitics and energy. China focuses in technology upgrade and markets.

家园 法国的那个ERP超贵,印度人用也是自找苦吃

法国的那个ERP技术,首个在芬兰的示范堆造价超过 4000美元每千瓦。






家园 我倒不是心疼那俩钱儿...(也有点心疼)





1坏消息, 建国以来最大干旱

2坏消息, 就业形式依旧严峻,大量返乡民工使情况雪上加霜

3好消息, 制造领域,尤其是高科技含量制造领域对工人尤其是熟练技工需求增加

4坏消息, 大量失业的前打工人员不具备第三条所需素质,结果是一头缺人,一头找不到工作


家园 贵没什么,阿三有钱~~


家园 又翻了翻新闻,看起来好像也没买啥


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