
主题:【西西家园】游戏大纲讨论稿 -- 西风陶陶

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家园 大道至简,金融是关于信用和判断力。如果大家玩西西家园能对理财有启迪,




家园 小筑兄的建议很有意思,估计要做得简单有趣,


家园 Couple of my thoughts

Sorry I am very slow at typing chinese and quite busy, so I will make my thoughts in english as following:

1. Need establish the market, products, and transactions for the whole system to run. Bank and financial institutions are natural by products for such transactions.

2. We have products already, i.e. original articles and posted good articles that user are willing to buy and read.

3. The price for these original articles and others will be decided by the writer, and potential buyers, i.e. readers, can use their experience points to buy and read before the article become free after certain period.

4. The owner of the article will have to decide the price and duration of it. He/she need pay the rent also to the forum manager. After that period, the article should become free to everyone, which is designed for low experience users.

5. Forum managers are responsible for the P/L for the forum that he/she manages. He/she need pay the rent fee to the central goverment.

6. Transcactions, i.e. buy the article, will be taxed. The sales tax will go to central goverment.

7. Other transactions, such as betting, will be treated differently, since the writer will not only to pay the rent to the forum manager, but also pay back to winners.

8. Bank and financial institutions are managed by certain people with enough funding. They can design their products, i.e. loans.

9. Income tax will be applied to each user.

10. (more detailed rules needed).

Have fun...

家园 非常有意思,谢谢杭州兄。

看上去杭州兄给人设计过Ecommerce exchanges,哈哈。

家园 More thoughts will be added

if you guys want... I will write them up in this weekend....

家园 有点担心。





开发区的兴盛,当然要看商品的需求与供应控制得如何,何不搞一个投票,调查一下西西河会员们希望消费的商品有哪些?希望提供的商品有哪些?比如我,我就不会希望谁把文章作为商品买卖。在不为法的范围之内,有些高质量的图片,音像作品,甚至最近火得很的gmail 1 G的邮件信箱的invitation都是很好的商品呀(连ebay上都卖的挺不错的呢)。


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家园 Here are what I thought

1. Intellectual property should be respected and rewarded even though here we don't have the mechanism yet.

2. Each user will be given experience points based on the time he/she spent on this web site. This is equivalent of cash infusion for each user. I don't know the ratio yet. It's also same as central bank's control on M1.

3. By letting the writer decide the price, we create demand and supply, which is essential for a market with transactions.

4. The writer will have to decide the duration of such period. Any user who want to read the article, he/she will need to pay for it. If user doesn't have enough experience points, then he/she can wait until the duration expires, i.e. the article become free. It's similar as news or newspaper article.

5. The writer have to set the price properly. If the poster don't believe there is buyer during the duration, then he/she can make its price as 0, or free, for that kind of post, writer don't need pay for the publishing fee. If the price is set too high, then there will be no buyer within that duration. He/she will lose money since he/she need pay the publishing fee. The duration should not be too long, mostly 1 to 2 days. Market itself will make everyone adjust their commercial behavior...

6. Other news or posts are good material for reading if the price is low enough since user don't need go elsewhere to find them by themself.

7. These are only my thoughts or suggestions. I am writing up in more detail and will share with others to see how we can make this site more fun and userful for everyone.

8. The central goverment can control the M1, the money supply to individual user based on their online time, thus make almost every have enough experience point to read decent articles.

9. All these are virtual money and virtual economic. A little bit entry barry will make each user to spend more time on this site and more incentive for writer to gather more money.

10. I am not quite sure on whehter we even can implement these rules under current system yet.

11. Will detail in next one...

家园 确实有网站这么做的,但我觉得打破这个论坛的传统不好


家园 为避免误解:论坛和家园是并行的。唯一交叉的是积分-西币







家园 Oh, sounds like I misunderstood a

lot. Never mind. Have fun.

家园 我赞同hangzhou兄的意见




3、这个措施同时也提供了一个和其他网站论坛互动的机会。比如柚子网。这样西币和柚币之间的交换就有了一个物质基础。有了这样的交换,对于两边的网友都是一件大好事,完全是一个pareto improvement,呵呵。

家园 我回头一想,也觉得杭州说得有理



家园 我喜欢这种“打赏”的方式



家园 嗯,价格由作者定,不过读者可以在价格以外向作者支付Donation。
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