
主题:【讨论】google是个谜,让我们来猜谜 -- meokey

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家园 我开始只用bing了
家园 searching without searching

Google高管Amit Singhal最近在谈到未来Google跟生活的整合时,描绘了一个让人不禁要倒吸一股凉气的场景,只要让Google接管你的Calendar代办事项列表,它就会变成一个个人管家,随时提醒你什么时候该去哪里买什么东西了。

One of Google's most senior search experts has outlined the future of search, believing that 'searching without searching' will begin to organise our lives.

Speaking to TechRadar, Google Fellow Amit Singhal outlined how he believes search can progress – although he is keen to underline the pressing need for offering people transparency and control of the information and their own privacy.

Singhal explains that the components are all there to begin to offer us the right information at the right place and time, without the need to search for it.

Searching without searching

"One thing that I am very excited about is the possibility of searching without searching," said Singhal, giving an example of what he means.

"What we have today is these wonderful components; my calendar is on the cloud, my calendar knows that after I am done here today I will have dinner with my family, my calendar also knows my to do list.

"One of the things on my to do list is to buy a cricket bat because my old one is going dry.

"So my calendar knows when I have free time, my [GPS-enabled] phone knows where I am, my to do list has a list of things I need to accomplish and time is expensive.

"On top of that Google local knows the map of this place and it knows where all the sports shops are - so why cant this thing tell me 'you have 45 minutes free in your agenda, there's a sports shop 300 metres away go and buy a cricket bat'.

"And by the way 'get out turn right walk 200 metres turn right 100 metres and it's there'.

"This is based on things that are already there."

家园 同意,google没什么产品是别人不能代替的
家园 别小看广告



家园 信息就是未来的货币。




家园 搞错啊?



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