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主题:印尼卫星在西昌升空未能进入预定轨道 -- acdo
1 挽救“阿蒂米斯”卫星的轨道机动策略
2001年7月12日,欧空局(esa)发射“阿蒂米斯”(artemis)数据中继技术试验卫星时,因阿里安―5运载火箭上面级故障把卫星送入了一条错误的椭圆轨道。为此在欧空局的支持下,由意大利telespazio公司、欧洲卫星操作中心(esoc)、意大利阿莱尼亚航天公司(alenia spazio)的专家组成了工作队,负责实施对“阿蒂米斯”卫星的挽救工作。经过欧空局地面测控中心长达18个月的艰苦工作,该卫星终于在2003年1月 31日成功地到达了21.5°e的地球静止轨道位置。目前“阿蒂米斯”卫星已完全投入正常工作,预计工作寿命仍可达到10年。现将挽救“阿蒂米斯”卫星的轨道机动策略(见图1)说明如下。挽救工作大致分为5步:
图2 挽救亚洲卫星―3的轨道机动策略
1998年4月10日星上发动机多次点火,轨道高度不断升高,5月7日星上发动机第12次点火,速度达到10.7km/s,将卫星加速送入月球轨道。5月 13日卫星与月球首次交会(a点),近月点约为6200km,然后卫星开始向地球方向飞行。5月16日卫星到达离地球42000km高的近地点(b点)。此时休斯公司研究人员发现,如果再进行一次绕月飞行,可以节省大量燃料,多延长卫星的在轨工作寿命,于是决定改变原方案。星上发动机再次点火,耗去燃料 50kg,使卫星减速,但速度下降幅度只有原方案的50%。卫星进入了一条周期为15天的大椭圆轨道(近地点为地球静止轨道高度36000km,远地点达 488000km),5月24日卫星到达c远地点,6月1日卫星回到b近地点,星上的22n发动机点火了30min,卫星进入另一条绕月轨道。6月6日卫星第2次与月球交会,到达近月点36000km。6月11日和13日星上发动机又点火2次。6月14日控制星上主发动机点火46min,使卫星减速进入近地点36000km、远地点82000km的椭圆轨道。6月16日发动机点火28min,使卫星进一步减速进入一条周期28h的近圆形轨道。6月17日卫星再次变轨减速,便进入了周期为24h、倾角为几度的地球静止轨道。
Thales Alenia Space Chief Executive Reynald Seznek said Sept. 9 the satellite has enough onboard fuel remaining to provide 10 years of full service, or two thirds of its 15-year
Long March Mishap Findings Due By Mid-November
By Peter B. de Selding
An independent Chinese board of inquiry investigating the Aug. 31 under-performance of the Long March 3B rocket is expected to deliver its conclusions by mid-November, with the possibility that the vehicle will be returned to flight as early as late this year, China Great Wall Industry Corp. officials said Sept. 8.
In interviews here during the World Satellite Business Week conference organized by Euroconsult, China Great Wall officials said the Long March 3B placed Indonesia’s Palapa-D telecommunications satellite into a too-low orbit when one of its two identical upper-stage engines failed to deliver the necessary thrust.
They said the engine did not shut down. Instead, for reasons the inquiry board has been assigned to determine, the motor operated at a lower-power level during its second ignition.
Palapa-D builder Thales Alenia Space has recovered the satellite and on Sept. 9 announced that the spacecraft had been placed into final geostationary position using its own thrusters. Thales Alenia Space Chief Executive Reynald Seznek said Sept. 9 the satellite has enough onboard fuel remaining to provide 10 years of full service, or two thirds of its 15-year contractual lifetime.
China Great Wall Industry Corp. Vice President He Xing said the board of inquiry is composed of people who have no direct involvement in the design of the rocket. He said the results would be made available to customers and to the global satellite-insurance community as soon as they are available.
Two identical motors power the upper stage of the Long March 3B rocket. The same stage is used for the Long March 3A and 3C vehicles, meaning that these, too, will be grounded pending the results of the inquiry.
China Great Wall officials said the upper stage has flown more than 25 times without incident, suggesting that it is not a design issue that caused the Aug. 31 malfunction. “But the truth is we will let the inquiry board make the determination,” He Xing said. “For now, we don’t know what they will find. They will have complete freedom in their work.”
Another China Great Wall official said the company hopes that, if the failure is traced to a straightforward workmanship issue, the vehicles can be cleared to return to flight as early as the end of this year.
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Burn-through Blamed in China Long March Mishap
By Peter B. de Selding
A Chinese Long March rocket launch from the Xichang satellite launch center. Credit: Xinhua News Agency photo
A Chinese Long March rocket launch from the Xichang satellite launch center. Credit: Xinhua News Agency photo Enlarge Image
PARIS — China’s Long March 3A series of rockets is expected to return to flight before the end of this year following the conclusion of a state-run board of inquiry into the Aug. 31 failure of the vehicle’s upper stage, the vehicle’s operator said Nov. 19.
The investigation into the underperformance of one of two upper-stage engines during the flight, which placed Indonesia’s Palapa-D satellite into a useless orbit, concluded that failure was caused by a burn-through of the engine’s gas generator.
The board of inquiry into the vehicle’s first failure in 13 years concluded that the most likely cause of the burn-through was foreign matter or humidity-caused icing in the engine’s liquid-hydrogen injectors. To prevent a recurrence of the problem, the liquid hydrogen gas-feed system on future rockets will be fitted with a filter to prevent the passage of ice or other foreign objects.
In addition, the gas generator in the third-stage engine’s liquid hydrogen cavity will be purged before launch to prevent ice buildup.
The Long March 3 rocket family includes the 3A, 3B and 3C vehicles, which differ only in the number of fueled strap-on boosters.
Long March launch services provider China Great Wall Industry Corp. of Beijing said in a Nov. 19 statement that the board of inquiry has reproduced the failure on the ground and concluded that it “was solely caused by the underperformance” of one of the two identical third-stage engines.
The board was made up of officials from the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), which is the rocket’s prime contractor, and from the Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology, which builds the Long March 3’s upper-stage engines. The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) established a special committee to review the inquiry board’s findings.
The affected engine was found to have delivered 38 percent less thrust than it should have for 43 percent of its total working time, China Great Wall said in the Nov. 19 statement.
China Great Wall said the new upper-stage engine filter has been qualified for flight and will be flight-tested before this year using otherwise identical engines.
Responding to Space News inquiries, China Great Wall General Manager Fu Zhiheng on Nov. 19 said the demonstration launch will feature the Long March 3C, fitted with two strap-on boosters. The mission is intended to carry a domestic Chinese satellite into geostationary-transfer orbit, the destination of most telecommunications satellites.
Meanwhile, Palapa-D prime contractor Thales Alenia Space of France and Italy announced Nov. 16 that the satellite, which was guided into its intended orbit by a series of firings of its on-board engines, has completed its in-orbit acceptance review and is ready for use at 113 degrees east longitude by its owner, PT Indosat Tbk of Jakarta.
The satellite’s in-orbit service life is now estimated at more than 10.5 years, instead of 15 to16 years if it had not used fuel to correct the defective orbit, Thales Alenia Space said.