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主题:【笔记】戴狄金分割(Dedekind Cut) -- frnkl
那么我们经常碰到的实随机变量,又怎么适用上面的解释呢?简单,例如正态变量X,我们只要取S=R(实数集),X(w)=w就可以了。当然,这只是一个可能的解释,S的取法不是唯一的,有很多很多。当只涉及一个随机变量时,上述解释最方便。当涉及两个或多个随机变量时,S只能取一个复杂得多的空间。一般如果有m个随机变量X_1,X_2,...,X_m,可取S为m-维的实空间。如果w=(w_1,w_2,...,w_m),则取X_1(w)=w_1, X_2(w)=w_2, ..., X_m(w)=w_m即可。不论有多少随机变量,S当然可以取其它抽象的空间;这时X(w)的函数描述就不那么简单了,难得有显式表达。
Recently I had a chance to see the movie Enigma, a romance on top of a security encryption story from World War II. The main mathematician was asked whether he liked math. His answer: “I like numbers, because in numbers the truth and beauty emerge. You find out, you are walking in the right direction when everything becomes nicer. And then the numbers get you closer to the secret matter of all things.” I can hardly imagine better glorification of the Greeks’ ideal of truth, beauty, and elegance. How deeply inside of most of us the feeling that these three belong together has to be, when a sentence like this appears in a romantic movie for nonscientists.