
主题:【原创】匈牙利女郎 伊蒂纳 (上) -- 思炎

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家园 看了思炎的文,想起了多年前的一个匈牙利同学


家园 好看!
家园 no problem at all

hehe. It is great to impress those arrogant Romanians.

I was at first also fascinated by the association between Huns and today's Hungary, but slowly cooled down after overwhelming evidence against this "legendary link".

BTW, Hungarian language is quite different from other Slavic languages. It is closer to Finnish--very interesting, isn't it?

家园 Sisi is extremely popular

back in German-speaking nations. Her triology (movies series) is broadcasted every year around Christmas time in Austria and Germany(I am not sure about in Hungary). Sisi is a household name. I just recently chat on that with my German friend.

In reality, her life was a bit miserable since she did not fit in the rigid court life. Her relationship with Frank was also not as good as indicated in those movies. But one thing is for sure: her beauty is beyond description even in her senior years. In order to keep her good shape, she only drank juice from veal as the food.

BTW, the actress in the movie was actually a French lady with a Germanic look (blonde with blue eyes), very funny. I compare Sisi's picture with her, actually the actress was not as pretty as Sisi herself.

I remember she was assassinated before WWI, an unfortunate ending for her.

Sorry to Ba Gua so much. I usually only comment on finance issues.

家园 beauty in the best season

according to my previous experience back in Europe, those pretty Eastern European ladies have the prime time before reaching 30. After that, many of them will turn old very fast. I do not know why.

家园 其实我给她拍过一张相片的,写这贴前还到处找,


家园 的确,其实很多东欧到欧洲打工的,在他们本国受过高等教育的


家园 多谢
家园 谢谢
家园 谢laoda牌沙发。
家园 no problem at all

welcome this kind of Ba Gua .

家园 你好坏啊,调戏罗马尼亚同事
家园 在捷克去过以Sisi命名的温泉



家园 wiki说Sisi更喜欢匈牙利

According to Wiki, Sisi was even more popular in Hungary than she was in Austria.

There are fine lines between trivia and gossip. The differences are subtle but I think your story falls into trivia. More please.

家园 男的忽悠女的才叫调戏

女的忽悠男的叫勾引,男的女的对着忽悠叫爱情。——出自郭德纲相声。 所以,说我调戏他是不成立的。


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