
主题:【求助】有人记得《枫华园》吗?还有人看《华夏文摘》吗? -- 咸豆浆

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家园 有上啊。

一来米国就有朋友介绍上网要上牛屎铺,那时候上网还是新鲜事,开一篇文章巨慢,基本上一天只能看到一篇文章, :)还记得经常干一回活儿,就跑计算机前头查查要看的文章有没有多出一段可看的,能从网上看到中文,真是挺幸福的事。


家园 memorial day 老兵回忆

“We were no longer facing the North Koreans like we did up in the mountains,” Davis said. “We were facing the Chinese, who we were across the line from. All the action was along the mainline.”

Davis remembers the nighttime being long and drawn out.

It wasn’t a popular war nor an unpopular war,” Davis said. “It was just out there somewhere.

“In my opinion (Gen. Douglas) MacArthur made a big mistake,” Davis said. “Instead of driving the Koreans up to the 38th parallel and stopping, he was going to show the world he (continued north) and the Chinese came down like stuff through a tin horn and wiped out unit after unit.”

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