
主题:美国精英对美国选票制度的批判。 -- dolong

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家园 英国诺贝尔奖得主批评诺贝尔委员会授奖给刘晓波

Liu Xiaobo wrong man for Nobel Peace Prize, say laureates

* Lucy Bannerman

* From: The Australian

* December 13, 2010 12:00AM


TWO British scientists awarded the Nobel Physics Prize have caused shock by condemning the decision to give the peace prize to Liu Xiaobo.

Andre Geim, a professor at the University of Manchester, who shares this year's $1.6 million prize with colleague Konstantin Novoselov, said the Nobel committee was out of touch, and dismissed its tribute to the jailed Chinese dissident as patronising.

"Look at the people who give this Nobel prize," Professor Geim said. "They are retired Norwegian politicians who have spent all their careers in a safe environment, in an oil-rich modern country. They try to extend their views of the world, how the world should work and how democracy works in another country. It's very, very patronising -- they have not lived in these countries.

"In the past 10 years, China has developed not only economically, but even the strongest human rights supporter would agree also human rights have improved. Why do we need to distort this?"

Professor Novoselov defended China, insisting Western criticism of the communist regime was misplaced.

"What is a dictatorship? It is not as if people are being constantly killed there," he said.

The scientists' support for China sparked an extraordinary exchange with another laureate, Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, during the annual Nobel Minds debate.

Vargas Llosa, who expressed solidarity with the dissident Liu, said the scientists "must explain themselves".

Both were born in Russia, one of the 17 countries that boycotted the ceremony, but they have made careers in Britain. They were honoured for their work with graphene, the thinnest known material, which opens huge possibilities in technology.

Although both agreed it was unfair that neither Mr Liu nor his family had been allowed to accept his award, they said it was a myth that every Chinese person was terrified of the regime.

"China is doing a lot for its scientists. So many of our Chinese students want to go back because they see lots of opportunities there. They don't see it as breaching their human rights," Professor Novoselov said.

Professor Geim added: "I have many Chinese colleagues, and they believe that the slow way to Western democracy is better."

The Times

家园 海外华人的力量,他们的声音被听到了
家园 西方媒体几乎没有提这个


家园 《大西洋月刊》长文:“美国如何再次崛起?”


]Atlantic: How America Can Rise Again[/URL]

Author: James Fallows

January/ February 2010


1) One Reason Not to Worry: We Have Been Here Before

2) Another Reason Not to Worry: The Irrelevance of “Falling Behind”

3) The Crucial American Advantage

4) The Main Concerns: jobs, debt, military strength, and overall independence.)这里的concern 都谈到了中国,特别是军事。

5) The Biggest Problem. 作者谈到了政府,需要政府转型:America needed “a government as good as its people.”

6) What Is To Be Done?(America is not going to have a Communist revolution nor endure “100 Years of Humiliation,” as Imperial China did. 老美还知道中国的百年屈辱?)

a)这家伙想要政变:We could hope for an enlightened military coup, or some other deus ex machina by the right kind of tyrants.

b)民主政治改革:We could hope to change the basic nature of our democracy, so it fits the times as our other institutions do.

c)修改宪法:In principle, the United States could call for a new constitutional convention, to reconsider all the rules.

d)新的外来威胁改变美国人:We might hope for another Sputnik moment.

e)作者有点失望: Our government is old and broken and dysfunctional, and may even be beyond repair.


家园 美国《新闻周刊》:2010年世界形势十大预言



美国《新闻周刊》:2010年世界形势十大预言 (2009年12月)



















  在2008年的银行业危机和2009年的经济衰退之后, 2010年我们可能会看到下一阶段的全球经济动荡:公共财政方面的危机。问题在欧洲最严重。在西班牙、爱尔兰和英国,政府赤字已上升到GDP的12%还多。而到2014年,欧盟各国的政府债务将超过GDP的100%。由于担心政府无力解决其巨大赤字,2009年12月希腊市场发生崩溃。由于大部分欧盟国家使用欧元作为通用货币,它们再也不能通过印刷钞票来解决债务问题,也不能让它们的货币贬值来使自己的出口产品变得更有竞争力,从而摆脱困境。




家园 太牛了,没一个准


家园 德国:最新的中印真实对比惊人 西方不该厚印薄中

德国:最新的中印真实对比惊人 西方不该厚印薄中


随着中美关系因对台军售等事件出现摩擦,外界对两国关系的发展出现不同看法。一些西方媒体在批评中国的同时,大赞印度。甚至有媒体声称,“印美国”将取代 “中美国”。对此,德国资深记者克里斯迪安斯密特撰文呼吁,西方媒体不应“厚印薄中”。






斯密特呼吁,西方媒体在报道中国对人权的“伤害”以及“网络审查”时,也应注意报道的比例。是不是也应当报道一些中国社会的进步?比如中国执行死刑的人数近年来减少了1/3,或报道中国政府在乡村进行民主选举实验,以及像马克里欧纳德在其获奖书籍《中国怎么想》里描述的中国教授和其他知识分子进行的自由辩论。 “只有这样,才会扭转中国人对西方媒体的普遍看法----―你们所谓的自由媒体也仅是宣传而已”。

斯密特的文章在德中文化网刊登之前,已于 1月26日在广播电台播出,反响很强烈。2月17日出版的德国《法兰克福评论》也以“飞跃围墙”为题对斯密特进行了专访。斯密特表示,在中国生活,肯定比西方媒体描述的要好。他说,中国人用谷歌搜索的才30%,大多数人用百度,所以谷歌说要退出中国市场,对中国人影响并不大。所谓对企业的审查等,其实都是例行规定,国外企业都知道这些。


家园 西媒:加拿大“司法独立”,政府无法决定引渡赖昌星




The Canadian government has been trying to deport Lai, although Canada and China do not have an extradition treaty. Many Chinese do not understand that the Canadian government cannot dictate or influence court decisions.

很多中国人(many Chinese) 不理解,加拿大政府不能决定或者影响法庭的决定。

家园 美国在阿富汗战争的十大神话


Top Ten Myths about Afghanistan, 2010

Posted on 12/27/2010 by Juan

10. “There has been significant progress in tamping down the insurgency in Afghanistan.”

* Fact: A recent National Intelligence Estimate by 16 intelligence agencies found no progress. It warned that large swathes of the country were at risk of falling to the Taliban and that they still had safe havens in Pakistan, with the Pakistani government complicit. The UN says there were over 6000 civilian casualties of war in Afghanistan in the first 10 months of 2010, a 20% increase over the same period in 2009. Also, 701 US and NATO troops have been killed this year, compared to 521 last year, a 25% increase. There were typically over 1000 insurgent attacks per month in Afghanistan this year, often twice as many per month as in 2009, recalling the guerrilla war in Iraq in 2005.

9. Afghans want the US and NATO troops to stay in their country because they feel protected by them.

* Fact: In a recent [pdf] poll, only 36% of Afghans said they were confident that US troops could provide security. Only 32% of Afghans now have a favorable view of the United States’ aid efforts in their country over-all.

Afghan poll Dec. 6, 2010

Dec. 6, 2010, ABC/BBC et al. poll of Afghans

8. The “surge” and precision air strikes are forcing the Taliban to the negotiating table.

* Fact: The only truly high-ranking Taliban leader thought to have engaged in parleys with the US, Mulla Omar’s number 2, turns out to have been a fraud and a con man.

7. The US presence in Afghanistan is justified by the September 11 attacks.

* Fact: In Helmand and Qandahar Provinces, a poll found that 92% of male residents had never heard of 9/11.

6. Afghans still want US troops in their country, despite their discontents.

* Fact: one poll found that 55% of Afghans want the US out of their country. And, the percentage of Afghans who support Taliban attacks on NATO has grown from 9% in 2009 to 27% this year!

5. The presidential elections of 2009 and the recent parliamentary elections were credible and added to the legitimacy of Afghanistan’s government.

* Fact: Karzai stole his presidential election and the parliamentary elections were riddled with fraud. One fourth of the votes for parliament this fall had to be thrown out because of suspected ballot fraud, and 10 percent of victors were unseated for serious irregularities.

4. President Hamid Karzai is “a key ally” of the United States.

* Fact: Karzai has repeatedly threatened to join the Taliban. He has also admitted to being on a $2 million a year retainer from Iran. All he has to do is cozy up to North Korea for a trifecta!

3. Shiite Iran is arming the hyper-Sunni, Shiite-hating Taliban in Afghanistan.

* Fact: Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates told Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini last February “that intelligence indicated there was little lethal material crossing the Afghanistan-Iran border.” This according to a wikileaks cable.

2. Foreigners are responsible for much of Afghanistan’s fabled corruption.

* The trail of big corruption usually leads back to people around President Karzai. Karzai insiders bankrupted a major Kabul bank with their shenanigans, forcing the government to bail it out. A significant portion of the $42 million in medicine given by the US for Afghan soldiers this year has disappeared and the Karzai-appointed official concerned has just been fired. US officials have alleged that Karzai’s brother in Qandahar has run interference for illegal businesses and the drug trade.

1. The US is in Afghanistan to fight al-Qaeda.

* Fact: CIA director Leon Panetta admitted that there are only 50-100 al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan! The US is mainly fighting two former allies among the Mujahidin whom Ronald Reagan dubbed “freedom fighters” and the “equivalent of America’s founding fathers:” Gulbaddin Hikmatyar and his Hizb-i Islami, and Jalaluddin Haqqani and his Haqqani Network. These two organizations, which received billions from the US congress to fight the Soviets in the 1980s, are more deadly and important now than the ‘Old Taliban’ of Mulla Omar. The point is that they are just manifestations of Pashtun Muslim nationalism, and not eternal enemies of the United States (being former allies and clients and all). Hikmatyar has roundly denounced al-Qaeda.

家园 州长还可以给好友儿子减刑,


家园 中文翻译






战地援助组织和安全分析人员也提出证据,挑战奥巴马在阿富汗的“重要进程”说法。阿富汗非政府组织安全办事处(Afghanistan NGO Safety Office)主任Nic Lee说:“毫无保留的,我们的看法是,今年情况比去年更不安全。”这个机构是独立的,它的主要任务是为援助组织提供安全分析。同时,战地安全分析员也说,34省中,除了一省外,它们的省长都是塔利班控制的影子省长。





事实:塔利班高层领袖,一位据说是塔利班最高领导穆拉奥马尔(Mullah Omar)第二把手的人士确曾与美国接触过,但这却是个骗局,其实这位所谓“塔利班高官”后来却被发现原来是个骗子。














一,美国是在阿富汗打击基地组织的。事实:中央情报局(CIA)局长帕呐塔(Leon Panetta)曾公开承认,在阿富汗仅有50至100名基地组织恐怖份子,多是80年代苏联侵占阿富汗时被雷根总统称为“自由战士”的武装份子。他们包括Gulbaddin Hikmatyar领导的Hizb-iIslami,以及Jalaludin Haqqani领导的Haqqani网路。


家园 好文章有佛祖保佑啊,善哉,善了个哉啊!

送花。注:送花、宝推可能得宝 关闭



家园 塔利班剿匪作战不利啊


家园 China Rises, and Checkmates

China Rises, and Checkmates


In the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof writes about his meeting with Hou Yifan, a 16-year-old who recently became the youngest world chess champion:

Napoleon is famously said to have declared, “When China wakes, it will shake the world.” That is becoming true even in spheres that China historically has had little connection with, like chess, basketball, rare earth minerals, cyber warfare, space exploration and nuclear research.


This is a process that Miss Hou exemplifies. Only about 1 percent of Chinese play chess, and China has never been a chess power. But since 1991, China has produced four women’s world chess Champions, and Ms. Hou is the one with by far the most promise.


It will be many, many decades before China can challenge the United States as the overall “No. 1” in the world, for we have a huge lead and China still must show that it can transition to a more open and democratic society. But already in discrete areas — its automobile market, carbon emissions and now women’s chess — China is emerging as No. 1 here and there, and that process will continue.


家园 我来补一句

给焦国标带来民主的是 TG的屠刀 砍死他丫的

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