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主题:【原创】95-1枪族悄然登场有感 -- 种植园土
I have visited AA/RR hangar (a workshop making Boeing 747 engine) in Fort Worth, Texas, Toyota workshop in Nagoya, Bei3Nei4's (Beijing Internal Combustion Engine Manufacture?) workshop in Beijing and a lot of small workshops in the US.
To be honest, I am not in engineering workshop field and have no clue about engineering workshops at all. But, it seems that all successful workshops are good at management and process. And the most important thing is that people there are innovative. They design and make specific equipment and process tailored to their own needs. And, people there are rewarded by such innovative ideas and other stuff. In Toyota, workers are sitting on a chair that is attached on a mechanical arm so that the chair can move up, down, left, right, forward, backward and rotate pretty easily. In AA/RR workshop, they made a "sink" equipment so that the engine is held at workers' eye level, and the engine can raise, sink and turn as needed. The R&D is just part of the workshop. The whole thing looked chaotic at first. But, when you finished the tour, you can get a feeling that the workshop is sort of just like a lab in the university where people can constantly test and improve their equipments and products.
Just my 2 cents and forgive me about not be able to type in Chinese.
So far, no other way can make things better. Thank you, Darwin.
1 希望你系统的科普以下葡萄酒知识,尤其是好葡萄酒是怎么个好法,怎么选择,现在中国人的葡萄酒知识是彻底混乱了,闹了不少笑话。
河里善饮酒会品酒的不少,鱼樵山人写过一个葡萄酒系列,链接出处, 不过我看他是业余高手,您给评评看?
一线工人最反感的就是设计和工艺脱节... 像丰田厂这样高度流水化的生产厂,只要能减少人工时,任何点子都可以拿上来实验... 以为他们有这个经济利益做动力...