
主题:【原创】再战江湖(3)没头脑和不高兴,还有鲍莫尔的病 -- 万里风中虎

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家园 woow, you do not know????

He warned in 2005.

家园 hehe, 你以为格林斯潘,萨默斯,鲍威尔,巴菲特,还有


Greenspan recent said (not word-by-word): I did notice there is fundamental risk mispricing in 2005-2006, we will need a big adjustment to correct the risk mispricing.

Hank/Tim: warned President G.W.Bush on the risk of OTC derivatives in 2006 as soon as Hank sweared in as the Treasury Secretary.

Wall Street bet on risk shifting through the insurance industry. And the insurance industry (esp., monoline insurance firms as well as other financial insurance firms) mispriced risk BY A HUGE margin in 2003-2006.

Big investment banks downplayed the risk mispricing issue for years, even between late 2006 and summer 2007.

家园 IMF=intentional mess-you-up


Former USSR was converted from an industrial might into a third-world raw material exporter... Thumbs up.

IMF seems to give a blind eye to the fundamental fiscal unbalance in America and PIIGs for years...

家园 They are the first to know

They are part of the game so they are the first to know. They also have the most sophiscated tools and brightest guys. Could you please recommend some sources that do "preview" works?

How about IMF papers/ Fed papers/ World Bank papers? How about investment bank reports?

家园 Big bank的问题是

它们也许知道,但它们绝对不是first to know,而且它们没法get out, get out对于它们来说就是关门。

家园 CDO之类的东西都是他们搞出来的,如何不第一个知道?

没法get out我同意,但是可以通过风险分散来对冲,好比高盛一边大卖Acubas一边自己和别人做空这些玩意,两边赚钱。问题在于他们创造出来衍生品并不是自己窝着赚利息,而是卖给投资者,不光这里赚一笔,同时做空又能赚一笔。高盛借给希腊银子也是个例子,赚了高利息,然后做空又能赚一笔。

家园 因为做的人并不能预测未来



问题是Big Bank能第一个在正好的时间知道么?

家园 你说的有一定道理


家园 【求助】


家园 谁家的狗不给自己家看门呢?


家园 学习了,学着送花








家园 insurance industry is to bla


CDO/securitiziation does not make sense if those insurance firms price their CDS product more conservatively.

I know that even in 2007, some insurance firms still priced insurance contracts on MBS with a simple 3% cut, the historical rate from their municipal bond business.

AIG FP failure is just another example: you look at the credentials of their FP heads. Those are just ass-kisser idiots and many of them do not understand their products at all. The fact that those idiots got promoted to key growth division just told you how incompetent the whole AIG management team were.

The only lucky thing was that AIG dramatically cut those CDS product sale after 2005. Otherwise, American taxpayers would have experienced a bigger shock.

BTW, Ace Greenberg was literatally a financial criminal--he was lucky that he did not end up in jail. AIG developed lots of toxic insurance products that were used to manipulate public companies' earnings numbers.

He lost billions after AIG's demise and he deserved that.

家园 我觉得是短期和长期、少量应急和大量稳定的区别


家园 老虎,中国的科技目前也差距不小吧,我指的能实用的,除了



家园 今天下午我们头这样说的



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