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主题:欧洲讨饭记1 -- parishg
buy what they own in Africa first, 2nd choice is South America, where China has some kind of influence and therefore some kind of protection.
Fortune without power to protect is nothing in chaos time.
And buy those they refused to sell before, that is probably good things.
just what America did.
Any rational national leader, who still cares about his own nation's benefits and power, will make that rational choice.
Chinese do not need Europe's slowly-collapsing import demand for their economic growth.Domestic chinese do have economic demand for better life and improving living standards. THERE ARE DEMANDS THERE, JUST UNDER THEIR ASS.
It is the largest joke in the world that a nation with the largest population and one of the largest income disparity on the earth, look for "demand" from those hypocritical European nations, which are at least 7,000 miles away.
Wen gave too much bullshit these days. He can just shut up and watch the Euroland slowly collapsing among all the internal stabbing and quarrel.
CHINA DOES NOT NEED EU TO ACKNOWLEDGE ITS MARKET ECONOMY STATUS BECAUSE first China is not an market economy, and second,there will be no Euroland/EU very soon... Wen is now just like requesting a big favor from USSR in 1988...
Really stupid and mindless.
zt 路透社报道,盖特纳与欧洲各国财长进行了30分钟的会谈,要求4400亿美元的欧洲金融稳定基金应该发挥更大的作用,帮助希腊、葡萄牙、意大利等国摆脱困境。
奥地利财长Maria Fekter称:“他直言不讳的要求我们提供资金来解救金融系统。但据我所知,似乎美国的数据比欧洲还糟糕。而且当我们提出一个建议时,他又说行不通。”
haha, Trojan horse from America.
The largest liquidity problem comes from Eurodollar market, rather than the Euro market itself. Unfortunately, ECB can only beg for dollars and could not print itself. hahaha.
It is 100% deja vu of 2008 crisis.
所谓唇亡齿寒,两千年前我们就懂得道理现在还能犯糊涂?帮欧洲人,是要用一半的财产保证另外一半不受损失,不帮欧洲人,他们降了就会和美国人一起来抢我们,那时候命都得搭上,可不是一半财产的事了。为什么我们的财产会有风险?因为美国人不想生产,只想抢劫。Easy Money搞惯了,没兴趣挣辛苦钱了。羊群们抱成一团,老狼不好下口。就对喜羊羊说,何必跟懒羊羊,美羊羊那帮loser混在一起,跟我一起抢钱吃肉多好啊。你要信了他的,第一个被吃掉的就是你。张仪当年就是这么玩楚怀王的:
to sell tech to China?--only after a severe economic crisis and total social collapse.
Without that, arrogant Russians will not put down their white superiority complex and move to China to sell their tech.
China needs to ensure that this downturn will be a long one, not for Chinese if the gov. can implement FDR-like policies, but for Europeans--so that Europe will finally start to sell AND SELL TO YOU AT BIG DISCOUNT.
You need to kick their ass and teach them a lesson that CHINESE ARE DOING THEM A FAVOR BY PAYING FOR THEIR TECH.
In the long run, Chinese should ask themselves a serious question: why SO MANY TSINGHUA TALENTED ENGINEERS MOVE TO STATES AND EUROPE TO produce new cutting tech for American and European firms?
China's firms suck and their management suck. That's simple. Japanese did much better than Chinese in absorbing and developing new technologies.
1) 欧洲的问题,根子是欧元各国自己,美国人不过是挑破了黑暗面,激化了矛盾,还是属于“顺势而为”的。如果没有欧猪们,美国敢情自己造一个出来?裁判再吹黑哨,总不能亲自踢一个球进去吧?
I can not cite all since we on the sub-forum promise not to do that. But you can ask Ben on this forum for his insights.
European funds actively worked against America and its banking system before 2008. Deustche bank stabbed American banks to destablize America. Now is just the pay-back time.
你做初一我做十五, fair game.
like crazy to support the banking system.
Euroland needs a political solution, but not one German politician has the gut to do the unpopular thing, risking his or her political career to provide this simple solution, WHICH IS CRUCIAL FOR an integrated EU to defeat America. Everyone is kicking the can down the road, but
What ECB can do is just to provide intensive care from one day to another day.
America is lucky to have Hank Paulson, who reversed a losing game for America into a successful assault on all attackers against America--by bankrupting Lehman. European banking system was almost paralyzed in 2008.
“If you can't convince them, confuse them.”- Harry S Truman, 33rd President of the United States
"Winter is Coming",希望我们准备好了。