主题:委内瑞拉大选--民意观察 -- 古巴拉面
heavy oil, right? It requires more efforts in terms of refinery and is not as good as middle-east oil. V's oil should be a serious competitor against Canadian oil producers.
That country lives under what we called "resource curse": the whole national economy relies on natural resource export, which pushes up domestic currency and kills domestic manufacturing industry.
In the end, you have a polarized society with billionaire owners of those resources and extremely poor low skill workers--without a skilled labor force/middle class.
Those kind of nations always fluctuate between either right-wing dictatorship or left-wing mob rule. It can not have a stable social structure as we see in most industrialized European nations or in today's States.
I enjoy very much reading your posts, please go ahead and write more on V. BTW, you mentioned that there are 1m Chinese there. Any further reporting will be very welcome.
I had Spanish girlfriend before, but my memory of Spanish faded away fast.
for fertilizer. The same observation in Brazil. People never heard of "field management"--agriculture= leave the seeds and let God take care of everything.