
主题:【原创】量子生物学 I 摘要和前言 -- witten1

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家园 生命, as "non sr qm"


I mean:"I remember you wrote some where that 量子场论 would have NO impact on the life on the earth as we know"

also, I have to say I am a "民科" here, just asking some general questions.

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家园 What's the meaning of "sr" ?

What's the meaning of "sr" in your comment/question?

家园 special relativity, I hope(:

1. sorry for using such an uncommon term.

2. if I remember: Schroedinger talked about life 分子 "能级 gap" as big eneough to stand normal heat noise or while noise disturbance from the environment?...

3. question: Schroedinger inspired DNA discovery, in what sense?

sorry for my broken language and thoughts


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1932 Von Neumann Hilbert space formulation of non-SR QM. -F paper. L' proposes a duality between ST, which includes gravity, and gauge theory (QFT) which ...

Unifications in Physics


1925 Schroedinger. Klein-Gordon: SR & wave eq. 1926 Klein, Gordon. QM fully formulated. 1926. Hilbert space formulation of non-SR QM. 1932 Von Neumann ...

生命, as "non sr qm"

www.cchere.com/article/3833692 - Translate this page

生命, as "non sr qm" [ 晓兵 ] 于:2013-01-10 00:14:25 复:3833672. "生命所能生活温度尺度已经被体内的DNA大分子或者别的蛋白质分子所能保持稳定的能级范围给 ...

生命所能生活温度尺度=non sr qm?

www.cchere.com/article/3833672 - Translate this page

1 day ago – I remember you wrote some where that 量子场论would have impact on the life on the earth as we know, non sr qm, kind of like qm in 量子通信, ...

how about penrose reduction?

www.cchere.com/article/3833664 - Translate this page

1 day ago – 生命, as "non sr qm" 新 晓兵字282 2013-01-10 00:14:25 ... O how about penrose reduction? 新 O 晓兵字819 2013-01-09 23:10:00 ... O ...

家园 一些回答


因为室温300K所对应的能标大约是25-26meV(It's very easy to get it, you just simply times 300K by Boltzmann constant then you get the energy scale, then simply convert it into eV = 1.6*10^(-19)J)。那么你应当知道这25-26meV对于大分子蛋白质意味着啥吧?在没有适当的保暖或抗热措施下,人类应当只能大概(裸)生活在300K plus/minus 40-50K的环境下,这对应的的能量的变化范围大概是21-30meV。我们也清楚,在超越这样的温度范围后,蛋白质会变性(不能正常工作了),而当你把它转到21-30meV,其实就是对应于蛋白质或者体内的别的大分子的在维持自身特性所必需存在的能级范围。所以说量子力学第一次真正解释了为什么我们只能生活在这样的温度范围。



家园 Delbruck's model

I have to read it further to get it..

but you may understand it much faster,

"Delbruck concluded that mutations are quantum transitions resulting from either random thermal fluctuations or the absorption of radiant energy, spontaneous mutations arising predominantly from thermal fluctuations rather than from natural radiation. Schrdinger, although relying heavily on Delbruck's work, failed to mention the discoveries of H. J. Muller on radiation-induced mutagenesis or the important role of complementariness in the specific attraction between molecules and their enzymatic synthesis, which was already suggested by Haldane (1937) and Pauling and Delbruck (1940). "


Delbruck's model: Much of Schrdinger's discussion in What Is Life? was based on an article by Timofeef-Ressovsky et al. (1935) on the mutation rate induced by X rays in Drosophila melanogaster. A third section of that article was by Delbruck (a model of genetic mutation based on atomic physics). Perutz (1987) summarized Delbruck's results.

After briefly reviewing the gene concept, Delbruck dealt with the nature of mutations and the stability of the gene. Since no direct methods for studying the chemical nature of the gene were then available, the problem was attacked indirectly by studying the nature and limits of gene stability and by asking whether the known facts about genes are consistent with the known facts of the atomic theory, especially with reference to the behavior of well-defined assemblies of atoms. Delbruck considered both vibrational and electronic transitions. He derived the relationship between the rate of such transition (W) and its activation energy (U). Delbruck stated that chemical bond energies are of the order of several electron volts, but argued that the activation energies of molecules cover an even wider range than his estimates indicate, so that reaction rates of any magnitude can result from a given set of circumstances. He concluded that evolution had stabilized the molecular structure of genes to the extent that their natural frequency of rearrangement is smaller by several orders of magnitude than the frequency of their reproduction. A single ionization, because of its much greater energy, should be sufficient to produce any given mutation, regardless of its natural frequency. On the basis of Delbruck's speculations with respect to the atomic structure of a gene, Schrdinger pointed out that “there is a fair chance of producing a mutation when an ionization occurs not more than about 10 atoms away from a particular spot on the chromosome.” However, Perutz (1987) summarized evidence indicating that Schrdinger's estimate was incorrect. An article published while Schrdinger's book was in press showed that the biological effects of ionizing radiation are due primarily to the generation of hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen atoms in the surrounding water (Weiss 1944). Other evidence since then has shown that the hydroxyl radicals and hydrated electrons can diffuse to their targets even if they are generated more than a thousand atomic diameters away (see Perutz 1987).

家园 incomplete without qft?


but mentally, our brain model would be "incomplete" in pure bio sense, since our body is not aware of the full picture of universe, or interacting with it, due to said energy related reason, we're 温室动物 ;

mentally though, we have had a, ll the great interactions with universe already, up to standard model, lab and evidence based..

I try to say that since "begining" , human mind is somehow aware of the fact that his operating model is "math incomplete" in relation to the universe or his "macro system", therefore fear and greed, religion, family, group power come in to "compensate" the incompletemness of his mind model..

science and technology progress can help, but the "gap" is never going to be narrower?

never ending pursuit of "negative entropy" for individual or human race? born to work and work to die?

家园 indeterminacy plays no role

I believe this is still the foundation of mordern western medicine.

traditional chinese medicine would not agree with that?

and it seem that Schrdinger does not care much about "soul" etc, not as much as penrose does?

I hope you can translate this article into chinese, thx in advance

"Schrdinger wrote that, contrary to the opinion held by some physicists, quantum indeterminacy plays no biologically relevant role in the space-time events in the body of a living being, except perhaps by enhancing the purely accidental nature in mutation, meiosis, and so on. The two major premises considered by Schrdinger are (a) the body functions as a pure mechanism according to the laws of nature; and (b) we also know that we are directing its motions, knowing fully the consequences of our actions and taking responsibility for them. From these premises, Schrdinger concluded that I (in the widest sense) am the person, if any, who controls the “motion of the atoms” according to the laws of nature. "

家园 gene stability,mutation

"This time it is easy to see that the energy gaps between the electronic levels are huge compared to the vibrational and rotational levels.

At room temperature, The large energy gap between the first electronic level and the next nearest level practically guarantees that all hydrogen molecules (and most other molecules) exist only in their electronic ground state.

1.is this the "gene stability" in Delbruck's model ?

2. on the other hand,mutation etc, door of opportunity is still wide open:

"It is, however, more likely that many molecules exist in different excited vibrational or rotational states"

also, indeterminacy induced

"enhancing the purely accidental nature in mutation, meiosis, and so on"

mind body, chinese tricks, soul, god..why not?

Schrdinger wrote that, contrary to the opinion held by some physicists, quantum indeterminacy plays no biologically relevant role in the space-time events in the body of a living being, except perhaps by enhancing the purely accidental nature in mutation, meiosis, and so on.

"Molecules can be made to jump between different energy levels, electronic, vibrational and rotational, by applying different frequencies of light. If the energy of the light matches the energy gap of the energy levels (among other criteria ... selection rules) then we may get an absorption pattern (spectrum) that can be used to uniquely identify the molecule."

家园 sr=the sole "complete"

"At room temperature, The large energy gap between the first electronic level and the next nearest level practically guarantees that all hydrogen molecules (and most other molecules) exist only in their electronic ground state"

would it also guarantees some kind of stupidity of human mind as a low level math reflection of hydrogen molecules stuff and their collections? (:)

so functioning "life" is basically non-sr, some qm, mostly chemical thermodynamical process, a process notoriously aimimg for a"low information high entropy", macro and statistical model for equilibrium system (and the border of the system?)

and heat equation's heat transfer is "instant"?

so far, the only "complete" theorectical science we have is sr,can we say that?

家园 mind@plank scale?

1. "normal bio" energy scale

eye scale:单个光子携带的能量约为4×10-19焦耳,这样大小的能量足以激发起眼睛上感光

玻爾茲曼K 8.314 焦耳/ 摩爾. 開度÷ 6.022× 10 23 理粒/摩爾=1.38× 10 -23 焦耳/開度

"normal mind" gauge:galilean invariance good enough?

for "real talents or human race collectively":

2 "penrose objective reduction" ( I read very little)

mind or soul: near plank scale? 1.5092X10 33 焦耳的能量

"Take and interpret it. E is the degree of spacetime separation of the superpositioned particle and t is the time until POR occurs. This shows that small superpositions (i.e. things that are almost in a determined state) will take a long time to collapse objectively. This intuitively makes sense, since there isn’t really a “need” for it to take a determined position if it is undetermined at close to plank-length distance. It doesn’t contradict our world view. On the other hand, extremely large objects (say Schrodinger’s cat) will objectively collapse to a single position extremely quickly. This eliminates the “paradox” of Schrodinger’s cat."




家园 没有所谓的完成的理论

so far, the only "complete" theorectical science we have is sr,can we say that?

我不相信当前有任何理论是"complete"的,我也不相信人类真能最终理解“真理”。当前的所有“正确”理论都只是在其适用范围内能非常好work的理论。就我个人的看法是量子力学能work的范围肯定比狭义相对论大,相对论怎么看都像是某种东西的coarse graining。相对论迟早有一天会被某更深层次的理解超越而只能做为某种有效近似,不然如此浩瀚宇宙,人类只能被困在一隅(即便以接近光速飞行),那这岂不是会非常无趣。而量子力学应当会在某个更深层的理论中直接留下影子而不只是做为某种有效近似。

家园 I mean qft

1.I was thinging about "quantum effect", "quantum communciation" as "non sr qm":

where there is "energy(or information) gap in terms of scales, "orders" ) between"local quantum system" and its environment, in a "low speed" micro qm model, such gap can hang on for quite a while as we know;

2. In a qft modeled world, a "gap" as such if any, in terms of spacetime seperation (space time separation four-vector), would exits like "casimir effect", but it is 6次方反比? you wrote about "casimir effect"once and very well.

3. "qft"as such a perfect information world, a realistic world or "high speed micro" sr qm model, there would be no life or bio stuff, then we have "big bang", higgs,对称稀缺, dark matter/energy/accouting error, etc?

4. I guess "higgs field" or adam/apple story is what 人择原理 about, we came from a information perfect world to the present information imperfect world, so we can progress or regress?

5. now, tg as a huge 薛定谔猫, what would be "penrose objective reduction"費曼路徑積分 model? mind boggling?

家园 QFT有一堆问题


quantum field的局域性和量子理论的非定域性在本质上是互相矛盾且无法调和的。我在前面介绍Buchanan的一篇科学时评里谈到了这个----无论荷载纠缠态的两粒子距离多远,纠缠态总是关联collapse。Gisin刚刚完成的实验表明如果两粒子之间真有我们时空之中的某种隐藏的相互作用(隐参数)联系,那么这隐藏的相互作用的传播的速度必需是无穷大。这是QFT无法回答的一个问题。



家园 4"bio":自然光場=非马尔可夫热库, amazing


there is one indian guy living but without"food 4ever(?:)" as bbc reported once, he basically lives on 自然光場=非马尔可夫热库, just like a tree?

in qm communication, ustc did manipulated some kind of "频率环境" making it a 非马尔可夫热库, so their "s-cat"baby can move around with it, I remember reading it somethere.

My current "research" is kind of "penrose objective reduction" stuff, "pure" theorectical modelling, kind of qm related, and I hope to get some apps models out of it.

In general, for human race, it is hard to live on 自然光場=非马尔可夫热库, as efficient as a tree, but our "qm" kind of figured all these things out, though still "a work in progress", and it is a just start, many amazing apps will come out



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