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主题:国债负利率的日本,越借钱政府赚得越多,当然不怕花钱 -- forger
墨虎's fallacy posts is about a subject of worth of tons of books;
长远看, CNY is much more bullish than JPY, for the obvious reasons;
the too obvious things are often likely fallacies;
"长远看, CNY more bullish vs JPY", can you provide a operational model for chairman X based on that kind of people's daily stuff?
can you as a trader, investor, a business man make decisions based on that stuff?
how 长远 is 长远? if we can't define or quantify it, then it is useless, fallacies suspicious, because it does not provide any new information, and therefore valueless;
as said, TG picked up soviet union version of Marxism as their "logic model" at right time, right place, and it worked out hugely well for TG.
Marxism, Lennism actually "correctly" exposed the disequilibrium nature of capitalism, so did Keynesian & alike other white economists, human system as an open dissipative system is fundamentally unstable, part of reasons human brain consumes most of human system's energy in a struggle to deal with this inherent volatility, as an individual or as a group;
still, in retrospect, Marxism, Lennism are more likely a fallacy ideology, because it did really contribute any new information to the humanity, its 砸烂旧世界 solution to fix the problem of capitalism is obviously more harmful than helpful to human system as a whole;
china in long term will more likely do better than japan, and neither of them will fall apart as "volatility" may have suggested, and china's survival and growth in future will be related less and less to Marxism & Lennism.
and again, 长远看 is a fallacy, "china will do well" is a fallacy as well, because it does not tell you any information about "china will do well relative to whom"? and how to get there? at all.
how to get there? it looks like US is trying to make this AI economy fly off
changshou:几何直观地介绍广义相对论的时空以及大爆炸模型 (0) 2013-07-03 19:23:56
a very good series
柯西超曲面,"全局双曲的时空 存在整体的坐标时间" [ 晓兵 ] 于:2013-07-03 19:23:56 复:3674028
物理"因果结构存在"=柯西超曲面=全局双曲的时空 存在整体的坐标时间"
"如果有一个 这样的整体的坐标时间 我们就有无穷多的其他的 整体的坐标时间。这是因为我们可以把观察者们的世界线 作连续的形变(只要形变幅度不大 就仍然是类时的)。
这类时空 有整体的坐标时间和 对应于(该坐标时间的)某一时刻的空间部分(柯西超曲面)。于是 我们可以说 全局双曲的时空是 柯西超曲面随坐标时间演化而成的。"
that tells us, as an individual or a group, we all get a share of this 柯西超曲面 related volatility, period;
and how to reduce that volatility consumption of our energy, is often critical, or 出身未捷身先死 长使英雄泪满襟;
in the past of not too long ago, human beings used to murder each other in tons of blood to figure out whose political ideology religious view are fallacies, not any more, now human social science 证伪 process is much less bloody, more of financial market 证伪, then you have 2008 black hole almost sucked in the whole world of capitalism.
so, let's try AI 证伪, part of why AI economy now.
in terms of social physics, 柯西超曲面 may exist, but it currently cost society tons of money in trying figuring this "柯西超曲面度量" thing out;
and making things worse, even GR model may have underestimated the "volatility cost" in finding 柯西超曲面, in using its Riemann manifold 二次形 vs finsler manifold, 芬斯勒几何是一种没有二次型限制的黎曼几何,与变分学密切相关, Finsler度量是没有二次型限制的riemann度量, etc
partially, "volatility cost" is associated with 战争是政治的继续 model, since capitalist economics can't handle a dissipative system of today's national and world economy, so Ben/Fed actually played 政治 role as Fed is part of uncle sam's 国家机器 anyway, and with that, Ben/Fed bailed out uncle sam out of its 2008 black hole.
obviously, chairman X is trying using TGchina's 国家机器 to handle this likely coming bear market for china as well.
an example of connected 大脑神经网络" possible 量子效應 "
I was thinking about your posts about fallacies, then 奥卡姆剃刀...then the whole white's thinking regime or thinking models
奥卡姆剃刀(Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor),又称“奥坎的剃刀”,是由14世纪逻辑 ... 嚴格的說,它們應該被稱為吝嗇定律(Law of parsimony),或者稱為朴素原則。
then the Chinese as an language, then your posts about Chinese language as a 表意语言
then I was thinking about how not to waste our brains since most of the time, 语言 is some kind of 热响应, in terms of macroscopic thermodynamics, where most of the time individual 分子's 热响应 does not really contribute any new information to the system' "logic processing core algorism", since individual 分子's 热响应 is largely well predicted by system level's equations already, in terms of 配分函数统计物理 models.
but what if we are also possibly in a 量子/介观物理 environment?
witten1:【原创】量子生物学 I 摘要和前言 2013-01-01 15:21:49
a very good series, I hope it can be continued.
what is the point?
the point is, if, and very likely, most of the time, we are kind of somehow doing straightforward brain 热响应 "BS" near macroscopic equilibrium state, then we may well be better off relaxing, going out jogging, than scratching our heads arguing with each other, because such a debate most likely are full of fallacies, and can be cut into zeros by 奥卡姆剃刀, then why wasting our lives?
"没有新的热庫=溫度不變, 能量交換,sys 自我内耗 "
but, human system does need to do a people's mass brain war in searching potentially 新的热庫, so system will jack up all of us to jump into this people's mass brain war, 生的伟大死的光荣, with most of us 为人做嫁几时休, likely paving the road to success for those lucky & real innovators to come out and smile from ear to ear in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, 1949, a recent china drama/story as a special case of humanity's 达尔文进化论 in general, etc
obviously, as seen in Chinese language and its culture, 中日民族"量子性质严重"
as such, more likely Chinese are more crowded living together in some kind of 费米子 quantum system, vs white more of classic macroscopic 自由分子运动, "enjoying" 气体分子平均自由程, vs all of yellows crowded in a wave function of Chinese nation in a 势场 almost exclusively decided and managed by a powerful centralized political elite leadership;
and living in a quantum system as such, we "热"响应 with each other more actively, often have 团结 problems since day 1, with each other as an individual, as a group, as a nation.
and obviously, “不确定性” is a 先天性 feature of such a system, as featured in our languages, thinking models, value system, etc;
and that “不确定性” has to be hedged out at system level by 修身齐家治国平天下 etc as a social value, and at operational level, we have to all subject ourselves to the centralized leadership of social elite who have managed to survive and grow out of the ever-going brutal 修身齐家治国平天下 game of 达尔文进化论, Chinese version.
possibly out of that "logic", TG fxxks 李光耀连斩中国联邦 every time, and 中日民族"量子性质严重"= a love and hate, more hate than love between 中日, forever
meanwhile, the world of humanity is still moving forward likely with largely US innovated and powered AI economy to cut the brain waste of humanity with AI 奥卡姆剃刀, locally and globally, for individuals and for society, while jacking up even more violently all of us in searching of 新的热庫 for humanity,
and regardless of 中日民族"量子性质严重" , and the forever "love and hate" game between the two.
just manage that game well, you 中日民族"量子" baby(:).
obviously, "量子性质严重" has its "good" side as well, for now, let's focusing on the "evil" side of it.
"中文语言的表意特性", as an another "markov chain" in our brain, tends to fool our brain in thinking we have unique and innovative 意 in our thinking, and obviously, most of the time, and eventually, 奥卡姆剃刀 will 正交分解 our self-perceived 创意新意 into a series of 基 already known to the system, all the arguments=0, with very little value added, if any.
in the likely a quantum system of 中日民族"量子性质严重" filled with 糾纏態疊加態, such a standard 奥卡姆剃刀 "正交分解" process just takes longer time, costing systme much more money, than US/west?
基(線性代數) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
从达尔文主义者眼中看去 [ Fuhrer ]
as such, some kind of "图形文字+拼音文字" as a some kind of AI 拼"基"文字 may eventually be figured out as a standard international 文字 or thinking and communicating medium.
【原创】近代自然科学禀性探讨(二,三) 花16 witten1 字1733 2013-08-12 01:22:38
..O 呃,见一个问题 月下 字14 2013-09-01 00:11:52
...O 伊粟: 数学是自然科学社会科学赌博神学都可以使用的工具 花2 晓兵 字9631 2013-09-01 10:30:33
...O 数学不是科学 witten1 字0 2013-09-01 10:29:43
..O 逻辑理性的“分析”:“格物”得法,“致知”系统 晓兵 字2223 2013-08-15 17:08:37
...O 我猜 witten1 字58 2013-08-15 22:15:43
....O 没有新的热庫=溫度不變, 能量交換,sys 自我内耗 花6 晓兵 字2282 2013
没有新的热庫=溫度不變, 能量交換,sys 自我内耗 [ 晓兵 ]
从达尔文主义者眼中看去 [ Fuhrer ]
关于文字信息密集度的问题,如果只统计信息量,而不关注信息精确度,那么就会无的放矢。一般短信中都存在场景因素,前提假设等,但是如果是不熟悉的人和事之间通讯,完整不被误读的表达,才是衡量信息密集度的指标。 由此引申,电脑互联网是01码基础上的编码结构,因此信息度可以简单为不同文字的编码量。但是从语言的目的去看,更重要的是这个信息量传递的思想,所谓人与人之间的默契很大程度上就是这个意思,因此完整表达一个思想从外延上去说是个很大范围的信息量,往往也不是一句话可以简单完成的。因此,真正衡量这个信息密集度应该从语义的角度上去做工作。
but it can still hang together, producing, moving forward, likely still growing as well, with a world #2 super power title, because of that, TG still enjoys managing 这盘子, alone by itself, not to share it at all with 连战李光耀;
until one day, TG can't do it anymore, prompted by change from TG inside, or outside of china, neither likely in the "foreseeable" future, so everybody has to enjoy 量子 uncle TG for a long while, like it or not.
all 神=fallacies, no value anymore, so money all chasing 美女 etc, and 美女 is always 美女, 奥卡姆剃刀 can not cut into it;
and everybody else will be not that lucky at all
TED | Talks | List - TED.com
there is this young MIT entrepreneur saying that internet is out there to destroy values, likely with 奥卡姆剃刀 to cut all the "fake values" into very little values if any, he gave a few examples, such as those "silly" mainstream companies overpaid his company for doing some projects, which can be done by his company on internet with almost no cost, etc
can't find the link
somehow, global capital market has been 奥卡姆剃刀 cutting into all the emerging market, EEM, EMB, DBV, likely questioning the business models of entire china/EM world, I hope chairman X is aware of that.
不是心想是脑想,那请问My Heart Will Go On咋理解呢
for that kind of questions, human system is a complicated one, so "models" are even more valuable in analyzing it,etc
it is almost the same logic, and I have posted zillion times in the past, still, unless CAS folks make some fuss (a 必要条件 only,value=? if not zero) this Chinese 物理 with math core of TG's Chinese Marxism could go on for how long? nobody knows.
is white 公知, market system better than TG's Marxism of Chinese version, or Indian's temples, not necessarily, it is all relative;
but if, china stays and lives as a largely open system exchanging information/energy largely with US/west logic led world, what china can do?
and what is exactly the "math" of TG's Marxism of Chinese version? even chairman X did not talk about it in this 3rd plenary speech;
so far, "white 公知, market system" is the lessor of all evils, it is very hard not to go with it;
can china still grow Chinese "物理" under TG's "math" of Chinese Marxism?
of course, it just cost the Chinese system much more, in almost all the aspects of Chinese society.
"倒逼" has not really come to the core math of TG's Chinese Marxism yet, 不见棺材不落泪, which as a social physics problem, 棺材 & 泪 are hard to model and predict, non linear, but when it comes, it could come in a non linear way too.