
主题:比尔.盖茨/沃伦.巴菲特:答商学院学生问 -- 万年看客

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家园 盖子的产品基本都是抄的


家园 社会上关心的人还是很多的,不关心的主要集中在学校里


Farmer倒是对股市没那么重视,但商品期货市场却是他们的命根子,没人敢忽视。哪怕是硅谷码农,一旦自己做start up也会对所有的VC PE和投资人敏感得抽筋。资本主义社会并不是中国宣传的恶名,而是实实在在的事实。


家园 说起来没什么特别的,只是针对不同资产类型选择不同的工具


家园 PC的普及,以及相应的PC上的软件等大幅提高


家园 公道自在人心





家园 在证券市场有投资的人很难对巴菲特视而不见


家园 这个留个记号




家园 这话我同意!中国沙斯流感疫苗就是全民接种的


政府竟然会支持说 疫苗不成熟...... 有人会有不适反应!Come On 人命来的啊????!!!!

turn out是 中国沙市只死了2-3000人在12亿人口



家园 所以西方信仰进攻是最好的防守,进攻时容易保持内部团结


家园 精英的世界: US vs china


in a dissipative system (kind of the social systems we have now), we can't and will never have the "ideal or normal" distribution of "energy"(money, knowledge, power, even "human rights like sex" etc), 两极分化严重 kind of ="new normal"


now, the white's "民选, market system, free speech, human rights" etc

can the "white" system solve all the problems as we know in US, and China (and globally?)

of course not, all what the "white system" is trying to do is trying (trying again, social science is "hard", ) to:

at a society level, perform path integral or "路徑積分" ( in an analogy) etc, in terms of information collection, processing and logic/model finding(we have to constantly find new logic/model in social science to catch up with the speed of humanity progressing in whatever directions, "bad or good")

whether a reasonable "solution" can be found and accomplished by that 路徑積分 process=uncertain, very often, therefore, we have all the messes/problems in the white's "民选, market system, free speech, human rights" system, too many to point out, and TG's ideology machine has been roaring very loud: I told you, white's 西化 is not for us Chinese nation, it is not working even for whites themselves;


in a way, TG is "right", now the challenge is: what us Chinese should do then?

TG: 相信党中央, 紧密的团结在以 whomever 为总书记的党中央周围, tomorrow can only be better, the day after tomorrow would be even more beautiful (meaning at least life will be more beautiful for your family's future generations, if yourself can't catch a good life with TG now(;))

so, one can argue that TGchina's 精英 is basically leveraging on Chinese people's emotions, trust & their traditional support of Chinese political elite of past 5k years. yes, TGchina's 精英 work very hard for Chinese nation, and yes, TGchina's 精英 have accomplished a lot.

and it is also true, and as everybody knows, at the end of day, after all said and done, TGchina's 精英 are among the richest people in the world as well, in terms of individual or groups.


now, how about US 精英? what does US 精英 do? of course, they sometimes or very often "cheat" (or "marketing") on US "民选" popular mass/people as well, culturally, politically, just like their Chinese 精英 buddies;

still, at an increasingly higher percentage, US 精英 manages to accomplish their social advances/wealth accumulation, more and more by leveraging on information, knowledge, logic and models, which is much more positive to society as a whole.

and it is very hard if not impossible even for US 精英 to do any information related "businesses", without a solid system of "民选, market system, free speech, human rights" working to its extreme: this may be one of the fundamental "values" of the white system, and before they can figure out a new system, they keep their current social system.

and fundamentally, competition and competition derived progresses in the area of information, knowledge, logic and models etc will in general help a society to improve in 勞動生產率.

and 勞動生產率進步提高=the ultimate driver of economic and social progress.


does Chinese understand this logic?

I would think that logic is already a piece of cake to many TG 精英: they are super smart, or otherwise, how can they make so much money so fast?(:)

and if they are so smart, then why not letting Chinese people follow their "absolute" political leadership? after all, TGchina's 精英 know Chinese people very well, and if TGchina's 精英 say: we are doing ok, don't bother us, you white evils. what white evils can do?

not very much they can do, so, go ahead, try to get some sweat business deals done with TGchina's 精英.

after all, money does not smell.

but blood does smell, & besides, TGchina's 精英 knows that you have to be extremely careful in leveraging on Chinese people's national emotions, personal trust & their traditional support of Chinese political elite of past 5k years: that is almost the only "real' capital/看家本钱 TGchina's 精英 has, so better not to take any chance and risk to mess up that "dear" capital.

likely because of that, fxxk the 釣魚島 東海識別區 stuff: that is a piece of BS smoke, no money there, baby(:).

how about brainwashing and GFW stuff: the more the better, 意识形态战争死不了人, and it does not cost much at all, and 人民战争 @ 5 cents a piece, cheap(:), a good deal(:), then why not?

家园 "我的诀窍是理性":理性是別人帶出來的,自己=充滿了感性

and this is a tough world, and if your (meaning most of us) brain is full of 感性, most likely you will end up working as a piece of 乾電池, for the profit of whomever.


logically, this society (everywhere) is more of dissipative system, meaning 剥削有功, kind of 1 reasons why Marxist economics has a lot of fundamental issues, and as a political economics, it naturally leverages on 道德 stuff, fitting right into the "core" of Chinese traditional social science.

kind of why Chinese like 中国特色社会主义, in general: it supposedly has both logic and 道德.

although more likely, it is too good to be true.


now in a dissipative system where 剥削有功, information system is naturally non-linear, meaning: the right information, right logic, right model are not "normally" distributed as in a linear system, as an analogy;

that is why 精英 is more organized among themselves than otherwise, while the social mass is often not organized at all.


compared to 比尔.盖茨, 沃伦.巴菲特 is more of social scientist, and his comments seems much more valuable, & I would think (guessing of course) that he actually could have spoken much more regarding the points as mentioned in the above, although unlikely in that kind of situation. he has to be somehow politically correct.



that is kind of my understanding of his comments, really insightful;

now, in a non-linear & dissipative social system, one tries to be a winner in this 剥削有功 society(should one prepare for the worst anyway(:)? ) by his instinct, without 理性( unless he already has 理性) more likely, then more likely he is playing game with 感性: he works very hard, wants to win, only to lose even more (:), then he will become even more irrational, etc


now, back to the system level: knowing all the above points and if they hold, should a system at least try to distribute information as freely and widely as possible? and a system design would also encourage full mobility of social members in general, as free as possible.

because, at system level, you don't care who 剥削 whom, who is winner or loser, what you really care is: information is distributed to as many members as possible in a society, so some smart guy picks it up, run with it, & produces value out of it, helping the society to progress and move forward.



obviously, in a more realistic world, information is often not distributed the way as designed by system, there are "gaps" all over the places, and here 套利 folks come over, taking advantage of those gaps, making profit into their own back accounts, without really contributing much "real" value to the society.

in addition to information, we also need logic/model as well, to process data into information, to make value out of information, etc;

and where to get that logic/model? again, at system level, you have an ideal model to benefit society (not so much of 道德經, much more of productivity), vs in reality as we know: nothing is free, & even you have the money, you have to know where to buy that the money-making "logic/model".

and obviously, at system level, you as a system designer, you want to open up as many exchange channels as possible, so the buyer of "logic/model" can find the seller fast, economical, and in a competitive way. you want to them to "date each other, have sex, produce kids for the society", of course, producing smart kids who can innovate and produce something such as IPhone, etc.


so, here we are talking about the system level model, and in an academic world, this is supposed to be a system design thing for the benefit of society;

as a player (individual or group), what we care is how to "buy low and sell high", and the hell with 道德經, whatever it may be.

obviously, in china, TG kind of plays both roles, in many situation, with its 中国特色社会主义 model.


as a disclaimer, I talk about TG often in terms of "comparative modeling", I don't really care about "right" or "wrong" stuff, with no intention to offend anybody, be aware(:).

obviously, there is 套利 model in china, and there is 套利 model in US. is that what we really care about?



家园 光彩事业



家园 乱邦的孩子真正的事业

胡德平 光彩事业 ,也就是那个时候。也就知道,乱邦的孩子真正的事业不是什么 研究红楼梦了,而是.....

家园 可惜,“别人”是消灭不完的。


家园 消灭完是极端情况,基督徒在美洲可以说是消灭完了当地土著了
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