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主题:Jason Silva:我们现在就是神 -- 万年看客
this is a good piece, worth reading several times, thanks for translation and posting.
FB paid $2b to acquire Oculus, thinking virtual reality will be the next information platform after mobile
one of marx's greatest contributions to whatever is: he actually points out very correctly that the core of political economy is 生产关系, with everything else is basically an "underlying", from which 生产关系 is derived from, as an "derivative", and derivative becomes a life of its own, with 上层建筑, 意识形态 reinforcing the 生产关系 as dominated and managed by winners (or elite or the ruling class)
example 1):
"所谓离线秒下的强大功能,领导一声令下马上就歇菜了 [ 文青 ] 于:2014-04-30 02:09:22 复:4004926
obviously it is not about 黄网, 黄网 is an underlying, a vehicle by which chairman X's ideology is doing a ideology 战争演习 kind of things
example 2):
in a bull market, your program will be coded to front run everybody else in buying high beta stocks of whatever: those stocks are "underlying" /vehicles for you to take advantage of market's bullish mood, you don't really care about those stocks itself: you buy them because they are a simply better "Ponzi underlying".
now in future, if goog/FB "own" all the platforms of internet/mobile/AI/virtual reality etc, and making it available by broadcasting from outer space "universally", then everybody can trade "生产关系" by using whatever the underlying which could be anything
what is the implication?
there would be many, such as "生产关系" often manipulated by politicians and financial capitalists will be increasingly exposed with "物理直观" in a virtual reality platform, with trading(information collecting and processing) of "生产关系" no longer 壟斷寡斷 "controlled and traded" by a few elite, it would be becoming a mass market, with bid-ask spread and trading margin vastly reduced, benefiting the whole society.
as said before, partially due to the lack of "物理直观", modern physics and math are hard to learn such as in the area of quantum physics (lab work is one of the keys);
and once we get into social science, it is even worse, or becoming worse than before:
as posted before, social mass are almost becoming 腦殘 by the 24/7 of 高積量熱輻射 of all kinds of ideology of various "生产关系" BS.
a case for further study is mainland china: they really don't have 水牛城辣雞翅 with an special uncle sam made sports sauce flavor, which can help you 屏蔽 熱輻射 of TG's 24/7 ideology machine gun firing, more 腦殘 at population level likely, as a result, omg(:).
and in wall street, the "evils" there are not "better" in any way when compared to TG's political ideology 熱輻射: 腦殘 likely for many victims of modern financial capital market.
kind of 达尔文进化论 of post cold war version, 杀人不见血, why not?(:)
so, winners (individual, groups, or nations) will take away the 寶貴的 capital from losers. losers are not supposed to have any capital, theoretically.
Oculus Joins Facebook | Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality ...
----copied for those who may not be able to access wiki-----------------
Jason Silva (born February 6, 1982) is a Venezuelan-American television personality, filmmaker, and performance philosopher. He resides in Los Angeles, California and New York City.
Silva earned a degree in film and philosophy from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. He, along with Max Lugavere, produced and starred in a video documentary/performance piece entitled "Textures of Selfhood"—an experimental film about hedonism and spirituality. "The Party-Philosophers" and "Intellectual Hedonists", as named by Angeleno Magazine, borrowed the name for the film from the Hedonistic Imperative, a website promoting the end to suffering by philosopher David Pearce.
The Atlantic describes Silva as "A Timothy Leary of the Viral Video Age".[1]
Public speaking[edit]
An active and prolific speaker, Silva has recently spoken at Google, The Economist Ideas Festival, the prestigious DLD Digital Life Design Conference in Munich, TEDGlobal, the Singularity Summit, the PSFK Conference, and the Festival of Dangerous Ideas.[2]
At TEDGlobal this past June 2012, Jason premiered "Radical Openness," a new short video.[3] In September 2012, Silva presented his Radical Openness videos at the opening keynote at Microsoft TechEd Australia.[4] Radical Openness was also featured in his presentation at La Ciudad de las Ideas conference on November 10, 2012.
In September 2012, he appeared at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, where he presented a speech entitled "We Are The Gods Now."[5]
Brain Games[edit]
In 2011, Silva became the host of Brain Games on the National Geographic Channel. The show set a record as the highest rated series launch in Nat Geo's history, with an average of 1.5 million viewers for the first two episodes.[6]
Shots of Awe[edit]
In May 2013, Jason started a YouTube channel called "Shots of Awe", wherein he uploads short, inspirational videos that explore topics such as the emergence of life, the evolution of intelligence, and the advancement of technology.[7]
Silva has been featured in The Atlantic,[1] The Economist,[8] Vanity Fair,[9] Forbes,[10][11] Wired,[12] and many others.
In 2011 he became a fellow at the Hybrid Reality Institute, examining the symbiosis between man and machine.[13]
On August 15, 2012 he appeared on CBS This Morning.[14]
On September 24, 2012 he appeared on Australian ABC program Q&A alongside Tanya Plibersek, Kelly O'Dwyer, Mark Carnegie & Elliot Perlman.[15]
His film ATTENTION: The Immersive Power of Cinema[16] is part of the exhibition 'KINO und der kinamatografische Blick' ('CINEMA and the cinamatographic gaze'), 20 March - 2 June 2013, at MEWO Kunsthalle in Memmingen (Germany).[17]
He has appeared multiple times as a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.[18]
On March 18, 2014 he was a guest in an episode of SourceFed's Tabletalk.[19]
I have to quote this piece again, and needless to say, thanks to the 万年看客, and the great internet, and ccthere.com, obviously.
to make quick and "dirty" points as a "derivative" product, I am going to use china as an example, and TG as a political scientist/sysadmin/trader.
immediately, I thought about this famous chinese language post ("为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言"), where it is said "中国人的驕傲 is in our blood", etc
then I googled "中国人的驕傲 ccthere.com", quite a few, the following one is worth reading
【原创】和炸药奖擦肩而过的中国人(工作都是在中国作出的) [ 黄河故人 ]
"情绪的生物学优势" at individual level, or group level are obvious, although the science aspect of it are yet to be "modeled", etc
here I want to talk about our 中国人的驕傲 as a nation, as a language, as a culture, as a mindset, as "我的中国心" no matter where you go, whatever science you work with: overseas Chinese would most likely have all kinds of 田涮锅辣 (google not good at pinyin yet, damned)
1 of examples: how come this Indian guy get picked up as CEO of MSFT, and I could imagine how many "fxxk u" curses out of those Chinese folks working in MSFT that day and the nightmare just started for many of them, man, and elsewhere in US.
and how about going back to China after all these curses of "fxxk u", well, easier said than done, then go back to your damned job whatever and wherever, most likely with an Indian guy as your boss in IT & many other industries here in US, watching your ass, omg(:)
what is the point? the point is: compared to India, Chinese is much more highly homogeneous, 同性质的,同类的, almost to the point of 近亲繁殖, as a huge macroscopic system of 1.3 Billion people and growing, and there is no second one in the world.
while china had been almost 絕熱 vs global heatbath for most of its 5k years, Indian as a culture, nation, and a system has done much more information and energy exchanges with outside world, etc.
then, about 100 years ago, 十月革命一声炮响 给我们送来了马克思列宁主义, with 马克思列宁主义 almost as a "science version" of our traditional Chinese culture in many aspects, omg, our 思想"祖宗" actually has been "global", part of it being white, according to 中共政治局常委刘云山.
and of course, the opposite of 驕傲=思想的牢笼, it almost happens as much as 驕傲的生物学优势.
情绪, 驕傲, as some kind of 玻色子 things or derivatives, it has to embedded in some kind of 经典形式 for "production" as we know, much like in 量子光学, where 光 part is still handled mostly with 经典 Maxwell's equations;
and where is this damned 经典 "underlying" for 驕傲? those super smart political scientist/sysadmin/trader would ask immediately, time is money, man, get your ass out there first.
or what is that "killer stock" with the best beta and "Ponzi underlying" for which herds will chase at the top tick once market opens?
of course, in mainland china, it is 伟光正 TG Central, and after all, TG has done fairly well anyway, in many areas, with some solid fundamental BS with which one can do the road show in selling to the potential investors(:)
back to the mainland china, once we have a model, the rest is easy, purely technical: you design and figure out a cavity/腔 kind of thing, put this Chinese nation's 中国人的驕傲"玻色子" into it, and then you can play this 中国人的驕傲 a few times, and as you get experienced with more data collected and analyzed , you can almost anyway play it anyway you want, for a good profit, with all the beautiful spectrums, is life beautiful? 江山万代红;
a big part of that cavity design and engineering is of course GFW, and the GFW team, you guys better get that damned thing built really solid.
or 提头来见(:).
【原创】和炸药奖擦肩而过的中国人(工作都是在中国作出的) [ 黄河故人 ]
【原创】为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言(上) - 网站首页
2013年2月17日 - 首先要承认标题只是个噱头。总看到有人在争论到底汉语是先进还是落后。虽然我不是专业人士,但是就用点通讯和存储上的概念来聊聊为什么汉语 ...
the following can not be better understood in the context of
"著名心理学家尼古拉.汉弗莱: 情绪的生物学优势 "
Moravec的悖论 [ Fuhrer ]
"Moravec的悖论": "强相互作用" [ 晓兵 ]
"actually, or 低级别的感觉运动技能 such as 阶级斗争 一抓就灵 "BS" is much more challenging, it is full interaction at humanity level, and we all know winners/losers payoff is often life vs death".
globally, "情绪的生物学优势" is a zero sum game, obviously, humanity as a dissipative system has to play 達爾文遊戲 to renormalize capital(energy conservation and growth) market to constantly reward winners and punish losers.
if uncle sam prevails with his "情绪的生物学优势", then more likely there will be no "情绪的生物学优势" for Tgchina as it is now, or regardless of whatever TGchina will do from now on, "it is all too late", the worst case scenario.
Chinese traditional mind model of "天人合一和諧" is more likely "self entertainment/spiritual drug" than anything else, and with that, 内战内行 外战外行 is more likely in terms of global game outcome in the foreseeable future for TGChina's political elite.
more likely, "江山万代白" for Uncle Sam, covering globally other than TGchina.
locally in mainland china, even more than likely, it is and will be 江山万代红, TGchina should be ok economically and politically, as posted many times for many reasons, with "中国人的驕傲" (as reinforced & further modeled by TG with its GFW) as TGchina's major capital in fending off uncle sam's white wolves offense.
and more likely, some kind of deal will be worked out eventually between uncle sam and Tgchina, than otherwise;
and it looks like for now, uncle sam wants TGchina to open up its market for US SP500 financials, services etc, the real game behind TGchina's 资本市场对外开放's smoke and fire?