主题:特斯拉究竟是在做什么? -- 大山猫
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from your comment. I agree.
I was blocked by this forum admin. for more than 1 month. So I can not reply earlier. Watch out your comments. You might piss off some people by spreading all those pessimistic viewpoints.
毛预言的武革,可能性是非常大的--I know in a polarized society of China, this prospect is highly likely. It is sad that we both foresee that.
The China society lacks self-adjustment mechanism (unlike America). It either took on extra-right policies, or then switched to extra-left policies, but seldom we saw a peaceful and slow social adjustment through more peaceful mechanism, such as estate tax, income tax redistribution, social security programs, etc.
In the end, both the right wing and the left wing lose.
In a CNBC interview, he made it clear that his original intention is to commercialize the rocket launching business and cut out wastes to make it a viable commercial enterprise.
He did not intend to revolutionize the rocket industry.
别人要挑战Intel,就要长时间大幅赔本,比如AMD。本猫估计,龙芯要成功,没几千亿美元投资并赔得一分不剩是不可能的,这显然不是中国政府会去做的。在这个领域,你只能dollar for dollar,搞军备竞赛。你有一个厂,我有两个,你有两个,我有四个,没什么可取巧的。
当年“卡秒嘤特尔U秒嘤伟达”的农企,如今凭借台积电的7nm制程,R7秒全家,R9轰至渣。Loongson 3A4000 单核性能也能和农企农机系列相提并论了。 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av83483348/
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