
主题:【原创】说说苹果转向英特尔这件事 -- Highway

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家园 C7 这么冷门的你也知道啊?

不过 Schedule 拖得厉害, 怕 VIA 已经无力好好做产品了. 龙芯不用说了, 那是 MIPS Code. PoewrPC 是 RISC 阵营中效能最高的大将, 不过其它的 ARM, MIPS, Motorola 与 Hitachi 所盘据的 Low Power / Mobile 山头短期 Intel 还攻不上来, 即使 Xscale PXA 已经推出一阵子了.

家园 C7听说是最近死活要推了。不知道会是什么东东。
家园 C7 据说在上周的 Computex 展出了 Sample,

but it’s not a working sample, 连是不是只有 package 没有 die 的假货都不知道. 如果参展时也 "挤" 不出象样的东西, 那么 MP 一般也要再等三到六个月.

VIA Eden U with CN400 single chip 也是个搞笑的产品. 这公司不踏实, 虚得太厉害了.

家园 我参加了苹果的开发人员大会。


家园 没那么严重吧。苹果对多键鼠标的支持非常好。


我在办公室就是用微软的5键光电鼠标,还有其他同事使用Logitech的blue tooth wireless mouse,效果都很好。


家园 哟,怎么发了两遍,麻烦管事儿的给删掉一个。多谢了。
家园 这件事情你评说最有权威,毕竟我们不搞apple开发。

Apple现在为Developer提供Intel Pentium 4 Workstation,很不错的机器只要$999。可惜到时候你得退还,要不我也买一个来试试看。你去申请了吗?


家园 主要是有一次被弄残了


家园 NDA的原因,无法多说。

首先,是由于IBM无法(或无心)交活儿,让Steve Jobs和苹果非常难堪、恼火。由于CPU的原因,苹果不仅无法再声称自己的桌面系统是最快的电脑,甚至还丧失了在便携式系统领域中传统优势。


对于大量的ISV如Adobe、Microsoft等,他们其实都在同时支持着PowerPC和Intel。苹果电脑改用Intel的处理器芯片对他们来说不仅不是坏事,反而是好事。这可以从Adobe的CEO最后的一句(玩笑)话里听出:“Steve, what took you so long?”

在大会上,苹果的工程师们有力地证明了这次的转变是经过充分准备的。至少苹果公司已经做了大部分他们需要做的,剩下的就是使ISV相信“It is just that easy.”

大会上,几乎所有的sessions和labs里都会提到转向x86的影响、对策。苹果公司还提供了数十台基于Intel Pentium 4(3.6 GHz,Hyperthread enabled)的PowerMac供大家体会和测试。我试用了一下(几分钟而已),觉得和我在办公室里的双处理器2.0 Ghz G5 PowerMac一样的snappy and smooth。其他试用过的人也基本上有同样的感受。




当然,苹果电脑作为一个平台,这样的重大转变肯定会有人成为受害者。很有讽刺意味的是,最大的受害者大概是那些“die hard Apple supporters”。这些人从来没有想过把自己的软件移植到其他操作系统或平台,还使用PowerPC汇编和AltiVec来优化自己的程序。我的一个同事就很不幸的是其中一个。

至于那些为developers准备的Intel-inside PowerMacs,是要lease的。最后还给苹果也是正常,毕竟这些和最后定型的型号是不一样的,上面预装的操作系统肯定也是time-bombed。到时还不是废铁(铝)一堆?当然那个机箱很漂亮。





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家园 能给说一下怎么给弄得“吐血”了?我使用苹果也不过一年多,


家园 现在chemdraw好像主要也是基于windows的多了。

投文章ACS的主页上第一个是chemdraw for windows.

第二选项才是for mac.

家园 看看俺偶像咋说D,老轧会对他更有信心么?


Apple's Jobs Tells Graduates About Dropout

Monday June 13, 9:14 am ET

By Justin M. Norton, Associated Press Writer

Apple's Jobs Tells Graduates That Dropping Out of College Spurred His Creativity

PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) -- Apple Computer Inc.'s CEO Steve Jobs told Stanford University graduates Sunday that dropping out of college was one of the best decisions he ever made because it forced him to be innovative -- even when it came to finding enough money for dinner.

In an unusually candid commencement speech, Jobs also told the almost 5,000 graduates that his bout with a rare form of pancreatic cancer reemphasized the need to live each day to the fullest.

"Your time is limited so don't let it be wasted living someone else's life," Jobs said to a packed stadium of graduates, alumni and family.

Jobs, wearing sandals and jeans under his robe, was treated like a rock star by the students, in large part due to the surge in popularity of Apple's iPod digital music player.

A group of students wore iPod mini costumes over their robes and several students shouted, "Steve, hire me!"

Jobs, 50, said he attended Reed College in Portland, Ore., but dropped out after only eight months because it was too expensive for his working-class family. He said his real education started when he "dropped in" on whatever classes interested him -- including calligraphy.

Jobs said he lived off 5-cent soda recycling deposits and free food offered by Hare Krishnas while taking classes.

He told the graduates that few friends could see the value of learning calligraphy at the time but that painstaking attention to detail -- including mastering different "fonts" -- was what set Macintosh apart from its competitors.

"If I had never dropped out I might never have dropped in on that calligraphy," Jobs said.

Jobs also recounted founding Apple in his parent's basement and his tough times after being forced out of the company he founded when he was only 30.

"I was a very public failure and I even thought about running away from the valley," Jobs said.

Instead, he founded Pixar Studios, which has released enormously popular films such as "Finding Nemo" and "Monsters, Inc."

"It was awful tasting medicine but I guess the patient needed it," Jobs said.

When he was diagnosed with cancer, Jobs said his doctor told him he only had three- to-six months to live. He later found out he had a rare, treatable form of the disease -- but he still learned a tough lesson.

"Remembering you are going to die is the best way to avoid the fear that you have something to lose," he said.

Before the ceremony, a plane rented by the Computer TakeBack Campaign, an environmental group, flew over the stadium with a banner that read: "Steve, don't be a mini player -- recycle all e-waste." The group is prodding Apple to improve its efforts to recycle obsolete electronics.



家园 I couldn’t agree more with him in this particular sentence :

Remembering you are going to die is the best way to avoid the fear that you have something to lose.

家园 这句话俺一挂在嘴边,东风通常会这么说,


家园 哈哈哈,问得好!
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