
主题:据说这两天新闻联播充血上火的原因是背后坐实了 -- 别看我矮

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家园 你觉得监察(虽然我现在不是)会查旧账么?


家园 等什么第2步,一步到位了



家园 是的,那个会是我的选择



家园 还是因为缺少引路人




家园 不是所有的人都能被教化的,大陆也有多少的底层流氓



家园 对事不对人

”造谣!“ 虽然也违规,但是是“对事”。至少要“你一贯造谣!”,才是开始向“对人”的性质发展。

”五毛!“ 从字面理解,可不就是“对人”么?




家园 军事行动


家园 香港这次暴乱国家已查明有大部分资金是台湾民进党蔡英文资助

“香港这次暴乱国家已查明有大部分资金是台湾民进党蔡英文资助的,目的是要配合美国搞乱香港,然后攻击一国两制失败,煽动台湾民众捞选票,以求连任,中央及时取消所有城市赴台自由行,下一步还会有惩罚动作”。董建华先生昨天在驻港部队庆祝建军节的酒会中点名台湾和美国 所以上述理由是合理的 ​​​​

家园 看看香港一边的说法

跟本人立场无关哈,只是在Quora上看到了觉得挺长见识的,因为与平时在我的同温层中看到的说法有很大的出入,提问是:What have China done to make Hong Kong a worse place?,回答者是:Ben Lewis, lives in Hong Kong,链接在https://www.quora.com/What-have-China-done-to-make-Hong-Kong-a-worse-place

There are many aspects:

China had essentially changed Hong Kong from an International-focused city to a China-focused city. Hong Kong used to be bench-marked against New York and London and the quality of governance was of international standards. Since the Chinese takeover, the priority of the HK government has been to look after the interests of the CCP first and many chinese companies are getting special preferences. E.g. Hong Kong was forced to buy water from China at about US$1.5 per cubic m, which is 10x times the price in China.

After Chinese takeover, social welfare in Hong Kong had significantly deteriorated. Almost no new hospital or nursing homes have been built in the past 20 years. As a result, it is not uncommon to wait for 6–8 hours in public hospitals and 5–10 years for nursing homes.

Government spending have mainly gone to building inefficient infrastructure connecting HK to China, and they are all built by Chinese sub-contractors which are very low quality and over priced. e.g. a 70-metre foot bridge in Yuen Long cost HK$1.7 billion (US$217 million) and it took five years to build, involving hundreds of strange mainland chinese construction companies. The most bizarre part was the bridge was built in the middle of no where.

Brainwashing education. Every year the government is trying to introduce patriotic education, but they are not educating the real history of China, but instead CCP propaganda. Many parents and students have protested almost every year but the government subtly introducing propaganda materials and removing sensitive history in the materials.

Censorship - all forms of free media in Hong Kong are already controlled by the CCP and affiliates. If you want to know real news such as major disasters in China, you need to subscribe to cable TV.

Rule of law - most people in Hong Kong do not trust its judicial system anymore as it is obvious that if you are related to the CCP or if you are a Chinese company, you would never be convicted of any crimes. The police have been clearly biased in their prosecution and they are becoming more open in abusing their entrusted power.

There has been almost no housing policy for the past 20 years, except for one crazy pro-mainlander housing policy, which would allow any mainland chinese to live in Hong Kong if they may a HK$6 million (US$770,000) property in HK. This had pushed the price of hosing out of reach to many low-income families in Hong Kong.

The HK government’s focus is to extract the HK$1 trillion (US$128 billion) reserve (collected from HK taxpayers over many years) to benefit Chinese businesses (mostly owned by CCP members). The latest “trick” is to spend the entire reserve to build an artificial island in a weird location next to Lantau Island, but not connecting to the main areas of HK, but instead to the high speed railway directly to mainland China. Guess what, the mainland chinese sub-contractors will be the only beneficiaries and most HK people would already know it will be over-priced and delayed, and there will be quality issues. It will also be the most expensive piece of land in the world and again, out of reach for most Hong Kong people.

Bombardment of mainland chinese values and ideology - everyday you hear CCP propaganda and the latest PLA military exercises from the news and messages are repeatedly reinforced by pro-BJ politicians day and night, but many real day-to-day issues in Hong Kong are commonly ignored or covered up. Obviously, news stories are often one-sided and biased.

Social environment - millions of mainland chinese people have come to Hong Kong and they have brought their mainland Chinese culture, mentality and “manners” to Hong Kong as well. It is not uncommon to see grown men and women defecating on the streets in the middle of shopping malls. Almost every single person in Hong Kong have been pushed around and had some one cut in line and fights are a common sight between HK locals and mainland Chinese. I think no need to say more.

Opposing thoughts are not allowed - there have been virtually no channels for the ordinary HK people to make suggestions or complaints to how things are done. If any HK people have any opposing views, the government will ignore and if it is related to government you will be labeled as unpatriotic or have hidden agenda or influenced by western governments.

家园 以前我也相信人民群众的眼睛是雪亮的


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