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主题:【讨论】2020美国大选讨论楼 -- 笑看风雨
(1) 总选举人票是538,拿到270票就赢。首先看两党铁票:
民主党(DEM): ME3(第一选区,加上整州的两票),VT3, MA11, RI4, CT7, NY29, NJ14, DE3, MD10, DC3, VA13, IL20, MN10, CO9, NM5, NV6, CA55, OR7, WA12, HI4, 总共228票。
共和党(GOP):WV5, NC15, SC9, GA16, IN11, KY8, TN11, AL9, MS6, MO10, AR6, LA8, ND3, SD3, NE5, KS6, OK7, TX38, MT3, WY3, ID4, UT6, AK3,总共194票。
(2)再考虑2018年中期选举结果。中期选举民主党是不占优势的,因为民主党的选民中黑人和拉美裔较多,他们的中期选举投票率较低。可是结果,在参议院选举民主党极端不利的情况下(共和党只有8个议员要改选,民主党却有25个议员改选,而且很多都处于2016年投给Trump的州),民主党在参议院只丢了2个席位(49 -> 47),与此同时在众议院则是大获全胜(众议院435席全部改选,民主党拿下235席成为多数党,比上届多了41席),同时还从共和党手中拿下了WI和MI两个极端重要的摇摆州州长席位。可见风向是偏向民主党一方的。
(3)最后看总统候选人。各位总统候选人中Joe Biden稳定领先,在各项民调中长期领先Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren等第2名10%以上。对Biden更为有利的是民调中往往即使第一选择是Sanders/Warren的人,第2选择往往是Biden,这和2016年时Sanders的支持者和Hilary势不两立形成了鲜明对比。所以Biden拿到民主党提名后不会出现2016年Hilary拿到提名之后的那种Bernie支持者集体不在大选中投票甚至投给Trump的现象。拜登的净支持率(支持率-反对率)很高,也与2016年的Hilary形成了鲜明对比。
a. 最重要的一点,Biden是非常有亲和力的,这点又和Hilary形成了鲜明对比。Hilary在共和党选民中形象与恶魔相差无几;但在民主党选民中,她的印象也是精明、干练、冷酷、不幽默。这种性格,整体上在美国选举中是不折不扣的减分项。相反,Biden在共和党中的印象是“邻居家的大嘴巴的大叔”,而在民主党选民中则是“我们的Joe,就是有时话有点多”。注意这一点区别:不管是民主党还是共和党都觉得Hilary是个精英让人浑身紧张(甚至让人讨厌),而Biden则很让人放松,很熟悉。
b. Biden更接近传统上民主党的观点,不像Sanders/Warren那样激进,更对老人(FL)和摇摆州居民的胃口。尤其是笔者长期居住的Midwest,这里的居民不像New England和West Coast的选民那样激进,更认同Biden这样中偏左的传统民主党人(实际上Midwest自1992年来一直是民主党在大选中有优势,号称Blue Wall)。举一个例子,OH目前已经严重偏向共和党,Biden是唯一在OH民调中领先Trump的民主党人。
c. 年龄较大。Biden 1942年出生,目前已77岁。往年这是个问题,但考虑到Sanders(1941年生)、Warren(1949年生)、Trump(1946年生)都已年过七旬,这个问题相比之下就不算大了。而且Biden爱说爱笑,一向身体不错,从来没有任何人质疑过他的身体状况,所以这点问题不大。
d. 在华盛顿干了40年,可谓资深政客。但是从2008年开始,到2020年大选美国已经12年是所谓“华盛顿局外人”当总统,选民对局外人已经疲劳,所以Biden这个劣势也谈不上大。
e. 在年轻人中受欢迎程度不如在老年人中高。但是即使在YouGov(网上调查论坛,用户主要是年轻人)上的结果(7月底最新民调),Biden也以26%的支持率名列首位,领先于Warren(次位,18%)。所以Biden在各个年龄段的选民中都具有优势,在较年长选民中的支持率更高,在年轻人中支持率也不错。
IA(6):传统上浅红,2016年Trump以9.4%拿下。但这个州大豆产业非常重要,在贸易战中损失惨重,《中国日报》2018年还专门在Des Moines Register上打了反贸易战反Trump的广告。结果共和党在2018年中期选举中大败,原本3:1的众议院席位变成了1:3。坚持打贸易战的话,这个州有一定倒向民主党的可能性。
WI(10):传统上浅蓝,2016年Trump以0.8%拿下,但2018年共和党的政治明星Scott Walker输掉了州长,同时大豆的贸易战也产生了一定影响。更关键的是富士康在当地承诺的工厂基本泡汤,使得当地对于Trump颇为失望。最近民调Biden以46%领先Trump的40%,预计民主党夺回该州。
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普通民主党选民都是拿他当笑料的:那个Chinese Nerd,看学数学搞编程把人弄傻了吧。
这些交流是给墙内河友参考的,多说两句。“书呆子nerd”传统上几乎是负面词,但近来有正名的催势,因为美国学生的理工水平快成国际笑话了,尤其白人的自尊心很受伤,而美国只剩下高科技一个自豪点了,谁家孩子出个nerd是很光荣的事,chinese nerd形象也跟着沾光,所以,选民内心笑话chinese有一点点可能,笑话chinese nerd我是不大相信。
其实最简单的就是看民调,Donald Trump虽然在2015年也被人嘲笑加讽刺,但他的民调可是实实在在排第一的。举个例子,2015年7月30日,著名的Quinnipiac University Poll,Donald Trump排名共和党第一(20%),领先排名第二的威斯康辛州长Soctt Walker (13%),第3的Jeb Bush (10%)。
July 30, 2015 - Trump Tops Republican Pack By Wide Margin, Quinnipiac University National Poll Find
四年之后的今天,同一家机构的民调,Biden排名民主党第一,拿到34%,领先第2位的Elizabeth Warren(15%),其后是Harris (12%)、Sanders(11%)、Buttigieg(6%)。至于杨安泽,只拿到2%。
I was impressed that FOX let Yang speak so freely!
I like him way better than the supposed front runners.
Yang is the reason i switched for the first time ever to a Democrat. So i could vote for him in the primaries. He is also the first candidate i have ever donated to.
Andrew Yang actually has really good ideas if people took the time to research them. Heaven forbid you look outside your own party lines.
If this dude can unite a YouTube comment section, he can unite a country.
Can we just vote him in already! Why are we wasting any more time!?
Big fan of him. I'm sick of everybody hating each other. This guy crosses party lines all the time and has respectful conversations, and is in general treated well by the republicans interviewing him. In fact, it's a a lot of the "woke" crowd that treats him the worst. He has long forms with Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, and Joe Rogan that are worth checking out.
I would 100% sacrifice my freedom dividend in exchange for a Yang Presidency. His human centered capitalism idea could fundamentally change the world.
WOW , GREAT INTERVIEW !!! Yang has my VOTE !
I like how great policy and competent communication of ideas is the basis of his campaign. There's a reason why he's attractive to both the right and the left.
Great interview with an impressive candidate. Thanks FOX!
Let me just say this. I am Democratic. However, I don't hate Republicans! And you shouldn't hate me. I want us to find common ground, and elect a president who genuinely cares about everyone. Andrew Yang is innovative, brilliant, kind, and doesn't fall into identity politics. He is like a breath of fresh air.
Funny how Yang and Gabbard ( the ONLY decent candidates ) are shunned by the Democrat Establishment, ignored by MSM and suppressed by Google.
Andrew Yang is only going to keep rising in the polls.
Andrew is awesome!!! His Freedom Dividend would help Americans on both sides! Not left, not right, but forward!
You know, I dismissed this guy as a hack, but after watching those extended interviews, this guy makes too much sense
I'm voting Yang if he makes it to my state.
拜登上个月的讲话视频 Former VP Joe Biden delivers remarks on foreign policy | ABC News
Let’s talk about the billion dollars real estate deal John Biden son got in china
I'm gone I'm gone
"I know foreign policy.
In fact, I made millions from it..."
This guy isn't even good reading off a teleprompter
Joe Biden is very ill, all joking aside he needs to retire and rest. 1 year of tough campaigning and 4 years of presidency would be too much for him. Hillary is lucky she didnt win, the 4 years might have killed her. It's a Democrat curse.
We’re not going to fall for the banana in the tailpipe Joey.
Lots of words that say very little. Vague criticisms against Trump that leaves one thinking, "What does that mean?"
OMG. This guy looks and sounds like he needs a nap real bad. I don’t think his dentures fit either.
Holy shit, the applause at 39:15 is the first time i was made aware of the audience. His first applause in the speech?! 😂
This guy has strung together lines used from the last 50 years of candidates. He stammers and slurs his way through a volume of words that 1) are not true, and 2) mean absolutely nothing!!! No Joke...WTF??? Try assembling any thoughts off what Biden said. Even the audience is wondering WTF!!!
He already looks exhausted
Trump Bad. We get it already.
Coming from the architect of the Obama Doctrine; keep redrawing that line in the sand, turn your back on your allies, let your Diplomats die horrible deaths in Benghazi, demand Israel go back to pre-'68 borders, pave the way for Iran becoming a nuclear power -- and when all else fails, fly in billions of dollars to our sworn enemies. Once again, Democrats projecting their own massive failures on others.
This pathetic speech confirms that Biden is a GLOBALIST - if he even understands what he was reading. He really comes off like a clueless, flubering puppet who has no idea what he's saying and @ 42:50 actually asks "WHAT AM I DOING?"
WOW! This joker has been in government for 40 years and accomplished nothing good.
wow Biden is low energy. This is embarrassing. I've seen Biden give speeches when he was younger. He is a shadow of his former himself
This guy is too touchy feely to little girls.
Sums up this whole speech.
Biden looks so much older than Bernie
31:40 his vision must be failing him
From the man that gave money to Iran so they could supply weapons to known terrorist groups. I think Joe better not stand on his policies.
Trying to rewrite his and Obama's many failed foreign policies, and bad deals. 40+ years in politics, and NOW, he's going to fix things. Just another Lily pad in the swamp...
Blah blah blah Charlottesville blah blah blah Russia blah blah blah
Joe wants to destroy Charlottesville and Helsinki? Not cool dude I’m from cville ! But all jokes aside this guy has marbles In his Mouth and brain 🧠 now China is a problem ? I thought they couldn’t pick rice cause they were wearing hoodies??? Hi
He has Kuru.
This is sad Joe. They do not even call you a Presidential candidate. "Former VP"
Black Americans no voting this ain't for us
Anesthesia and pain meds from all of his plasdick surgery probably contributed to his brain rotting.
At least we know he can read! Bah bah bah bah
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