
主题:德国人最新研究证明必须戴口罩 -- 夕曦

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家园 就是不说直接结论:要带口罩
家园 这思路就不对的








家园 家家有缝纫机,自家做几个根本不成问题



家园 前期报道里,没戴口罩中招很普遍



家园 成功为武汉初期的混乱解套了



家园 过滤不是靠间隙,而是静电


家园 这是新东西吗?中国人都知道吧



家园 我国主流就是保护自己


家园 主要是病毒微粒太小,过滤间隙太大了


家园 他们不看,所以认为中国隐瞒
家园 丹麦正在做口罩组对比试验 我们祝他们好运吧


4月8号开始,30天后揭晓实验结果。让我们静候结果吧...达尔文应该已经掀开 了棺材板。

家园 3 months ago

3 months ago

China: Ok there's a new virus, from now on no one move around, if you go out you must wear a mask. Nationwide lockdown and quarantine policies implemented.

Rest of the world: Don't trust anything these fucking commies say! It's just a flu! They are trying to control everyone's life! There's no need for masks!

2 months ago

China: Start building hospitals so the medical system doesn't get overwhelmed.

Rest of the world: It's a concentration camp! They are murdering people out there! They are untrustworthy!

1 months ago

China: We are experiencing a surge of patients and this virus is super infectious via air and physical contact. We are also experiencing shortage on medical supplies and medical practitioners. Pulling everything from the country to Wuhan.

Rest of the world: Look how backward they are, not even having enough PPE for their doctors and nurses. They are clearly wrong about the method of transmission that's why they are making everyone wearing masks. They've even locked down the country and stoped the economy. What a bunch of idiots.

2 weeks ago

China: Numbers are reducing in China. People slowly getting back to work now.

Rest of the world: Fucking lier! We are seeing numbers in Italy and it clearly doesn't match data from China! Millions of people must have died! It's still spreading!


China: Dude why things getting out of control out there? Where are your hospitals and why are you not in total lockdown? Were you just sitting there pointing fingers at me for 3 months, and did nothing?

Rest of the world: You fucking commies never told us how dangerous this virus is! You've been given us the false data the whole time!!!

China: I don't understand. If you never trusted me and when I say it's a big deal, it's actually a small flu, why do you think there must be millions of people died in China? If you think he number of deaths must be very high, doesn't that indicates it's a dangerous virus and you should be prepared? How could you believe millions of people have died on it, but at the same time not knowing it's dangerous?

Rest of the world: It's only a big deal in a backward country like you, where people are poor and unhygienic, where the medical system is still in 1950s, where the government covers up the figures and doesn't alarm people how dangerous it is! It shouldn't affect advanced countries like us!

China: But it is with you and killing your people now!!! Do something about it so you can still save lives!!!

Rest of the world: Not before we found everything we can blame on you!!! It's too late for us to do something now, people will just die and eventually we'll have herd immunity, but you must take the full responsibility for it!!!

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