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主题:1995年的美国病毒大片《恐怖地带》(Outbreak) -- 燕人
“悖论” 的原意是指逻辑矛盾,这样也不对,反之也不对(比如理发师悖论又称罗素悖论)。现在的引申用法,是但凡字面上有一点矛盾的,也可以笼统地称为悖论,比如 “不要枪杆子就必须拿起枪杆子” (本来是辩证法的范畴)。这个引申用法不大地道,但是约定俗成,我也接受。
但是你说的这句话,我看来看去,没有看出矛盾在哪里,“民主制度产生的政府在必要时会牺牲少数人的自由” ,就好比 “战斗机必要时会抛掉副油箱” 一样,这不是很正常吗? 悖论在哪里?
如果说 “多数人选择的政治体制,反过来会损害多数人的利益”,可以算是个悖论。
如果改成 “少数人选择的政治体制,反过来会损害少数人的利益”,那没有矛盾,也没有 “反过来”,除非利益受损的少数人,和作出选择的少数人,是同一拨。你所指出的美国的情况,并不是同一拨啊。
帅哥---[ Sigh ]
There's this guy at school named Harry.
He's this real rich kid. He like... runs the show.
中校---Who else ?
帅哥---There's another guy, George, but George didn't do anything.
George and I saw Harry and his buddies doin' somethin'.
中校---the folks at Baird, they know you and George can identify the guilty parties ?
帅哥 Yeah, they think we can.
中校 George is a friend of yours.
帅哥He's not a friend, but he's all right.
中校You trust him ?
帅哥Yeah, I guess so.
中校He's on scholarship too ?
帅哥No, why ?
中校We got George, we got Harry, we got trouble. They're rich, you're poor. You wanna get rich. You wanna graduate Baird, become a rich big shot like them.
中校George Willis, huh ?
George Willis. That makes his father probably George Willis, Senior.
Charlie, I ask ya, what do you think Big George is gonna feel about Little George...
seeing no evil,
hearing no evil ?
帅哥Well, we're not gonna tell our parents.
We're just gonna keep it between ourselves.
中校Oh, George isn't gonna tell his father about this thing !
Damn decent of him.
Well, I'm gonna tell ya.
When George Willis, Sr., isn't busy as a million-dollar man for Aetna Casualty -- or is it New England Distributor for the Chrysler Corporation ?
He concerns himself with his young son, George Willis, Junior.
帅哥George isn't going to say anything to his father.
中校 Oh, Charlie.
Big George is gonna wind up Little George,
and Little George is gonna sing like a canary.
And if you're hip, kid, you're gonna hop to, too.
You've got this all figured out, don't you ?
It don't take no Young America merit scholarship to figure this one out.
Charlie, you had a little life, so you decided to go to Baird... to put yourself in the market for a big one.
Now, in order to stay in the running, you're gonna have to tell these people
富二代[ Sigh ] I was thinking, Chas.
This asshole, Trask ?
He's making no sense at all.
Somebody's gotta talk to him.
My father's Class of '59.
帅哥Your father ? I thought we were gonna keep our parents outta this.
富二代This guy Trask is outta control, Chas. Outta control !
Somebody's gotta talk to him.
My father's a major fund-raiser, you know.
帅哥No, I didn't.
富二代Just relax.
He'll get us off the hook.
帅哥I-l talked to George last night.
His, ah --His father's a big-deal alumnus at school. He's got a lot of pull.
中校 Really ?
帅哥 Yeah, he's, ah, he's gonna talk to the headmaster.
George thinks he might be able to get us off the hook.
中校"Get us off the hook."
帅哥Yeah, that's --that's what he said.
中校Watch the "us" part.
会议主持者原话是说,美国宪法上没有说能炸毁两千人的小镇,而是在多处提到人的基本权利不能被剥夺without due process----就是说要走程序。