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主题:HR 554 台湾冲突吓阻法对在美人士影响巨大 -- 舟轻云淡
HR 554 Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023
来看看美帝不久之前认定的制裁人士和制裁对象:1. 厦门市“黄元雄警长,厦门公安局梧村警察局“;2. 噢,还有一所中学”西工大附中“(附加一句,对于西工大附中的制裁是不是有点那个株连十族的意思了,谁叫歼20总师是西工大毕业的呢)。
据多家外媒报道,美国国务院于本周四宣布了一批制裁国外官方人员的名单,其中包括一名来自中国厦门市的民警。 然而,此事却把中国网民,还有中国各地的警察叔叔们,都给逗坏了。 如下图所示,就在美国时间周四,美国总统特朗普当局的国务卿蓬佩奥,宣布了一份对外国政府现任和前官方人员的制裁名单。 而在这份名单中“压轴”出场的,便是我们今天要说的这位来自中国厦门市的基层民警黄元雄。 首先,虽然蓬佩奥在美国国务院的制裁名单中将黄警官的头衔说得很“大”,按照英文语序直译的话是“黄元雄警长,厦门公安局梧村警察局“,但实际上人家黄警官只是梧村派出所一位很普通的基层民警。
To deter Chinese aggression towards Taiwan by requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to publish a report on financial institutions and
accounts connected to senior officials of the People's Republic of China, to restrict financial services for certain immediate family of such officials, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ``Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023''.
(a) Financial Institutions Report.--
(1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date that the President, pursuant to section 3(c) of the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3302(c)), informs the Congress of a threat resulting from actions of the People's Republic of China and any danger to the interests of the United States arising therefrom, and annually thereafter for 3 years, the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit a report to the appropriate Members of Congress containing the following:
(A) With respect to each of at least 10 natural
persons described under subsection (b), at least 1 of whom is a natural person listed under paragraph (1) of such subsection (b) and at least 1 of whom is a natural person listed under paragraph (2) of such subsection (b), the estimated total funds that are held in financial institutions and are under direct or indirect control by such natural person and a description of such funds.
(B) A list of any financial institutions that--
(i) maintain an account in connection with
significant funds described in subparagraph
(A); or
(ii) otherwise provide significant financial services to a natural person covered by the report.
(2) Briefing required.--Not later than 30 days after submitting a report described under paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Treasury, or a designee of the Secretary, shall brief the appropriate Members of Congress on the funds
covered by the report, including a description of how the funds were acquired, and any illicit or corrupt means employed to acquire or use the funds.
(3) Exemptions.--The requirements described under paragraph (1) may not be applied with respect to a natural person or a financial institution, as the case may be, if the President
(A) The funds described under paragraph (1)(A) were primarily acquired through legal and noncorrupt means.
(B) The natural person has agreed to provide
significant cooperation to the United States for an important national security purpose with respect to China.
(C) A financial institution has agreed to--
(i) no longer maintain an account described
under paragraph (1)(B)(i);
(ii) no longer provide significant financial services to a natural person covered by the report; or
(iii) provide significant cooperation to the United States for an important national security purpose with respect to China.
(4) Waiver.--The President may waive any requirement described under paragraph (1) with respect to a natural person or a financial institution upon reporting to the appropriate Members of Congress that--
(A) the waiver would substantially promote the
objective of ending the threat described under
paragraph (1);
(B) the threat described under paragraph (1) is no longer present; or
(C) the waiver is essential to the national security interests of the United States.
(b) Natural Persons Described.--The natural persons described in this subsection are persons who, at the time of a report, are the
(1) A member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.
(2) A member of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party that is not described under paragraph (1).
(3) A member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party that--
(A) is none of the foregoing; and
(B) performs any official duty that directly or indirectly affects Taiwan.
(c) Form of Report; Public Availability.--
(1) Form.--The report required under subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may contain a classified
(2) Public availability.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall make the unclassified portion of the report required under subsection (a) available to the public on the website and social media accounts of the Department of the Treasury--
(A) in English, Chinese, and any other language
that the Secretary finds appropriate; and
(B) in precompressed, easily downloadable versions that are made available in all appropriate formats.
(a) In General.--The Secretary of the Treasury may prohibit a United States financial institution, and any person owned or controlled
by a United States financial institution, from engaging in a significant transaction with--
(1) a natural person covered by a report made under section
2(a); or
(2) the immediate family of a person described under paragraph (1), if the Secretary finds that such immediate family benefits from funds described in the report.
(b) Termination.--Subsection (a) shall have no force or effect on the earlier of--
(1) the date that is 30 days after the date that the President reports to the appropriate Members of Congress that the threat described under section 2(a)(1) is no longer present; or
(2) the date that is 25 years after the date that the Secretary of the Treasury submits the final report required under section 2(a)(1).
For purposes of this Act:
(1) Appropriate members of congress.--The term ``appropriate Members of Congress'' means the Speaker and minority leader of the House of Representatives, the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives, and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.
(2) Financial institution.--The term ``financial
institution'' means a United States financial institution or a foreign financial institution.
(3) Foreign financial institution.--The term ``foreign financial institution'' has the meaning given that term in section 561.308 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations.
(4) Funds.--The term ``funds'' has the meaning given to such term by the Secretary of the Treasury.
(5) Immediate family.--The term ``immediate family'' of any natural person means the following (whether by the full or half blood or by adoption):
(A) Such person's spouse, father, mother, children, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren.
(B) The father, mother, brothers, and sisters of
such person's spouse.
(C) The spouse of a child, brother, or sister of such person.
(6) United states financial institution.--The term ``United States financial institution'' has the meaning given the term ``U.S. financial institution'' under section 561.309 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations.
军队高官的亲属在美的也不少,是那些议员忘了,还是他们另有深意?我们大家应该写信,强烈要求议员们加上那些军队的高官,和所有曾经是中央和军队高官的人。追溯到1949年,同时鼓动台湾人为了他们自己的安全,让他们这么干。 这样河里的大陆和台湾的人终于找到共同利益点了。
另外给你补充一下阅读的人可能误解一个小点,你说的“在美国的金融机构” 应该包括除了美国的金融机构,也包括外国的金融机构,如在定义section 4中的小节(2) 和(3)。其中对小节(3)的解释如下,
561.308 Foreign financial institution.
The term foreign financial institution means any foreign entity that is engaged in the business of accepting deposits, making, granting, transferring, holding, or brokering loans or credits, or purchasing or selling foreign exchange, securities, commodity futures or options, or procuring purchasers and sellers thereof, as principal or agent. It includes but is not limited to depository institutions, banks, savings banks, money service businesses, trust companies, securities brokers and dealers, commodity futures and options brokers and dealers, forward contract and foreign exchange merchants, securities and commodities exchanges, clearing corporations, investment companies, employee benefit plans, dealers in precious metals, stones, or jewels, and holding companies, affiliates, or subsidiaries of any of the foregoing. The term does not include the international financial institutions identified in 22 U.S.C. 262r(c)(2), the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the North American Development Bank, or any other international financial institution so notified by the Office of Foreign Assets Control.
比较遗憾的是那些以前高官及红贵不知道还涉及不涉及。 不过从中我们也可以推断出,中国的高官都有账户在国外。当然了有人会拿某个小警察说事,说自己在国外没有账户,这里面可能有两个可能性,那个小警察可能真的有账户,另外一个就是没有账户,但我更倾向有账户。
这个法案里面也有“例外”, 根据这些“例外”的定义,我们可以知道,如果谁不在名单中,那么他就可能是为美国利益服务的人。民众们就可以报案得50万了。当然他可以说自己在国外没有账户,不过谁信呀?
H. R. 554
To deter Chinese aggression towards Taiwan by requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to publish a report on financial institutions and accounts connected to senior officials of the People’s Republic of China, to restrict financial services for certain immediate family of such officials, and for other purposes.
January 26, 2023
Mr. Hill (for himself and Mr. Sherman) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services
To deter Chinese aggression towards Taiwan by requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to publish a report on financial institutions and accounts connected to senior officials of the People’s Republic of China, to restrict financial services for certain immediate family of such officials, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023”.
(a) Financial Institutions Report.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days after the date that the President, pursuant to section 3(c) of the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3302(c)), informs the Congress of a threat resulting from actions of the People’s Republic of China and any danger to the interests of the United States arising therefrom, and annually thereafter for 3 years, the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit a report to the appropriate Members of Congress containing the following:
(A) With respect to each of at least 10 natural persons described under subsection (b), at least 1 of whom is a natural person listed under paragraph (1) of such subsection (b) and at least 1 of whom is a natural person listed under paragraph (2) of such subsection (b), the estimated total funds that are held in financial institutions and are under direct or indirect control by such natural person and a description of such funds.
(B) A list of any financial institutions that—
(i) maintain an account in connection with significant funds described in subparagraph (A); or
(ii) otherwise provide significant financial services to a natural person covered by the report.
(2) BRIEFING REQUIRED.—Not later than 30 days after submitting a report described under paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Treasury, or a designee of the Secretary, shall brief the appropriate Members of Congress on the funds covered by the report, including a description of how the funds were acquired, and any illicit or corrupt means employed to acquire or use the funds.
(3) EXEMPTIONS.—The requirements described under paragraph (1) may not be applied with respect to a natural person or a financial institution, as the case may be, if the President determines:
(A) The funds described under paragraph (1)(A) were primarily acquired through legal and noncorrupt means.
(B) The natural person has agreed to provide significant cooperation to the United States for an important national security purpose with respect to China.
(C) A financial institution has agreed to—
(i) no longer maintain an account described under paragraph (1)(B)(i);
(ii) no longer provide significant financial services to a natural person covered by the report; or
(iii) provide significant cooperation to the United States for an important national security purpose with respect to China.
(4) WAIVER.—The President may waive any requirement described under paragraph (1) with respect to a natural person or a financial institution upon reporting to the appropriate Members of Congress that—
(A) the waiver would substantially promote the objective of ending the threat described under paragraph (1);
(B) the threat described under paragraph (1) is no longer present; or
(C) the waiver is essential to the national security interests of the United States.
(b) Natural Persons Described.—The natural persons described in this subsection are persons who, at the time of a report, are the following:
(1) A member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.
(2) A member of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party that is not described under paragraph (1).
(3) A member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party that—
(A) is none of the foregoing; and
(B) performs any official duty that directly or indirectly affects Taiwan.
(c) Form Of Report; Public Availability.—
(1) FORM.—The report required under subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may contain a classified annex.
(2) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall make the unclassified portion of the report required under subsection (a) available to the public on the website and social media accounts of the Department of the Treasury—
(A) in English, Chinese, and any other language that the Secretary finds appropriate; and
(B) in precompressed, easily downloadable versions that are made available in all appropriate formats.
(a) In General.—The Secretary of the Treasury may prohibit a United States financial institution, and any person owned or controlled by a United States financial institution, from engaging in a significant transaction with—
(1) a natural person covered by a report made under section 2(a); or
(2) the immediate family of a person described under paragraph (1), if the Secretary finds that such immediate family benefits from funds described in the report.
(b) Termination.—Subsection (a) shall have no force or effect on the earlier of—
(1) the date that is 30 days after the date that the President reports to the appropriate Members of Congress that the threat described under section 2(a)(1) is no longer present; or
(2) the date that is 25 years after the date that the Secretary of the Treasury submits the final report required under section 2(a)(1).
For purposes of this Act:
(1) APPROPRIATE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS.—The term “appropriate Members of Congress” means the Speaker and minority leader of the House of Representatives, the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives, and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.
(2) FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.—The term “financial institution” means a United States financial institution or a foreign financial institution.
(3) FOREIGN FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.—The term “foreign financial institution” has the meaning given that term in section 561.308 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations.
(4) FUNDS.—The term “funds” has the meaning given to such term by the Secretary of the Treasury.
(5) IMMEDIATE FAMILY.—The term “immediate family” of any natural person means the following (whether by the full or half blood or by adoption):
(A) Such person’s spouse, father, mother, children, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren.
(B) The father, mother, brothers, and sisters of such person’s spouse.
(C) The spouse of a child, brother, or sister of such person.
(6) UNITED STATES FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.—The term “United States financial institution” has the meaning given the term “U.S. financial institution” under section 561.309 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations.