
主题:【文摘】北美独立战争: 美国人编出来的神话 -- 李根

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家园 其实法国人跟美洲殖民者是有牙齿印的

独立战争前的7年战争和对印第安人战争里,老米干掉的法国佬不会少。 说是打印第安人,其实是打亲法的印第安人。英法美洲大陆争霸战,法国佬输了,然后让英国佬最后也丢掉。

家园 其实法国当时是败在英军和前美国的联军手里的


家园 这个,没有联军一说


家园 民兵
家园 不过英国也有志愿军


家园 同意


家园 Ha,That is so-called French-Indian War

According to "american history", that war is so-called French-Indian War - American Vs. French + Indian. And that war is the very First War was LED BY G.Washington.

Because Fench and Indian pushed ameican colonists by horrow ways, Virginian residents followed their leader - G.Washinton defeated french and from then on, GW became the leader of N,american colonies.

In Washinton Memorial - that tallest chimney in DC - in top floor, you could buy a book about this war, american historians did same thing to British as they did to French.

Is that funny?

家园 法国人口当时不止一千多万


家园 志愿参加独立战争……


家园 别的不说,拉法耶特等法国贵族确实是自愿的


家园 美国发展的机遇和运气不是一般地好


家园 所以,独立战争结束的格局是英美联盟与法国对立


家园 I read the post above your


I think Chinese back at home fail to get the whole picture due to selective translation by Chinese authors. Your comments?

家园 I strongly recommend

you to buy a DVD called "The War that Made America".

That DVD will answer most of your questions.

家园 Americans acknowledged

the importance of French assistance. Actually, it is widely believed that without the diplomatic effort of Ben Franklin in Paris and the French money, gun, navy support, the independence can never be won.

French king did not fully commit until the success of Saratoga battle.

France intervened because it wanted to revenge for its failure in the 7-year's war (also called French Indian War in the American textbook).

Many Chinese do not know it because the selective translation by some Chinese authors. In New England, most Americans know and acknowledge the French assistance in their final independence. I had several interesting conversation with local people on the "French Indian War".

BTW, lots of places are named after the French in the State of NY, Vermont and New Hamphsire.

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