
主题:【原创】萨爹的双手互搏术 -- 萨苏

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家园 唉,女人啊。。。



家园 敬仰地主兄!模范哈模范



家园 哈哈, 送孩子换尿布都要打出租车


家园 送宝安慰




家园 老万要是有那个本事,不要去赌场混啦!

去玩 Poker 世界锦标赛吧!不用担心被抓,还能赢更大发的。上个月,今年的冠军打了7天,玩了一圈儿,赏钱是 $10 million。国内没有听到这个新闻吗?

Poker: WSOP Has Grown Into Serious Business

Published on Saturday, August 05, 2006 12:42:00 PM

The winner of the 2006 World Series of Poker Championship will walk away $10 million richer as the next superstar of poker.

Just ask the last three world champions, Joe Hachem, Greg Raymer or Chris Moneymaker, about how their lives instantly changed after winning the most prestigious poker tournament in the world. Amidst the bright flashing lights of Las Vegas, the poker's elite are treated like rock stars and cultural icons due to the viral popularity of No Limit Texas Hold'em.

Players from all over the planet are converging onto the Rio Casino in Las Vegas for a shot at fame, glory, and $10 million. The Amazon Room in the convention center at the Rio hosts the carnival-like atmosphere of the WSOP. The tournament area, which is the size of an airplane hangar, represents one of the largest poker rooms in the world. The action has been non-stop as tournaments, satellites and cash games have been running for over four weeks.

The sound of clattering chips echo out into the corridor leading up to the poker room. Over the loudspeaker, a booming voice tells players when their seat to a specific cash game is available. Cocktail waitresses fight for position to deliver imported beers, water, and Red Bulls to the players, while chip runners sprint from the cage to the cash game tables. You can hear players verbally display their reactions when they get sucked out on the river by a one outer or survive a desperate all in attempt with a short stack. Floor managers referee disputes between players, often giving them ten minute penalties for unruly behavior and excessive usage of profanity. In the media room or at the nearest bar, reporters from various news organizations willingly exchange gossip and chip counts of different players. In the hallways and in the bathrooms you can overhear players recant their bad beat stories and other tales of how they lost all of their chips.

Thousands of fans and spectators flock to the rail and flood the hallways as they snap photos of their favorite players. And like vultures with Sharpies, they swoop in and intrude on players for their autographs and picture requests. Normally overweight, middle-aged degenerate gamblers with personal hygiene problems are ignored by our society. But at the WSOP, those guys are treated like gods among the common man.


家园 狂笑,不花不行
家园 确实阔绰


家园 这招够狠,票票这回惨了
家园 呵呵,前几天见到吴文俊先生了


家园 果然是很难


家园 忘带东西是正常的, 哪天什么都没落才奇怪呢

几乎每天都少带一样, 有时候是钱包, 有时候是手机,有时候是laptop,有时候是水。。。还有同时不带两样的时候。。。

家园 花飘飘
家园 【PMP*3】有好老公老萨 / 小地主 / 票票帮着记,

小魔女 / 地主婆 / 票太自然就不用记啦. 幸福啊~~~

家园 金大的眼光都放在江湖里,哪里知道象牙塔里这许多

精灵们。 我向来怀疑那些诸如魔教十长老之类的人物,就是从这些“古怪”教授们化身而来。具大聪大智,却行事自成一格;众人皆曰无路可走之时,却能另辟蹊径。萨娘要是现身在倚天屠龙里,那紫金龙王怕也要退避三舍了。

大伙儿想想, 该把萨比作何等人物呢?

家园 终于知道什么叫神人了


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