
主题:【原创】老子英雄儿好汉 -- 爱莲

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家园 谢地主兄,不敢啊!
家园 齐鲁自古多豪杰


家园 Blood is thicker than water

其实除了血缘外,另一个贯穿Nobel Laureates 的更重要的关系恐怕是师承关系了。什么我是你的研究生,你是他的Postdoc,谁和谁坐地分赃,谁和谁拼死火并。物理,化学,生理医学这三个还稍微好一些,经济学就颇有派系的影子了,至于文学和和平奖,不提也罢。


Are you one of them?

家园 还没线索呀。

你有吗? 悄悄地告诉俺,不然不好玩了。





家园 想必西山的板栗,柿橘享用不少。


家园 东山的别墅太贵


家园 好看,长知识了。
家园 haha


家园 从1901年诺贝尔奖首次颁奖到2001年的100年间,在


家园 USMLE???


quoted from NBME.org:

Students and graduates of medical schools in the United States, and Canada accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education or the American Osteopathic Association

in order to participate the board I and II in American Board, your school needs accredation from the association. FYI, a degree of MD from China doesn't equal to the MD in USA. (i am pretty sure you know that, right? )

家园 再看看我的帖子是咋说的:



家园 居里夫人比他闺女可要漂亮多了

家园 是啊,关于她的故事很多啊,看这里:


家园 【原创】medical schools maniac

爱莲san,我可再次见识河里的牛人的"牛". 要不是你这么认真,我也不会回你帖。也解决了为什么美国的医疗机构里有不同国家学历的医生了。

你没错,但也不全对。不是所有国内的“MD“ 都可以直接考usmle。(打字太慢,下以英文说)

i understood you correctly. you said if the "so-called" MD people from china were able to TAKE and PASS the american medical boards, they would be better off than a person who gets PHD here b/c they saved time and "uncle sam".

in general, there are conceptual misunderstandings in exams, NBME, and ECFMG between you and me. USMLE is just an exam service which is owned by nbme and ecfmg. NBME (national board of medical education)is for graduates from american and canadian medical schools, and ECFMG is for all graduates from medical schools outside of US. therefore, chinese MDs take the same exams, but not thru the same board which med students here always talk about.

true, some MD at certain chinese schools in china are able to take exams directly without going to american medical schools again. however, not all chinese medical schools are on the credential list of ECFMG, so not everybody who got their "MD" degree from china is able to come and take the exams. only "牛人" do.

just in case somebody out there are interested in how to get hands on this, here is some basic info.

for foreign medical graduates, they HAVE TO go around the same exams, Which are usmle step 1 and step2, by a program, and the program is called ECFMG. their website: http://www.ecfmg.org/2007ib/ibexam.html#mse

foreign medical personals should not go for NBDE, which is for american and canadian accredicted schools graduates.

in order to apply for ECFMG, applicants' schools have to be on their credetial list from ECFMG. then, the program will admit you as their certificate candidates.

after taking and passing usmle step 1 and step2, you then can procede to step 3 which lead you to a unrestricted medical practise liscense within united states, but liscesure precedures depends on different states.

关键词(Tags): #美国#医疗机构
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