
主题:感觉欧美很有可能会找机会跟中国开战。 -- 杜撰

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家园 老浮,你似乎关于西方文明的文字读的不多

现代西方文明源自欧洲古典文明 与 中世纪基督教文明 这个“两源”观点,并不是我提出的。我只是借用在我看来国内史学界的公认观点。有关西方文明的中文文章我读过几篇,无一例外都是这个观点。

既然老浮挑战这个观点,我只好去 wikipedia 查了一下。维基没有明说,但如果看了下面这段文字,老浮应该可以看出,两源说是很有道理的。当然,再有道理的总结归纳性观点 我们都可以挑出其疏漏来,但从宏观把握角度来说,进行 top level 归纳是很必要的。另外,挑一个观点的毛病不难,但如果找不到一个比这个观点更合理的观点,那么还是应该承认并尊重这一观点。

What we think of as "Western" thought today is defined as Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian culture, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and colonialism. As a consequence the term Western thought is at times unhelpful and vague, since it can define two separate (although related) sets of traditions and values: Firstly, the Christian (or Western Christian) moral tradition and religious values; Secondly, secular values, often with a rationalist anti-clerical tradition.

Five Divisions of Western Civilization:


The Roman Empire

Christian schism

The Colonial "West"

The Cold War


那么,欧洲古典文明 与 中世纪基督教文明 是否具有直接传承关系呢?答案是否定的。在古代,这两大文明的精神内核是分立的,甚至存在较大矛盾,是捏不到一起的。等到两者逐渐捏到一起了,现代西方文明也就形成了。这一点,上面的这段话就是证据 ---- it can define two separate (although related) sets of traditions and values: Firstly, the Christian (or Western Christian) moral tradition and religious values; Secondly, secular values, often with a rationalist

anti-clerical tradition.

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