
主题:【原创】追逐春天 -- 晨枫

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家园 That "纳粹德国研制的空空导弹" is actually

地空导弹, called "Rheintochter (literally the daughter of the Rhine River, a role in German legends and Wagner's operas)". You may see a brief introduction here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheintochter.

"Horton飞翼""是拆毁的而不是坠毁的", you are right. Americans captured quite some main parts (close to completion of the real Ho-229A), transported them back to US for analysis. Dragon (Hongkong and Shanghai) Model Ltd has issued 1/48 Ho-229A in its Master Series, which in early 1990s has won several world honors for scale model kits.

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