
主题:【原创】西藏暴乱真相----我和一个美对华研究问题专家的争论 -- 新长城

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Re: Tibetan Protests NYC

Thank you Terri, you gives us again an perfect example of

misunderstanding of Buddhism as well as arrogency over history and

present of a country that you know little about. In buddist's point

of view, the present in even last second is history now. If you care

only the present, you should have not

respond to my post at all, which was HISTORY right at the time you

click to reply! So clearly this is only you excuse to justify your

biasd view towards Tibet and China, history and present. And you shall

not concern for so-called "suffering terrible hardship under China's

rule" , as it is HISTORY again when you know it. Cutting off history

could not give you a whole picture of Tibetan issue, it just let let

you feel plausibly right.

And I shall remind you that you shall follow Buddha himself instead

any other one if you admit you are a buddist. Again I shall draw you

attention to the fact that Buddha himself never intervene in any

political affairs even when his family and his whole tribe were to be


I am also wondering how some westerners could have such unbelievable

gift for judging things happened in a piece of land they have never

been to and konwing little about. Actually most westerner rely on

others to feed them information the rest parts of the world as they

neither have been to there nor could collect information from there

themselve. So it is not rare that someone who could understand

neither Tibetan nor Chinese and has never put his foot on Tibet and

rest part of China accuses China of crimes that she did not commit at

all. There are always information and opinions from two sides. Based

on filtered second-hand information to reject one and embrace the

other does not comply with The Middle Way. There are millions of


and non-official documents and files testifying for China's

sovereignty over Tibet from the early 13th century in four official

languages that time, i.e.

Tibetan, Chinese, Mongolia and Manchu. And you can find many files

you could not see from English media such as why and how the Dalai

Lama lineage was broken after the 6th reincarnation in early 18th

century, the offical apprivals from Chinese governments entitling the

reincarnations of Dalai Lamas,

including the current one. And you could also find a full series of

the Dalai Lama's memorials to the throne in the past hundreds of

years. But unfortunately, most noisy westerm accusers could

understand non of those languages and simple turn a deaf ear to voices

from Tibet and China.

You would not likely to see such history and present of Tibet from

western media, and I believe most westerners don't have the least idea

how the old Tibetan codes allow slaveowners to buy & sell, punish

corporally, peel and kill slaves as they wish. And many westerners

don't know while they shout their concern to Tibetan people, the fact

that the current Dalai Lama used guts and organs from living slaves to

celebrate his birthday before he fled to India in 1959.




And as to the present Tibetan, I need not to say much. Anyone who do

concern about Tibetan people, please go to Tibetan yourself and see

how they live now instead of put forward false accusation from a

country tens of thousands miles away from Tibet.

My suggestion to you and other fellow buddists is to concentrate on

buddism study and practising and stay away from politics as Buddha

himself did. Politics will distort our minds and pull us away from the

right path. And don't comment as you imagine about serious issues if

you actually know little about. As a sattva, an ordinary human being,

we could come to very wrong conclusion with limited secondhand



Re: [pdxbpf] Re: Tibetan Protests NYC

Thank you for your generous support of my practice. May wisdom and compassion prevail in this matter and the countless others that afflict our world. At least in this I think we can agree.

Peace in our time,



Re: Tibetan Protests NYC

Yes, Terri, I do believe you and many others are endeavoring to bring

peace to this afflicted world. But politics is in no way the solution.

If politics

could bring peace to this world, Prince Gautama would have been a king

instead of Buddha. Let's follow Buddha's footprint and bring peace and

harmony to

our minds and the whole world.

And I also believe that most buddhists in western society are serious

about buddhism. But I wonder how they could have so much time to spend on

irrelevant matters like politics. In the oriental countries where

buddhism prevailing, serious buddhists shall study a full series of

Sutras and Upadesas

as well as long time practising of samadhi or Samatha & Vipasyanapass,

and then pass the examination of their gurus to ensure they do

understand the true

essence of Buddhism. Only after such strict training and practising, a

buddhist is qualified to help others in the right buddhism way.

Western buddhists

are fostered in a culture far away from buddhism, so it may be harder

for them to catch the exact meaning of Buddhism especially after

conversion of two

or even more languages. And one frustrating fact is, most western

buddhists have very limited acess to Tripitaka, which is known kept

only in Pali,

Tibetan and Chinese, not in English or any other western languages.

Without the guidence and proof from Tripitaka, they shall be less

confident of their understanding of buddhism than they are, and spend much more time on

study and practising rather than involving in politics, which is very

likely to leadordinary people go astray.

Many thanks to Terri, Jan and all reading the posts. Let's focus our

limited life on buddhism, learn harder and practise harder to expedite

the achievement of bodhi both for ourselves and for others.

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