
主题:【原创】纳粹将星之二:奥托-库姆和党卫军“欧根亲王”山地师 -- 史鉴

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米洛万▪吉拉斯(Milovan Djilas,1911-1997)是铁托的亲密战友,南共二号人物,公认的铁托接班人,战后出任南斯拉夫国家副主席。1955年突然被铁托撤销一切党内职务,并开除出党。由於他公开支持匈牙利暴动,1956年被捕,入狱9年。六十年代末又由於出版“和斯大林对话”一书再次入狱。

吉拉斯著有回忆录“Wartime”(Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. 1977),是史学界研究南斯拉夫抵抗运动的权威资料。在该书第446页有关于此次屠杀的记录,原文如下:

“It was in Montenegro that I welcomed the end of our own fighting: on May 15, 1945, the German forces - estimated at 130,000 - finally recognized us as a legal Allied army and laid down their arms. There were individual cases of retribution in the course of the disarming. The captured Germans were sent to camps and put to work. Along with the Germans, our enemies who collaborated with the invaders or bound their destiny to the fascist powers - the Chetniks, the Ustashi, Home Guards, and the Slovenian Home Guards - also laid down their arms. Some of these groups got through to the British in Austria, who turned them over to us. All were killed, except for women and young people who were under 18 years of age - so we were told at the time in Montenegro, and so I later heard from those who had taken part in these senseless acts of wrathful retribution.

These killings were sheer frenzy. How many victims were there? I believe that no one knows exactly, or will ever know. According to what I heard in passing from a few officials involved in that settling of scores, the number exceeds 20,000 - though it must certainly be under 30,000, including all three groups just cited. They were killed separately, each group on the territory where they had been taken prisoner. A year of two later, there was grumbling in the Slovenian Central Committee that they had trouble with the peasants from those areas, because underground rivers were casting up bodies. They also said that piles of corpses were heaving up as they rotted in shallow mass graves, so that the very earth seemed to breathe.”


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