
主题:两个女生和一台二手电视机引来的game theory 和 auction 问题 -- Ready-Go

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家园 Something might be missed.

Firstly, we assume the auction price is a fair maket price.

If B thought she suffered from a loss due to so called Option, she could ask to sell the TV, if the selling price is fair.---Now, A got the same Option to sell or to keep the TV,right? Should this Option be considered?

I think we can not say the loss which B would like to accept is due to OPtion.

If u insist there be a loss, it might be from the buying and selling difference (Repurchase cost). If A and B do sell the TV, A will need to buy another one, that might cost A money and the trading fees. (But the result is the same as the Auction, that is, A keeps the TV,B gets the money.) Such a loss, A wanna share with B by underestimating the market price(Auction price), then it is unfair.

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