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主题:两个女生和一台二手电视机引来的game theory 和 auction 问题 -- Ready-Go
What is fair and what is unfair is a
philosophical question, which depends
on people's ideology and cannot be
settled by game theory.
What they are disputing her is that the
joint utility derived from the TV by A
and B decreases because B is leaving.
Because the second-hand market is
illiquid and transaction cost, they
cannot return to their original state.
Someone must bear this loss of value,
the central question is how to divide
this loss fairly.
I can think of at least 2 ways to
define fairness
1. The loss of value is caused by B, so
B should bear the whole cost.
2. Everyone should bear equal share of
the loss.
Your second friend's argument that the
Dutch Auction format is unfair is based
on the second definition. Because B has
to pay the transaction cost to sell the
TV, and A has to pay transaction cost
to buy the TV, the TV worths more to B
to A. Therefore whatever auction format
you choose, B will be better off than
A, so it is unfair.
Now on auction formats.
1. Dutch auction is equevalant to first-
price sealed bid.
2. This auction game is highly
irregular, if you want to model it
(1). The bidder not only need to pay
their bid, but also (160-x)/2, which
depends on their bids. The Revenue
Equvalence theorem breaks down. Assume
it is a symmetric private value
auction, (more on that later), and
uniform distribution of types, denote V
as valuation, you can prove the optimal
strategy in Dutch auction is 3V/4
(higher than the standard case which is
V/2), while the optimal strategy in
English Auction (and Vickey Auction) is
2V-160 (lower than the standard case
which is V). Dutch auction generates
more revenue than English auction. B is
better off, and A is worse off in Dutch
Auction. (Because A is more likely to
win the auction.)
Furthermore, if V is less than 80, they
want to bid a negative number, the
Vickey auction is not viable.
(2). However, because of the second
hand market, there is a large part of
common value in this auction. Milgrom
and Weber (1982) shows that in this
case, English auction generates more
revenue than VIckey Auction, and Vickey
Auction generates more revenue than
first-price auction. So B is worse off
and A is better off in Dutch auction.
(3). Because we know B probably values
the TV less than B, the valuation is
asymmetric. A will bid more agressively
in first-price auctin than in English
auction. However, I don't know how this
will affect A and B's utility.
In conclusion, as to the choice of
auction format, the answer is I don't
know. It needs further assumptions and
calibration about how A and B's
valuation is distributed and correlated.
I can do the research for them, if they
give me a fair payment.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
😉谢谢阿朱 Ready-Go 字445 2004-10-13 21:37:39
A与B既有竞争,又有合作 1 林小筑 字725 2004-10-13 13:36:48
😄我朋友看了小筑的话脑袋都快点到桌子上去了 Ready-Go 字0 2004-10-13 18:38:43
🙂My Opinion
🙂补充 Dracula 字492 2004-10-13 21:08:32
有道理,还得多读几遍消化消化 不爱吱声 字0 2004-10-13 20:41:34
看来兄台是个中高手,佩服佩服 Ready-Go 字0 2004-10-13 18:34:47
😁堪称标准答案。河里高人辈出啊! Chieftain 字0 2004-10-13 18:07:25